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zaphod reborn

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Posts posted by zaphod reborn

  1. 1 hour ago, ChrisY1 said:

    “It is hard to guess what President Trump thinks about Thailand. It seems the current US president has no clear idea about Thailand,” he said. "

    Most in the US have no idea where Thailand is....Trump simply has no idea!

    Saying ASEAN is the best place where trade with China is concerned may just mean that more Chinese junk will be dumped here.

    Trump is a complete fool.  The largest BMW factory in the world is in South Carolina.  He complains China puts a 40% tariff on BMW's imported from the US, but doesn't realize that Thailand has an 80% tariff.

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, nauseus said:

    The words hard and soft did not appear on the ballot paper and were only used by remainers once the shock of losing passed (slightly). The EU is not the US and the UK is not a state of the US. No comparison. 

    The countries share a reliance on common law, although there is more statutory law in the US.  The UK Parliament has almost no experience in drafting referendums and failed miserably in doing so.  Live with it.

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  3. 3 minutes ago, geriatrickid said:

    It was always going to be a hard exit. It's just that no one on the pro brexit side wanted to discuss it. There will be benefits, but they will come later and after some  very hard times. Unfortunately, in today's world, people will not accept  hardship for a few years. On the other hand, the screwing over of the UK by the parasites of the EU like Belgium , Romania and Luxembourg could not continue.

    Please point out any language in the referendum that proves the electorate were given a choice as to how Brexit was supposed to be aministered.  The problem is the UK has a very short history of referendums and the parliament and courts allowed a defective vote to proceed


    Major referendums have been rare in the UK, and have only been held on major constitutional issues. Before Tony Blair's Labour government came to power in 1997, only four such referendums had been held. Historically referendums within the United Kingdom were opposed on the supposition that they violate the principle of parliamentary sovereignty.


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  4. 1 hour ago, nauseus said:


    We had a nationwide referendum. What is your point?

    In America, the courts have set up standards and requirements with respect to referendums and issues of succession.  The Brexit vote was inherently flawed because it provided no direction as to how the government was supposed to handle issues of trade and governance post-Brexit.  That's why Brexit will fail, because no one knows whether it was supposed to be a hard-Brexit or soft-Brexit.

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  5. 59 minutes ago, evadgib said:

    When did a state ever try leaving the union?

    I want UK to get on with it.

    California has attempted a succession referendum and a referendum to split it into 3 states.  Both have failed to pass constitutional muster.  Just prior to the Civil War, 11 states passed succession referendums and 2 failed.  In Texas v. White (1869) SCOTUS essentially ruled that the Texas referendum was unconstitutional as it required a nation-wide referendum as well. 

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  6. 50 minutes ago, ThaiPauly said:

    Didn't realize he had been impisoned, normally see him on tv every morning, must have clashed with the World Cup.


    I do like the guy though

    Just because he stole the means by which hundreds of people earned a living, why hate him?  For some reason Thais like him.  Frankly, he and his sledgehammer deserved a good burning at the stake.  Would have saved the cost of imprisoning him for the past month.

  7. Rudy Giuliani's conspiracy to kidnap Fethullah Gülen failed.  Flynn flipped on Giuliani, who will spend the rest of his life in prison.  Now, Trump and Erdogan obviously have concocted a scheme where Turkey imprisons Brunson and will trade him for Gülen.





  8. 15 hours ago, Rally123 said:

    Don't be sorry. I'm a Brit. God knows what that link is supposed to prove. By the way Sergei Skripal springs to mind. One of many.

    Then you are a tool of Cambridge Analytica and emboldened that company to export private FB data to Russia for categorization and targeting of people who might have been susceptible to social media influence with respect to the Brexit vote.  Unfortunately, your Parliament has shown itself to be equally ineffective as Congress in bringing CA to justice.

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  9. 30 minutes ago, mcambl61 said:

    well thanks for the insult little man.


    another ridiculous assumption, already debunked. Carter Page is under no current prosecution...why? Because there is no evidence. He has testified already, it is laughable that an unpaid "advisor" could be offered billions. get a grip dude.


    But is is a FACT that the former chancellor is on the board of directors of the Russian gas company, but of course there could be no corruption there.

    The pot of gold at the end of the rainbow (ie, removal of sanctions) is just one LLC transfer away from Trump's offshore wallet. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-russia-rosneft-privatisation-insight/how-russia-sold-its-oil-jewel-without-saying-who-bought-it-idUSKBN1582OH

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