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zaphod reborn

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Posts posted by zaphod reborn

  1. 3 hours ago, geriatrickid said:

    Fat lot of good that does.  These condemnations are a farce as long as the UK  allows in Russian money and  indirectly launders it 

    It could be worse.  You could have a President who along with his "fixer attorney" and campaign manager conspired to remove sanctions banning transfers of Russian oligarch money and directly, to their personal benefit, laundered that money.

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  2. 50 minutes ago, thhMan said:

    I find this hard to believe

    Do you ask strangers if they where robbed?


    I dont doubt it happens, I just doubt that people have told you this, unless you hang around other people who find themselves accident prone

    I was involved in a motorcycle accident and the "rescue" team stole an expensive pair of sunglasses and a usb stick out of my backpack.  I've had friends relate similar experiences.  <deleted> if you haven't spent enough time in Thailand to know how things work in the Kingdom.

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  3. 1 hour ago, webfact said:

    Prime Minister Gen Prayut Chan-o-cha has instructed his economics team to strike a balance between its support for foreign and domestic investors, after the government struck a deal with Alibaba Group on e-commerce and the Smart Digital Hub project. 

    Doublespeak for Jack Ma was able to pay a bigger kickback than Jeff Bezos, because China doesn't have strong anti-corruption laws and enforcement mechanisms that extend into foreign countries.

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  4. 55 minutes ago, webfact said:

    Richard Wakeling, 51, from Brentwood in Essex, was on Monday convicted and jailed in his absence after attempting to import a large quantity of amphetamines.

    He wasn't jailed, because he couldn't be "jailed in his absence".  He was sentenced to prison in his absence. The word "prison" is used instead of "jail" when referring to lengthy sentences such as 11 years.  RTP can easily find him in the gogo bars of Pattaya.

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  5. 2 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    Sorry, I call B.S.

    While not perfect I would believe the Washington Post 100 times more than the pile of garbage lies coming out of "trump"'s press spokespeople and his twitter game account. 

    I believe most of WAPO's reporting.  They accurately reported that Trump's attorneys said Trump was not a target.  All the media outlets are now picking this up, but it's garbage, because the source (Trump and his lawyers) are pathological liars.


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