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Posts posted by johng

  1. As it happens there is a Babtist church in Pattaya.....and

    they also offer English classes,in return for a small donation...

    I'm told the Church is on 3rd road near to the fishing park...someone here on the forum will know exactly where it is...

  2. Sounds like the sort of thing the Thais do ( put up signs along the road )when there is a temple fair on...don't know if the messages on them rhyme though..

  3. If there is a real demand for a race track, why not set up a proper track in an isolated and controlled area, away from residences
    Yes fully agreed...it would be the ideal solution.
    including making sure that users are of legal age to ride and are not operating illegally modified machines

    Errm well uhhmm, that kinda doesn't make it very attractive to the sorts of poeple that you want to keep from racing on the roads in the first place... :o

    I'm guessing ( because I'm not a road racer ) but I think it would be a very hard task to lure these sort of poeple to a race track...it's just not the same.

    There needs to be some very good incentives for them to switch :D

  4. The water situation here in Pattaya just gets worse and worse..

    The reservoir is now completely dry !!!

    So where does the water that ( sometimes ) comes out of the tap come from ???

    Its easy to see how dirty it is...just by filling a light colored bucket and leaving it to settle for a while..... :o

    It's been suggested that they are supplying treated sewage...if so can't they get it a bit cleaner first ? :D

  5. The other day I saw a documentary on teenage pregnancy in the UK and if I remember correctly the country was doing a lot worse than other neighbouring countries in Europe.

    Yes that's because untill quite recently England had the same sort of attitude to teanage sex..as Thailand still (seems) to still cling to..

    Where as in other European counties where it's openly talked about and there is education in school the problem seems to be under controll.

    BTW the actuall problem is underage pregnancy..... ( and AIDS STD's ) not the fact that teenagers have sex ( they will do that whatever happens...it's nature )

  6. And so ,this evening on Pattaya poeple news they had a report on the new bus service aparently launched today...minimum fare 30 baht..too expensive for the average Thai... and what will the songteaw mafia think of it ? last time it ended in murder of one of the bus drivers !!! :o

  7. Take the "Bridge over the River Kwai" this is now mispronounced the world over because it was written as "Kwae", not "Kwair". If you asked most english speaking people to pronounce "Kwair" they are more likely to pronounce it nearly correctly than when reading "Kwae". Now most farang seem to have the idea that there is a river called the Buffalo river and it has a famous bridge over it.

    As far as I know the Buffalo river does not exist.

    Loong you are so correct about the river Kwai...I myself thought for a long time that it ment the bridge over buffalo river..why ?? because it was allways spelled (transliterated ) wrongly ( into English ) so that it sounds like Kwai...buffalo..

    And they have made a film about it ...called " The bridge over the river Kwai "

    In fact I had a bit of an arguement with my girlfriend over the correct name and wouldn't except that it wasn't buffalo river, untill she found the correct spelling in Thai from a website and showed it to me,where apon I instantly lost face and went to cry in the corner for half an hour. :D

    Even the official transliteration systen doesn't work properly..just look at many Thais names as writen in their passport..for example my girlfriends name is Juntana but the passport office insisted that it has to be spelled Chantana ????

    it's quite clearly จ ( jor jarn ) not ฉ (chor charn ) but they would not change it for her...it's writen in stone :o that it must be spelled like that even though most English speakers reading the name spelled as such would pronounce it incorectly.

    So it's best not to depend apon transliteration, there's no set standard and even the "official" one doesn't work a lot of the time. :D

  8. the cow has broken a leg and can not produce any milk for his mothers 7 other children.
    Aha the old sick buffalo story.
    daddy has fallen of his office chair and has a severe laceration requiring several band aids

    A typical lame Thai excuse if ever there was one.

    his sister who has 4 kids has been abandoned by her husband and wants to move back with mum and dad, so will have to buy a bigger house.

    Now that one might just work :o

    Cdnvic :

    Maybe ( future ? ) father in law should learn the saying "never count your chickens before they are hatched "

  9. Ahh but they have done the research.. however I often wonder if the research is aimed at making players that won't play "backup" discs instead of trying to improve compatibility !!! , thus shooting themself's in the foot ,who wants to buy a player that can only play half their DVD collection...when the one from China is not only cheaper but can play everything ....doh

  10. A phrase I heard for being broke...no money.

    is " leur tair moi gub roy yim " เหลือแต่ ม่วยกับรอยยิ้ม

    All I've got left is my pubic hair and my smile :D

    They usually refer to pubic hair as "Khon Phet" in the news when it's a forensic investigation ( crime scene )

    Best just to be rid of it alltogether IMHO :o

  11. she says: everybody in my village laugh at me because they think i have farang with no money.
    And how would everyone in the village come to that conclusion ??? :D

    would it be because she told them so ??? :o

    stay for what with falan if you don't have nothing??..

    That sound really quite racist to me...why would it be any "worse" to be with a poor farung than a poor Thai ???

    one day him left you and what you will do

    Yesh, well one day she might actully learn how to fend for herself :D

    that's assuming she doesn't find a more " Jai dee" man and leave first....

    Thaipwriter..please don't be pressured into signing away your rights..it's your money and you're entitled to do with it as you please...the louder she complains about having nothing to show for being with you,to me just goes to shows what her real intentions behind the relationship are. :D

  12. What makes you say that the site is risky? Or did you mean risque?

    It's risky ( to mention it here ) because it's risque....in parts :D

    I enjoyed reading it... :o

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