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Posts posted by johng

  1. She has no regular income (apart from me) as i told her to pack her job in (shop) and go home

    Why tell her to stop working ?????

    A tourist visa to where ???? I will guess Great Britain..... correct ?

    How long have you known each other ? if it's more than 5 minutes and you are sponsering her then the chances are pretty good I think.

    However I'm not the one giving out the visas :o

  2. I giving my mother every month since I started working 6 years ago
    Right now I am in brunei because of my husband career , no job ,still I sending 15,000 thb

    Errm you have no job but you send your mother 15,000 baht each month.

    Where exactly does your money come from ???

    Can you send me some too my buffalo is sick. :o

  3. I had my girlfriend send an email to TT@T asking (in Thai) when they planed to roll out ADSL all over Pattaya, like the promised they would do a year ago.

    No answer from them yet, will we ever get an answer ?????? :o

  4. Yes the larger the dish the smaller the beam width of the dish.

    So a bigger dish requires more accurate pointing/alighnment,but will have better gain..

    A smaller dish does not have to be so accuratly pointed but has less gain.

    for boats at sea you need gyroscopic correction of the Azimuth and Elevation.

    cheap NOT.


  5. My girlfriend has a small internet cafe in Pattaya (Soi Yensabai) just 5 computers. Most of her customers are school kids wanting to play Ragnarok, other than that she has bargirls come to write emails to their "darklings" and helps them write those emails, this is where most of her money is made.

    The charge for playing games is 20 baht per hour.

    Internet was 1 baht per minute

    but now due to competition it is down to 40 baht per hour.

    (now she has someone open an internet cafe right next door to her) :o

    ADSL is still not available all over Pattaya and even where it is available the cost is astranomical ..so she still uses a 56k modem.

    Today as it is half term for many schools around here she took just over 1000 baht... thats a good day, she opened the cafe from 10 am till 10 pm .To break even she needs to take 466 baht a day.

    Good luck.

  6. I had a long wait to get out of Thailand and back in when I did my visa run on the 26th of December.

    If it was due to the gambling crack down or just because it was high season I don't know it certainly want a fun trip 12 hours door to door. :D

    Any way the kids where begging as usual so at least some thing don't change :o

    And it didn't rain that day so I count myself lucky. :D

  7. If we're not happy its Mung-you ( impolite) Goo - I (impolite)

    Normal -Chan /Phom (I), Kuhn ( you)

    Soppy - Teerak Jah

    Grovelling - I call her Kuhnying.

    Then theres the distinctly insulting-EE hah / Bok Hah

    Normally I would just call her by her name ??? the same as she calls me by my name.

    some times as a joke I say khunying and she calls me khunshai.

    or dahk ling (a corruption of darling) but oddly very similar to the Thai for a monkeys red arse  :D  after calling her that sometimes  I need  to use the Soppy/grovelling -Teerak

    or maybe warn jai- sweet heart.

    But I am told the best would be Toon huar kong pom

    means something like my princess.

    I don't dare use the  hah  - sut   - sonteen - mung words

    she might get ideas that the ducks need feeding  :o

  8. ISDN is a digital line 128Kb download 64Kb upload (invented by BT in England) but it is not ADSL  which is the modern succesor

    ISDN in Ubon would probably be the best bet as I doubt ADSL has reached there yet, still waiting for it in Pattaya  :o

    and it's still very expensive.

    I am using Non stop cafe 56k dial up from JI-net.com and can keep the line open for 13 hours or more at a time for just 3 baht.  


  9. The ID card won't really help much. If she has been married

    legally and signed papers at the ampur office then she is supposed to change the name on her ID card.

    It used to be that she had to take her husbands surname but I think they changed that law now.

    Any way she changes from a Miss (narng sow) to a Mrs (narng) this will show if she has been married legally in the past but does not mean that she is married now.

    Also she may be unofficially married   ??? 

    just a village ceremony as happens very often in the sticks, with no need to sign any papers and no need to change the ID card but she will still be considered very much married in her village and to her huband    but not in the eyes of the law.

    how do I post a jpg file here  :o   

    I want to put Miss and Mrs in thai for you to compare.

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