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Ice Maiden

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Posts posted by Ice Maiden

  1. All of you make me sick..

    We are not all feminazis y'know? Us FARngESSES do have hearts and feelings too. But we do not go out strutting our stuff like you celulite ridden beer bellied men. You know why? Because we respect our integrity and respect ourselves. So put your bad farang marriages behind you and GET on with your PATHETIC little lives, cos thats all you gonna get.... Cos the girls are out to gettya. :D:o

    Fuel to the fire Patsy, fuel to the fire :D

    But she is so right... it's getting rather boring continuously being subjected to the lowly opinions of a few bitter TV members dumping their baggage and crap on our heads. Get a life guys :D

    In the meantime, this thread is about "where to meet FARANG girls?" :D

    Nicely said honey! :D

  2. I've had a sniff kiss before from my Stepmum and her family and I can't say it was that nice, made me feel uneasy :D

    maybe it's because you fell no affection for them.. or that you'd rather a big wet sloppy kiss from red toothed granny... :D

    totster :D

    I do feel affection for them for sure :D

    Thought it was cute but ...erm... uncomfortable! I cant say I'd like my partner to give me a sniff kiss either! :o

  3. Oh... Ice is back... welcome to my place...enjoy :D

    totster :D

    Thankyou for the welcome Totster, I'm sure I'll make myself at home :D

    I see you are back to your usual horny self! :D


    Is that true?.... :D

    Not at all, there wont be any chains...

    and we prefer the term "blood baby"


    ..or blood donor..! :D

    totster :D

    Blood donor?

    I believe blood donating is from your own free will.... I don't think she has a choice! :D

  4. I'm definatley not a soap dodger but I don't believe a certain nationality is the smelliest! There is a minority in every nationality that don't like the soap!

    One thing that is a little irritating though is when the Thais like to say sneezing means you haven't showered :o

  5. well let me think...

    Kupal the first time you drank the sangria you end it up dancing on top of the fire place naked

    the second time you drank it you were after wolfie trying to smooth his teeth with a lime because you though he could harm himself ( no others? :D )

    and the third time you smashed redrus car...

    so are you sure you want some now... :o:D

    Don´t worry Patsycat we will clean up the mess tomorrow morning...keep practising... your are going to be known as "La sandia flamenca" :D

    I miss out on everything!

  6. No, I made special holes in it so my ears sort of stick out. Changed music anyway been trying out that spanish dancing backstage but my melon kept falling off - so i had to put a bit of elastic under my chin. Seems ok now.

    Sorry Glauka i didn't clean up but some of those flamenco moves are difficult especially with this great big melon on my head.

    Patsy teach me this dance!

  7. :D welcome back Icey

    Thanks :D

    And thankyou Jeff also.

    I saw your thread Glauka and I'm fine thankyou.

    Hello fair maiden :D Where have you been ? What adventures have you had of late? Tell all.... :D

    Nothing as exciting as you Khall :D

    :o What adventures have I had of late... pray tell? Did I Have fun? :D

    Khall is always having some sort of fun! :D:D

  8. Thanks for all the great advice, just one more question. The wife wants to have baby sleep in our bed but after reading loads about cot death, and added to the fact that i am a big bloke that sleeps very heavily, we have decided he will need his own bed or cot. Are travel cots cheap to buy? I dont really want to have to carry one of these as well as a pram, baby seat all the bags. I would rather just buy one of those collapsable travel cots.

    Nice to see you posting again Daleyboy :o

  9. oh yehhh..

    when i meet cute young blokes .. i always ask em ..."hi boy ..do you wanna play "merry go round" with aunty Bambi? i will give you some candies also..just trade your 'lolly pop' with me... okie dokie? :D:D

    never missed a thing !! :o

    LOL! :D

    I'd never pay for such a service! Eeek :D

  10. Nothing diffficult about this read what you like to read post where you want and don't worry about the rest of it Cliques and flaming don't change the pay check any. If a topic intersting then you'll probably have something to say, if not find one that is.

    Easy to say, hard to practice. When you feel like you'd like to belong, but you don't; hard to ignore the chatter of the in-crowd.

    And, yes IM "really".

    I was flamed and had the troll label when I first joined but I think that it is some type of testing to see if you can handle the hot water :o

    And Buadhai I have always thought you to be a great poster. You may not feel "in" but I would say you are :D

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