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zaphod reborn

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Posts posted by zaphod reborn

  1. 39 minutes ago, Stoker58 said:

    Although the car driver is clearly at fault, the biker bears some of the responsibility too. This is Thailand, not Switzerland, and you just have to drive with the constant assumption that the traffic in front of you is about to do something stupid at any moment. If you're on a motorbike and you don't allow for that possibility then you're partly at fault.

    I agree with your conclusion, but not completely the reason.  The motorcyclist was driving with excessive speed for the conditions.  This is evidenced by the fact he came out of his lane of travel in the curve prior to getting in the collision.  He also demonstrated inattention to driving as he had opportunity to avoid the collision had he been looking to his left while passing the car.  Still the car driver bears the brunt of fault, as the collision occurred while he moved his car to the right in a lane change.  I put fault at about 85% car driver - 15% motorcyclist. 

  2. 2 hours ago, z42 said:

    Could be any but my bet is Somyot (now head of the Thai FA). One of the most openly crooked, loathsome figures i've seen.

    Any person who gets rich off the back of trafficked minors being forced to have sex for a pittance deserves a bullet imho

    Agree, my bet is also Somyot.  They need to also investigate the way he laundered all his ill-gotten gains  from being the RTP chief into Cambodian border casino investments.  Doubt that will ever happen or whether he will ever be identified with massage parlors.

  3. 3 hours ago, zaphod reborn said:


    However, his stated preference for members of the highest of Aryan races, the Norwegians, demonstrates his belief in a Master Race, and hopefully he will meet the same end as his nazi heroes.

    Good historical analysis that Trump believes in nazi eugenics.  His father was a German immigrant who changed the family name from Drumpf to Trump to portray themselves as Swedish as opposed to German and avoid post-WW2 backlash while engaged in the real estate business in NYC.  http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/donald-trump-haiti-norway-shithole-racism-white-black-africa-aryan-adolf-hitler-eugenics-a8156241.html

  4. 2 hours ago, Maverell said:

    It appears to me that he was not saying anything derogatory about the people of certain African countries , only about the state of the countries they live in. As usual Trump speaks publicly about things that millions and millions of people agree with but only speak about in private. Including many people who are actually living in or lived in those countries he speaks of.


    If he rattles the cages of the leaders of these s*h*le nations so be it.


    However, his stated preference for members of the highest of Aryan races, the Norwegians, demonstrates his belief in a Master Race, and hopefully he will meet the same end as his nazi heroes.

  5. He's from Hawaii.  There is a special relationship between Hawaii and Thailand, even though there isn't a large Thai population in Hawaii.  In 1967, HM King Bhumibol Adulyadej and Queen Sirikit of Thailand dedicated a traditional sala —pavilion—to the East-West Center at the University of Hawaii in Manoa. It was one of only four salas outside of Thailand to bear the Royal Seal and the only one personally dedicated by the king.  https://www.eastwestcenter.org/about-ewc/campus-maps/thai-pavilion  

  6. 18 minutes ago, manarak said:

    wow, Great Britain has been really quick in strippig him of his nationality while keeping him in the armed forces at the same time!


    quality reporting from the mirror, with a selling headline containing soldier + thai + prostitute + sex + death


    ''Was she alone or was she having sex at that moment. We think that this kinky sex on the balcony caused her to fall. This is what we are trying to build the evidence to prove. The suspect then ran away.'' 


    Police claim that the reckless and negligent behaviour was the sex on the balcony that directly caused her death.

    Quality journalism would criticize RTP for trying to prove she died due to negligence as opposed to pre-meditated homicide, which carries a death sentence as opposed to a maximum of 10 years imprisonment.


    And quality journalists would dispute his claim of PTSD being raised to mitigate the severity of the sentence.


    Vella, 25, is a former soldier, who followed his two older brothers into the military but quit the army after suffering from PTSD


    In order to be properly diagnosed with PTSD, you have to have witnessed and been subjected to bodies being blown apart or shot in wartime conditions or a violent rape.  This scum never served in wartime conditions, but I hope his future holds death or repeated rapes of him.  

