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Ice Maiden

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Posts posted by Ice Maiden

  1. so no gossiping...well then I am going to watch a film

    But Icey I have not forgotten about that picture...


    just kidding... :o

    talk to you after watching the film is you are still on line...

    and if I don´t fall sleep...I am soooo tired... :D

    Nighty night.

    Chris has gone to sleep anyway but he'll be back in the morning to tell you guys what the little ice maiden was like at school :D:D

  2. So come on, give us the school gossip....

    I agree, give us the goss...(and photos if you please)

    Guesthouse, when did you last attend school? It has been 10 years for me, I am debating whether to go back and earn a higher degree? Ofcourse I am married so I hope schoolgirls nowdays are ugly as sin. Right?


    I know you have a bad photo of me Chris ! Keep it to yourself ! :D

    Ugly as sin :D

    Of course I am talking about you Icegirl. But I am hoping thay are ugly as I am easily lead astray :D:D:o

    Ask Chris about that one :D

    And Glauka we don't want the photo! :D

    I know Chris won't do it anyway because I won't visit him ever if I'm in the UK again :D

  3. So come on, give us the school gossip....

    I agree, give us the goss...(and photos if you please)

    Guesthouse, when did you last attend school? It has been 10 years for me, I am debating whether to go back and earn a higher degree? Ofcourse I am married so I hope schoolgirls nowdays are ugly as sin. Right?


    I know you have a bad photo of me Chris ! Keep it to yourself ! :D

    Ugly as sin :o

  4. so where are you now in England or Thailand?

    England, and missing Sarah lots and lots. :D We used to have a right good old laugh at work. But I'd also love to learn more about Asia.

    They were the days! Aaaww miss you too! :D

    But you still have MSN to chat to me on and you can laugh at me on webcam with my cuecards ! :o


    Is that cool with you Icegirl?

    If not, I can edit all posts with your real name.

    We like to remain anon. here at TV right?

    Let me know soon as I am going to sleep soon.

    No thats fine with me thanks Tuky :D

    But if you think it's for the best you can.

  5. ...to make some suggestions of her own:

    "My friend, him name Kurgen, good heart. He help you Pattaya. Also, good friend me boss BLUES FACTORY, Walking Street, good heart very, very."

    Jesse made some mental notes, he'd have to ask Scamp if he knew any of these people and if they'd be good for a beer or anything else...

    Icey then thanked Jesse for the girltalk and went off elsewhere to her land of ice cream where the harem girls were there to meet her.....

    Glauka suggested....

  6. The girls working at the Suan lum night bazaar Beer garden are hot. Nice place to have some booze, but are these Women really available?

    Yeah, by available I mean you have to have a chat and joke with them, try for the phone number etc. the normal way. :D

    No bar fine or anything dude. :D

    What Im saying is that they are pretty ready to give out their number. Course I'm young and handsome and have the cutting wit of Blackadder. :o

    In reality, more like the appearance of Baldrick and his droll wit.... :D

    Sorry, Madness, I just couldn't resist it..... :D


    I love that !

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