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Posts posted by sanuk711

  1. I arrived in Bangkok from Australia-----sojourner007

    You come from Oz ....Like me,..... now one of the most expensive countries in the world....& now running up an all time debt , with its $$ lossing nearly 27% against the $us in the last year........& you would like to warn us all about the imminent crash of Thailand financial situation , mainly because of the late model cars you have seen in BKK..

    Thanks for the hot tip sojourner007, I will pull my 6,000 baht out immediately.................coffee1.gif

  2. Wonderful story---its a bit like that really old one where the guy gets woken at 3 am with a banging on the door & he leans out of the window says <deleted>, an obvious inebriated man calls back....I need a push, go away says the house guy.

    when he gets back to bed & his wife asks him who's that he said someone needed a push.......his wife berated him saying do you remember that old car we had, always breaking down & so many people came to help us, you should be ashamed turning him away.

    So the guy gets up dresses go downstairs to give him a push--- opens the door, shouts where are you mate.........the drunk shouts back over here on the swing.

  3. Iraq war judged a mistake----

    Oh surly not ---not when it was all for the good of the people & a safer world............I actually thought Dick Cheney's (VP Halliburton) plan at the time was quite good.

    Just divide Iraq into three parts.................... unleaded, premium, and diesel.

    But Seriously ---The Iraq War was not a "mistake" -- Don't let all these would be candidates for the white house get away with saying that -----it resulted from calculated deception. The fact was that we were all lied to.
    Now is the time to see what one of the "I want to be president", has the guts to stand up & say that.
  4. Don't buy Thai insurance, it's expensive with low caps. I buy an international policy for major medical only with $1,000 USD deductable. My regular check ups I pay out of pocket but have the insurance for heart attack, getting hit by a car etc... Also covers me while I travel abroad. My policy is from England my insurance broker in Hong Kong. Shoot around you will find something.

    It sounds quite good BngkkB-----And Yes we can "shoot" around all day looking for it all---or maybe you can just give us a link (& make your Broker a happier (richer) man.)

    Alternatively you can keep it a .....your...secret ......................coffee1.gif

  5. Horrific act to do to innocent bystanders & of there is of course a cry for blood letting----

    But if he had been sentenced to life without parole, -starting tomorrow---his life would be spent in a cell,--- just a little larger than a king size bed....... forgotten to the world.

    Now starts the up to 20 year process of appeal--re-appeal ---supreme court etc ....etc...1/

    The cost of killing this person (& others) is reported by Forbes lately as being about up to $3 million 2/

    Even Fox news---(The bastion of the right wing) lately announced that it is the equivalent of "Every time a killer is sentenced to die, a school closes."

    A deterrent against crime.-- Of course all terrorism will halt immediately , if the perpetrators understand that once caught they will be executed.

    Evidently not we know---but even with non terrorist crime-Statistics appear to back up the futility of the death sentence: as states which impose the death penalty continue to report the highest murder rates in the country...3/

    During the last 20 years, the homicide rate in states with the death penalty has been 48% - 101% higher than in states without the death penalty. "I think Michigan made a wise decision 150 years ago," said the state's governor, John Engler, a Republican, referring to the state's abolition of the death penalty in 1846 ------


    2/ http://www.forbes.com/sites/kellyphillipserb/2011/09/22/death-and-taxes-the-real-cost-of-the-death-penalty/

    3/ http://www.deathpenaltyinfo.org/deterrence-states-without-death-penalty-have-had-consistently-lower-murder-rates

  6. 5 months into 2015---& More than 1,750 migrants perished in the Mediterranean since the start of the year -

    I would like to know what country most of the contributors that are having another, Lets all kick Thailand actually come from.

    Somtamnication ---is proud enough to show us his English flag while telling us just how Buddha would react from his grave ....maybe he would like to reflect on his countries statements & actions over the last week-

    Rescue boats? I’d use gunships to stop migrants, NO, I don’t care. Show me pictures of coffins, show me bodies floating in water, play violins and show me skinny people looking sad.--sun newspaper-Today http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/suncolumnists/katiehopkins/6414865/Katie-Hopkins-I-would-use-gunships-to-stop-migrants.html Theresa May says NO to taking 60,000 economic migrant boat people from north Africa--BRITAIN will fight European Union plans to accept tens of thousands more refugees from North Africa. Daily Express today

    Of course there is slight difference between the immigrants dying at sea to escape their country--& the ones driven out by persecution in Myanmar,

    Somtamnication counrty, --"Britain"as the poodle of the USA -helped cause the situation in the former. Thailand didn't have a hand in the latter.

  7. Just a curiosity question Vinmelo89...or Ubonjoe........did you also purchase an Elite card for your wife, or dose she get a visa based on the fact that you have a card?

    btw--- I don't know where your living but if its a new car that you are buying...then do it in BKK, I live way up by the Lao border & its still worth the trip down for me.

  8. I like this guy.

    Eighteen-year-old Li Wenchun was seen climbing onto a statue depicting a female soldier of the Red Army - the predecessor of the People's Liberation Army - at a commemorative park.

    Agree with the politics of the country or not--this a representation of their army ---males & females who fought along side to defeat the Japanese invasion.

    Would you all be writing how funny this act was if it was a western student sitting on the head of a lost British or American at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier ?

    Maybe we can do a funny facebook pic next time that the Australians celebrate the slaughter of their solders at gallipoli. Get someone to sit on the head of their statue & make a funny sign....... it would be a hoot wouldn't it, & people like ev11chris Can post how he likes the guy.

    Why do we feel we can make light of things that if done in the west would horrify us, But if done to Asians (from our perspective) is quite acceptable.

  9. I was told that the City lodge (or whatever name it goes by now) has a 24 hrs license ......haven't been able to check it out as now I tend to nod off in the chair at about 10-30...................sad.png

    Seems they were always tougher on Mr T then anywhere else, don't know who he didn't pay managed to upset in the past.

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