  7. I can't see any theory under which the preparation of the dossier might be criminal.  I've heard stupid Trumpites claim perjury, but Steele never testified under oath.  Even if it contains lies that were intended to defame Trump or his campaign operatives, it is purely a civil manner in the U.S.  Moreover, there was never publication by Steele, only by Buzzfeed, and a few brave media outlets which weren't deterred that its publication would hurt their ratings if Trump had no chance in the election.  Steele and Fusion GPS were first financed by Trump's GOP primary opponents and then by Clinton and the Democrats.  The courts in the U.S., even Trump's buffoon judicial appointments, would never criminalize private research.




    “According to CCTV, we can clearly see Mr Rabl crossing through the intersection as the lights were changing,” Lt Chanat explained.

    “However, a white Honda Brio being driven by a Ms Ravit Goldstein, 46, passed through the intersection while the lights were changing from amber to red,” he said.




    Traffic lights are supposed to be timed so that all directions are red upon a change of illumination.  In the UK, the red clearance standard is 2 seconds.  In the US, it is anywhere from 0-3 seconds depending on the length of the amber(yellow) signal.  In any event, at least for a split-second, all directions should have a red light.  Here, the CCTV shows the traffic lights were changing at the same time.  That would be huge liability for the local highways department in the west.  Ms. Goldstein will probably pick up a huge part of Mr. Rabl's hospital bill (insurance won't cover much) . . . because this is Thailand and we all know they don't know f'all about traffic light timing.  

  9. 23 hours ago, zaphod reborn said:

    China is cutting into Trump's and Putin's prospective profits of selling oil from Sibur, shipping it through Navigator, to the sanctioned North Korea.  The key man in the chain is Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross.  Putin and Trump owe Ross a favor because he was key in laundering dirty Russian oligarch money through Cypress Bank to Deutsche Bank and then in the form of loans to Trump.  Mueller will put it all together, but doubtful Congress or the American public will understand that Trump's presidency was all a get rich scheme for Putin and Trump. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross linked to Putin's family through oil shipping and Cypress Bank ties

    And now it is confirmed that Russia is also selling oil to sanctioned North Korea.  Trump just out protecting Putin's profits.  https://www.reuters.com/article/us-northkorea-missiles-russia-oil-exclus/exclusive-russian-tankers-fueled-north-korea-via-transfers-at-sea-idUSKBN1EN1OJ

  10. China is cutting into Trump's and Putin's prospective profits of selling oil from Sibur, shipping it through Navigator, to the sanctioned North Korea.  The key man in the chain is Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross.  Putin and Trump owe Ross a favor because he was key in laundering dirty Russian oligarch money through Cypress Bank to Deutsche Bank and then in the form of loans to Trump.  Mueller will put it all together, but doubtful Congress or the American public will understand that Trump's presidency was all a get rich scheme for Putin and Trump. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross linked to Putin's family through oil shipping and Cypress Bank ties

  11. Quote

    There had already been many accidents in this stretch that is in the jurisdiction of Wang Noi cops


    Which means that darkness and slippery conditions are not to blame.  It means that there is a history that this is a dangerous road condition, heavy traffic at times, and drivers who are inattentive, drunk and driving with excessive speed for the highway conditions.  Years ago, traffic engineers should have been tasked with analyzing the past traffic accident history and coming up with solutions to reduce accidents and fatalities.  This is exactly why Thailand has the world's highest fatality rate on its roadways.

  12. 3 hours ago, Carib said:

    Well done that driver !  Can we for once try not to post the usual " It is a TAT publicity stunt"  bullsheit? 

    No, because yesterday's news story was about the arrest of a Pattaya taxi driver who drove off after a Korean tourist placed all his luggage inside a taxi.  https://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/1015840-pattaya-taxi-driver-arrested-for-driving-off-with-koreans-luggage/

  13. 8 hours ago, arithai12 said:

    When I transfer from my bank in europe to Bangkok Bank, it takes always less than 24 hours.

    Bangkok Bank is an exception, because it has international branches.  It was the first Thailand bank to open an international branch (in 1954) and currently has 12 international branches, and 2 wholly-owned subsidiaries operating abroad, so does business in 15 countries outside of Thailand.

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