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Posts posted by johng

  1. 5 minutes ago, tropo said:

    Get out there and experience the joy of riding or driving around deserted streets in Pattaya while you can.

    Yesterday I did that  but the  B.I.B where out in force at  the sea end of Theprasit road so I decided to  not venture fully into town as they most likely had other check points around town too ?  + there is still lots of roadworks ongoing.

  2. 1 don't know never owned one.


    2. Parts and finding a mechanic to work on them might be a bit difficult..however I believe that a lot of parts where "copied"  from the big 4 bike manufactures  so the engine maybe a copy of a Honda and most parts fit you just have to find out which engine was copied and order parts from Honda..almost everything else could be swapped out for nearest matching parts as and when they fail.


    3. not brilliant but could be worse.

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    • Thanks 1
  3. 31 minutes ago, zoza said:

    so they can ask why this visit is made so difficult .

    You are not alone..they always find something wrong with my paperwork (every single time) too,

    just try to keep calm  though it can be very frustrating...I saw one guy  loose it and use the F word towards the I/O ..after he stormed off she called after him to watch his mouth  and said when he comes back he'll be taken to "the room" !!!!!

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  4. 49 minutes ago, wombat said:

    why isn't walking street ground zero for Coronavirus in Asia if others were freely arriving here from Wuhan before the crisis started officially.

    If I remember correctly there where 7000 from Wuhan and 11 million +  from China as a whole tourist to Thailand in 2019/early 2020 but somehow they managed not to spread the virus ??????

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