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Ice Maiden

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Posts posted by Ice Maiden

  1. Hey Redrus give me a link to that date of birth thread.

    .....And don't you mean six miles bigger? :D

    :D shes cetainly got the measure of you peewee :D

    I saw nothing capable of being measured!......Nothing! :D

    You crack me up girl :D Poor ole redrus, this was supposed to be taking the piss out of me not the poor little fella from up north :D

    Nevermind about him, he'll find a some female that looks for the love of her life with a microscope :o

    But nothing wrong with northerners! :D

  2. Oopsie! I'll save it for the cupboard...Khall dosen't know what she is missing! :o:D

    See khall some of the ladies know when they are onto a good thing with my cupboard :D Kayo spanks like a wuss anyway, more like a mosquito bite than a proper spank.

    Lets leave em to their spanking icey, come and join me in my ikea cupboard :D

    I'll come join you, be there in a second hunny! :D

  3. I have made it, to 2000. With only one suspension :o

    So i start this thread for everyone i have taken the mickey out of or had a pop at, please feel free to leave your comments, however hurtful they may be, i will take them all i good spirit. :D

    I forgot to add, please dont close this mods, i am quite happy for people to flame me, i probably deserve it anyway :D

    You HAVE a great member :D

    ....This comment wasn't hurtful!

    Thanks ice but you wernt supposed to tell everyone on here :D:D Nice to see you online :D

    Oopsie! I'll save it for the cupboard...Khall dosen't know what she is missing! :D:D

  4. I have made it, to 2000. With only one suspension :o

    So i start this thread for everyone i have taken the mickey out of or had a pop at, please feel free to leave your comments, however hurtful they may be, i will take them all i good spirit. :D

    I forgot to add, please dont close this mods, i am quite happy for people to flame me, i probably deserve it anyway :D

    You are a great member :D

    ....This comment wasn't hurtful!

  5. That was an excellent post IJWT :D

    I think words are very powerful things even communicated throught text they have the ability to do almost anything. They can create strong relationships or create mayhem.

    We use words everyday be it through a telephone, voice or a text message so I see no difference if these words are spoken through an internet forum. They are beautiful things that hold so much power if you really take some time and think about it.

    The internet is branded geeky to a certain level but I've heard geeky to be the new cool :o

    It depends how we use the internet. Within reason it is a great thing but when addiction arises it really isn't such a great thing and could be the death of us and our time.

    I personally have some great internet friends on this forum who know who they are and I'm glad I've "met" them.

  6. My brother has loads of Thai male friends, he really bonds with them because he speaks excellent Thai and my brother basically acts like a Thai, he has all the attitudes and everything.

    So I've been introduced to them lot and it is safe to say they are my friends. They threaten to slit the throat of any man that touches me though :o:D

  7. There are 59 members online now..

    Totster, LaoPo, sabaijai, rcjoop, pbrane, stendhal, earthless, tavarich, Ballou, Sir Burr, sriracha john, giulio, Tarragona, jackr, Fosa, Grant, jing jing, bod2001, Neeranam, gharknes, BillW, Rasel, JXXXL, markuk, bigprop, Erwin1011, Glauka, Ice Maiden, Call_me_daddy57, lopburi3, Thetyim, Paul L, siamesekitty, chownah, Bryan in Isaan, sonthaya, poorfarang, Condo_bk, Swedishcargo, buadhai, chonabot, maestro, bartender100, Khun Jean, cclub75, JingleBalls, benypenny, Ulysses G., mon_siam, yury98, alexjw, Sunny Valentine, terdsak_12, Templer, gburns57au, samran, Chivas, Patex, tywais

    Why aren't you in chat having a laugh... with me..all alone ! :D


    totster :o

    Okay okay.

    I'll take a peep in the chatroom soon, everytime I enter it is usually empty so I've given up!

  8. I still sleep with all my lights turned on. (Can't sleep otherwise. Now that I talk about it, does anyone have a suggestion or a solution?) I also play music all night --- poor neighbors! No wonder they are so pissed at me. (Oiy just kidding about the 'angry neighbor part.')

