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Posts posted by sanuk711

  1. I am ............I mean he is, hardly a stalker if he does not do anything but just peep at your bio,

    which I think if stats were done, would find most people on TV don't even put details in there.

    Some of the social sites I am on--(Mainly the sports ones) you have to do a short intro when you join, before you can proceed.

    The lady walking ahead of me on a dark street began to speed up so I did too.
    Then she began running so I ran too.
    She screamed so I screamed as well.
    I never did see what we were both running from.

    • Like 1
  2. in line with the current admin's policy of excluding foreigners and setting the clocks back?

    I did not think it would be long before the current government got the blame from the usual people ---even though the initial court case & decision started way before it was in power.

    I do think that ThaiVisa should ask their legal expert to (try) to clarify the situation--A company as large as Siam legal would --one would think have probably had a lot of input into these sort of leases.

    IMO its not stupid to buy a small (self) property in Thailand, I brought a house in essan nearly 10 years ago, took a 30 year (as a just in case) & unless I am going to get a few telegrams from the queen , then that will certainly see me out. The Cost just over 1.5 Mil.... rents in my area are now around the 12K--15K a month & rising ---so you do the math.

    The surprising (odd) thing about this situation was that the court was not asked to rule on this aspect of leases by any of the litigants at all.

    "Neither the buyers nor the developer argued that the leases were not valid.

    Quite the contrary: they both relied on provisions of the leases to support their respective arguments.

    However, the court decided on its own"

    The old Chinese proverb about..."lifting a large rock just to drop on ones foot" comes to mind--This still has to go to the supreme court--but it must be a worrying time for some people who had come here to retire, but then I am sure they are all comforted by the Chorus of happy people here on Thaivisa about this situation........ really quite odd to take pleasure in this.

  3. sanuk711, on 24 Feb 2015 - 17:48, said:

    Well I know a Thai guy who goes onto the plane to meet his wife and children /JAS21

    I have a friend, that knows a man, that knows a girl ...who danced with the prince of Wales.

    I think we are all in agreement that most Government departments in Thailand are not 100% Kosher.

    (ThaiVisa has requested we do not use the "C" word to often) but some of these Tall tales do just distract from relating real happenings.

    Did you know that there is an option to turn left when you get on the plane .... I have a friend, that knows a lady,.... maybe ...Nay couldn't be the same one could it!

    Wake up to the real world sunshine ............

    Thanks for the advice JAS, but I think I would rather wake up to your world.

    It seems a lot more colorful than the real one. cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

    • Like 1
  4. Well I know a Thai guy who goes onto the plane to meet his wife and children /JAS21

    I have a friend, that knows a man, that knows a girl ...who danced with the prince of Wales.

    I think we are all in agreement that most Government departments in Thailand are not 100% Kosher.

    (ThaiVisa has requested we do not use the "C" word to often) but some of these Tall tales do just distract from relating real happenings.

  5. There was no outcry from the Australian Government when Barlow and Chambers were hanged in Malaysia.

    WHAT? has changed now.----bridge2bridge

    Where on earth do you get your- "facts" -- from Bridge2bridge..... no wonder you never put a link to anything that you say-----There was such an outcry to the hangings from the then prime minister that it caused a rift between the 2 countries that lasted for some years, not only the Prime minister (Bob Hawke) who called the country Barbaric...but also unheard of was the queens rep (Governor General ) speaking out against the Killing.

    Australian Prime Minister Bob Hawke made a passionate plea for a stay of execution on behalf of the two men.

    Hawke later described the hanging as "barbaric", a remark which chilled Australian relations with Malaysia.[23] Relations between the two nations were reportedly affected for a decade afterwards. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barlow_and_Chambers_execution

    • Like 1
  6. My girlfriend and I have been together for just over a year and I have visited roughly 9 times over this period.---OP

    Wow can I get some of your frequent flyer points.-------- Sleath, I was also turned down the first time I applied, & to be honest, I hadn't been in Thailand that long & also had not known the girl for long, but I had to return to Oz to wind up my firm & really just wanted company, I remember the lady at the embassy holding her ID card & asking me what was her real name, then shaking her head when I said "Noot of course---her name is Noot--me & Noot we go back years" ....(These were the days when you applied to the Embassy directly---now of course its farmed out.)

    Something I have learn dealing with Government departments a lot--is the power of the C.C.

    Appeal that decision in writing , but also CC the letter to the Ambassador, CC to your local MP in Oz. Evan CC it to the Minister of Tourism & if you wish to the Newspaper. (remember you don't actually have to send it to all the people you put as a CC. just make sure their names are there with a CC next to them )

    Just like "Yes Minister" everyone has to cover their bottom..... when the secretary to the Ambassador reads the letter he/she will want to provide the answer to the Ambassador in case a question is asked. Questions will be asked right down the line---In my case I had an e-mail 36 hours latter asking us both to return for a further interview.

    Noot got her Visa & was such a Pain over in Oz that I sent her back a week early.

    Good Luck

  7. Ban nok, literally, 'bird home', means a small village--TheKnave

    Yer I used to love those Thai Idioms Knave, when I first came here & was struggling at learning Thai (15 years latter & still struggling) The Teacher used to have a 15 minute a week on Idioms. We would all throw English Idiom's at her she would throw back what the Thai's would say......

    Oh Yer when pigs can fly = Yes when the 7-11 closes.

    It can be quite humorous when a farang says a Thai idiom (in the right circumstances) you hear som nam na = serves you right, a lot but not kam tam sanong or kong kwian "Cart wheel" =what goes around comes around, not so much . I guess some of the more flowery ones have been dropped.

    one of my favorites used to be--Mai Dem Baht = not the full quid (Baht) but my wife told me to be more polite & stop using that . I had a friend that spoke quite good Thai & he would rattle them off, made the BG laugh, if anyone thought the tip was to small & said that he was a cheap charlie Sticky-sh*t he would rattle off the idiom -kam khi di kwa kam tot.

    Yer about hiring cars..........I think I may be just a tad off topic...... so I guess this post is going to the bin..............w00t.gif ..........sorry

  8. The other thing the USA has, are prenuptial agreements.-------HeijosinCool

    which in some states are not worth the paper they are written on.----Naam


    I think that is correct HeijosinCool, I had a acquaintance that returned to Arizona after living/marrying --for 11 years Thailand, They parted after 2 years there--His prenup agreement was turned over in a higher court--I really don't know the full extent of the judgment, he just posted that fact on his F.Book page.

  9. It is for me, to live a Western lifestyle. I don't want to live "like a Thai."---Neversure


    Absolutely no way I would consider wasting another precious day of life in LOS.----HeijoshinCool

    Oh No, we don't want to live here----we don't like it---we just want to live on the Thai Forum's, (wasting the very precious days of my life)....writing Thousands of post telling people on what you should---should not do in Thailand..............coffee1.gif

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