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Posts posted by johng

  1. 4 hours ago, Susco said:

    Chances of getting fibre installed in older condos are very limited, unless you pay for the fibre wire installation inside the building.

    I believe a lot of older condos  use the old existing telephone wire installation..thus limiting the whole place to xDSL..they have a big fiber "pipe" to the building and then some "equipment" that converts to xDSL for distribution, for some reason they won't allow companies to run new fiber direct to individual rooms..it's technically possible to do so but the Condo management says no.


    ToT had no qualms  running a fiber cable  at least 100 meters from their equipment along the electricity pylons and up to my 3rd floor apartment..no cost..free brand new router and fiber to Ethernet converter box they even gave me  my PPPoE login details so I could use my own router.. has been down a few times but always because of/after  power cuts.


  2. 5 hours ago, clarky cat said:

    but how does it get installed without ripping the bathroom apart and damaging all the new tiles?

    Just 2 holes in the tiles to hang the water heater...then  then flexy pipe from tap to the heater input and attach shower head to the output...it would be best if they run a new 3 core cable Live,Neutral and earth

    ( 2mm thickness ?? anyway thicker the better)

    from the fuse box to the water heater, a lot of "cowboys" will try to run a short wire from the nearest point of electricity be it a plug socket or even a ceiling lamp !!!! ..most heaters now have a built in ELCB or safety breaker some don't so do check and install a separate ELCB ( earth leakage breaker)  for about 400 baht.


  3. I have a theory that ToT are not maintaining their ADSL equipment  and are pushing ( by not fixing problems)

    customers towards fiber instead so they can remove the "old" ADSL hardware from their network.


    @Jingthing if at  all possible  change to fiber..if you have been with ToT for a while they will do it for free 630 baht per month for 150 Mbps down 50 Mbps up  speed.

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  4. 18 hours ago, Eindhoven said:

     Note the walkway next to it that allows one to admire the sunset even further out to sea.


    The walkway is actually a harbour wall  its only  properly paved for about the first 100 meters after that  its quite difficult and dangerous to walk on because of the large holes between the boulders  but that doesn't stop many people walking all the way to the end with their fishing gear.

  5. 9 minutes ago, jacko45k said:

    Didn't they try one in Jomtiem 3 or 4 years ago and people kept falling between the floating blocks and drowning?

    No I think they where  swimming area markers..but yes they where continuous people used to walk out into the deep sea and fall off and drown  they  eventually broke the markers into sections to stop this happening.


    some nearby Soi 5


    • Thanks 1
  6. 1 hour ago, Sametboy2019 said:

    Actually they would unless they round them up and killed them every 3 months.

    That's why its an ongoing process remove them and keep on removing them..other countries have dedicated government run teams that do just that..the public can phone them and have stray,injured or dangerous animals removed..that's one of the things needed funding country wide not a submarine or 2.

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