    The dark actually sometimes scares me. I usually sleep with the light on or my bathroom light on.

    I find it helps keeping a flashlight handy :D

    And the music part.... I sleep with my MP3 player on :D

    :o That feeling of someone watching you in an empty room. it used to happen lots in an old cottage we lived in in the Uk. Mr man dismissed my fears as irrational, but I know I wasn't alone..........

    Tell me about it!

    I get that feeling often in this house ever since a family member passed away a few months ago.

  9. Sorry I'm late, I got stuck in the another thread and I could not cut myself loose :D

    Now somebody somewhere mentioned that magical word SAMBUKA That's all I can remember


    Don't tell me it's all gone or I'm off :D

    Where is Dr.PP, he's got to be in here somewhere. Why is there never a therapist around when you need one..... should have bought my own :D

    That big armchair oin the corner looks comfy.... thats not Bloodstains on it though is it??? OMG is Woolfie still here, I thought he would have had his quota by now, and for goodness sake get that American Football off the telly, there's a big English cup match on.... no takers,

    Oh I will just do it myself..... there thats better

    Now where's my Sambuka... Redrus, not much you don't know about booze, has someone hidden it.

    Oh please please find it for me I'm gagging here!!!

    Is Lovejoy still in the house, I'm on that chair blood or no blood if he's still lurking. :D

    Right where's the talent?????

    Sambuka? :D

    Not like I know anything about that stuff though :o

    Not sure who is in the house today though.

  10. You don't like my hat Icey???? :D

    Hey... gotta agree; just wear what feels comfortable. The bra kinda doesn't do it for me but the jeans are good!!!! We can still look stylish........ ALL APPAREL MADE IN THAILAND! :o

    Indeed so!

    And I do like your hat actually :D

  11. Great fashion sence Khall! :o

    I don't follow fashion at all. If I like something then I simply wear it regardless if it in fashion or not! I mostly wear jeans and cute t-shirts though and customise my clothes also.

    I have days were I simply can not be bothered. I do have a habit of stealing my brothers jeans though because I think they are very comfortable for the house and when I can't be bothered to make an effort and they look better on me with my brightly coloured female boxers showing! Classic tomboy style! :D

    At the moment I'm still growing my hair it has taken a good few months but I need to do something with it now because it is killing me.

  12. Excellent song by the way Redrus :o

    I think this is a great part of a song....

    "They only want you when you're seventeen

    When you're twenty-one

    You're no fun

    They take a polaroid and let you go

    Say they'll let you know

    So come on"

    Ladytron - Seventeen

  13. I voted yes, but not in a fearful way. Today is my birthday so I believe friday the 13th to be a lucky day. However my family believe it to be very unlucky :D:o

    Happy Birthday Tuky..!!

    Chok Dee... :D

    totster :D

    Same same :D

  14. he Kayo Mass Reply Part two.. Really running out of time here folks...

    I know this is sound hypocritic but as a woman I need some courting and some interents needs to be shown by you...

    Bloody women.. always have to make things so complicated...


    Hence I KISS... Keep it sweet and simple.... :D

    Clean the toilets???

    Wanna come help me?

    My word wolfie.. you must be desperate if you are after the teabags :D

    Blood supply is running low, we have to improvise :D

    just keep talking like that wolfie...

    me and Kayo are in charge of your blood supply and suprisingly but true Kayo is not around...

    so if you don´t want to drink cow blood stop trying to kill me and keep saying compliments to me...


    You lot really do make me laugh!

    Thankyou for that Kayo :D

    I am so glad you are back. Things have been dull without you. And Kayo has gotten outta hand, you really need to keep him on a leash, ya know.

    Dull, oh my!

    Kayo out of hand again!! A leash indeed. Maybe I should lock him in the cupboard again :D

    ICEY CHAIN ME TO YOUR BED ............... (again :D)

    what... Is everybody gone off to read that soppy story about the most romantic man in the world routine.... Crap... should never have posted it.

    I went off to read other threads instead but now you mention it I might just take a glance :D

    Yes... What time will this be? I've lost count! :D

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