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zaphod reborn

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Posts posted by zaphod reborn

  1. 24 minutes ago, spermwhale said:

    You are incorrect. Thailand is a member of the Hague Convention since 2012. And since the divorce was done in the UK, the Thai court has no standing to hear the case. 

    Nope, you still have to go to court, even under the International Civil Cooperation on the Breach of Rights of Custody Act, B.E. 2555 (2012), also known as the Thailand Child Abduction Act. 


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  2. 50 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:


    Regardless of how many properties the owner leased to family members in order to sublet, they are still the owner and they are still leasing more than five of their properties, so how would that get around the law?



    Unfortunately, that's not the way the Consumer Protection Act works.  The definition of "residential lease business" is subject to the definition contained in the Act.



    On 16 February 2018, the notice of the Committee on Contracts Re: Residential Leasing Business To Be Contract-Controlled Business (the Notice) was published in the Royal Gazette. Effective from 1 May 2018, the business of leasing premises for residential purpose where the operators lease out any building (rooms, houses, condominium units, apartments or any other kinds of residence except for dormitories and hotels) of five premises or more, whether or not such units are located within the same building, to individual tenants for residence (the Residential Lease Business) must be contract-controlled business under the Consumer Protection Act B.E. 2522 (1979).  http://www.conventuslaw.com/report/thailand-revisit-your-lease-agreements-residential/


    The way the Consumer Protection Act was drafted was to regulate contract-controlled businesses and persons.  Therefore, a person or business who is the contracting party in 5 or more residential leases will be subject to the new legislation.  Property ownership is irrelevant. 





    Part 2 bis
    Consumer Protection on Contract

    Section 35 bis. In any business in connection with the sale of any goods or the provision of services if contract of sale or such contract of service required by law or the custom to be made in writing, the committee on Contract shall have the power to provide such business to be a controlled business with respect to contract.  http://www.thailawforum.com/database1/ConsumerProtecting-law-5.html





    They reported that there were about 83,000 guides working in Thailand but only about half were properly registered.

    Maybe TAT should make registration easier?  Currently, tour guides must obtain insurance, which costs about THB 100,000 per year, in order for a company to register for a tourism guide license on their behalf.



    Surachet said in addressing the media that Thailand needs only about 50,000 guides.

    35 million tourist arrivals a year, and this idiot thinks that 50,000 tour guides are all that is needed?  Obviously a Thai labor protectionist, the type that keeps Thailand locked in the 20th century.

    • Like 1
  4. 41 minutes ago, Berkshire said:

    Another adult gone.  I'm surprised Mattis and Kelly are still around.

    Trump would also like to dump Sessions, but the Senate leaders are telling Trump that he shouldn't submit any cabinet appointment confirmations at this time, because he lacks the political capital to get any appointments through.  The GOP only has a slim margin in the Senate (51-49), and McCain, Flake and Rand Paul are not going to support Trump.  Trump can probably get Pompeo confirmed, but the Haspel hearing is going to be a mess.  There's no way Bolton can get confirmed. 

    • Like 2
  5. 3 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

    The Witch Hunt goes on & on.

    Believe Mueller has crossed another "Red Line" :sad:

    No red line.  There is now evidence that Trump was in negotiations with a Russian oligarch to build a Trump Towers in Moscow.  In fact, known Russian agent and convicted felon, Felix Sater, was Trump's liaison in prior efforts to build the tower, and apparently intends to continue such efforts (http://www.newsweek.com/sater-trump-moscow-build-president-841514) once Trump is out of office (which will be much sooner than you think).


    Sater is already going down for his role in the Bayrock theft/fraud/money laundering scandal.  The Trump Towers project collapsed in early 2016, following the invasions of Crimea and Ukraine, when Obama slapped sanctions against Russia and the oligarch in negotiations with Sater for the Trump Tower Moscow.  It's no surprise that Putin and Trump colluded for help in the election in exchange for lifting the sanctions.  If you connect the dots, you see why no "red line" has been crossed.  

    • Like 1
  6. 3 hours ago, Briggsy said:

    Manafort needs to flee to Belarus or Kyrgyzstan if he wants to avoid 20 years locked up.


    Or he could squeal on Trump but then the Kremlin would order him assassinated.


    Either way he is screwed.

    If he wants to leave his house, he needs to shed 2 ankle bracelets.  He's wearing 2 GPS ankle bracelets as a condition of his bail agreement.  Guys like him, Carter Page, and Sater are total flight risks.  They might as well be Russian citizens.

    • Like 2
  7. LOL!!! No chance of that.  They allowed Ken Starr to investigate Bill Clinton's BJ from Monica Lewinski based on a special counsel referral for an investigation of Hillary Clinton's investment in Whitewater.  Ken Starr turned out to be a total fraud as he subsequently was forced to resign in disgrace from Baylor University due to his cover up of a huge sexual misconduct scandal involving the football team.


    Manafort's only hope is to get a pardon from Trump, but he's running out of time, because it's a big risk if he goes to trial.  He will certainly be found guilty and get what amounts of a life sentence.  Faced with that, he will need to cop a plea rather than face the trial and pray for a Trump pardon.

    • Like 2
  8. 1 hour ago, tigermoth said:

    I suspect the five condo rule is a problem in translation. Any condo with five or more units, translated as a 'property' is meant. The five property stipulation also covers those owning individual properties.  This should be cleared up.

    The size of the condo building is irrelevant, and there is no requirement that the units all be located in a single building.  Persons who lease more 5 or more residential units are subject to the act.


    I trust that khaosodenglish, a reputable English language newspaper, would not get the translation wrong.  Their reporter indicates that the consumer protection statute uses the term "residential lease business" which is defined as


    The regulations apply to a “residential lease business” – meaning landlords who rent out a total of five or more residential units.  renter protection act

    I'm not sure how tenants are supposed to know whether the owner or agency rents 5 or more units, and, as this will need to be alleged in a lawsuit, the apartment owner will be able to engage in all kinds of shenanigans to show that he/she doesn't rent that number of units.

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  9. 29 minutes ago, KittenKong said:

    I would consider taking this train if it ran several times a day, thus allowing a day return trip to central Bangkok to made from here.

    However the air-con North Road<>Ekamai bus is both cheaper (108B) and faster (2-2.5hrs) than this train service, which is ridiculous. It is also much more frequent. Even getting off at the first BTS station on the route and then taking the BTS to central Bangkok works out cheaper than this train, and faster.

    Even adding a Friday night train would be a big boost.  Most Bangkokians would not want to miss the Friday night fun in Pattaya, so the bus or private car will still be the best option for the weekend escape.

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