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Posts posted by sanuk711

  1. How would my bank in Oz know that I'm married here and who is entitled to my money?----OP

    The short answer is ---NO, if you are on a OAP...it will negatively affect it.

    About your bank---or other saving institutions, there is this concept called a WILL you can leave a copy of it with an Oz lawyer & a copy of your marriage certificate if you wish. You may need an executor---it is better that you check this.

    **I am one who wants to leave small footprints giddyup---I tell the government as least as possible.

  2. I saw these guys in Rajavej Hospital on Tuesday afternoon. The kid looked like the got pretty well beaten and had numerous bandages on his back and shoulder. The older fellow didn't look to much the worse for wear-----movsrus,

    Seems the father can run a lot faster than his son then------ maybe the "Steroids" turn you into a 100 meter sprinter as well....I'll ask JOC about it......coffee1.gif

  3. I'm talking about the normal girls, they hate Turks. They all think we are liars----OP

    Sorry for misunderstanding you-----so your a Turk , but unlike your country men you don't have to pay 3 times the amount----in fact you get it all for nothing...... but they all think your race are liars................................cant understand why that is..........coffee1.gif

  4. Yep, the topic sums it up.

    A lot of birds I met here despise Arabs and Indians

    Russians come in close at 2nd

    Then Turks

    They hate the french as well.

    The nationality they like most is Koreans, Brits.

    What are your experiences?


    So is this post from the prospective of prostitutes ---if so I am sure you have got it right-----they would love the Brits--Americans--Koreans---Japanese ...what other race buys - builds houses for them pays sin-sot to divorced mothers of 6 kids & has the girls "Brother" coming to stay over often........coffee1.gif

    No mate actually its the opposite way around. The prostitutes LOOOOVE TURKS. Because Turkish guys pay 3000baht to a girl who deserves 1000 at most.

    I'm talking about normal girls here with normal office jobs.

    Normal girls here with office jobs that have interaction with

    Arabs , Indians , Russians, Turks french Koreans, & Brits.

    And in their Normal office job know that Turks pay 3,000 for a short time................. OK I think I get it now Lukecan....gigglem.gif

  5. Yep, the topic sums it up.

    A lot of birds I met here despise Arabs and Indians

    Russians come in close at 2nd

    Then Turks

    They hate the french as well.

    The nationality they like most is Koreans, Brits.

    What are your experiences?


    So is this post from the prospective of prostitutes ---if so I am sure you have got it right-----they would love the Brits--Americans--Koreans---Japanese ...what other race buys - builds houses for them pays sin-sot to divorced mothers of 6 kids & has the girls "Brother" coming to stay over often........coffee1.gif

  6. "bid to increase state revenues. They argue that the huge amount of money Thai gamblers currently stake in foreign casinos could be kept in the country...."

    So what they're saying is, let's us fleece our own citizens, why only foreigners enjoy this privilege?

    Also, since when tow wrongs make it right? one wrong when people lose money in casinos

    and the second wrong, the Thai government want a piece or all of it....

    If it wasn't for past governments throwing zillions away on a hare brain schemes and

    pissing it to the wind for result other the being a populist move, Thailand would have

    trillions in it reserves by now.....

    You obviously come from a country that treats its citizens with respect & doesn't have any casinos operating----

    As your so critical of Thailand growing up & legalizing what is already going on---maybe you would like to name that country for us as a shinning example....................coffee1.gif

  7. Only going by Wiki here----but they don't rate Thailand as bad as America, Russia or the UK for internet censorship-, that's probably because they also rate surveillance, how much the government is looking at you, along with what sites they do not want you to look at

    I am not in anyway for censorship---but I think everyone knows why the The dailymail. was blocked alocacoc----it was certainly not for news coverage.

    Internet censorship and surveillance by country[1][2][3][4]
    Changing situation
    Little or none
    Not classified / No data
  8. I juice quite a lot----so the cleaning is important----yes 25% vinegar 75% water, the larger leaves -Kale etc sometimes need brushing, I tend to do this over a large plastic bowl then leave them soaking in the residue & more water overnight----juice in the morning.

    here is a small video showing one of the ways to clean


    Also below is the worse & least fruits & veg re pesticides---the list is from America , but I guess the same would apply here, obviously veg that is grown under the ground has less or no spry on it.


  9. Don't know quite how to follow that last post----- or how it relates to Cambodia.

    Anyway -- The FCC , stayed there when things were not so good in the 90s & a lot of hotels were getting hassled. ...... always look for an FCC hotel when your in a country in those sort of situations, (Foreign Correspondents Club) They do not like to hassle the Journos . I try to stay at different hotels every time I revisit anywhere.

    On the river ---rooms with balconies and the Hugh balcony in the dinning area......real old world feel about it (except for the price)

    some pics from Google


  10. Gosh does that mean he will lose his police pension also----- I do hope that doesn't happen, I mean he is only a criminal who has been on the run for the last 9 years, it really wouldn't be fair to chuck him out of the police force, & take his pension.


    Wow........yes this needs some deep thought, before any premature action should be taken................coffee1.gif

  11. My wife & i were blissfully happy for over 35 years------- then we met.......coffee1.gif

    Its an old joke I know--but I really do not think that the divorce rate is that high---in comparison to the west--

    Latest statistics (published December 2012) estimate that 42% of first marriages in England and Wales end in divorce. A higher figure for 2nd marriages.

    America 40-50% in the first marriage----up to 60% in the 2nd marriage http://www.apa.org/topics/divorce/

    More than every other person in the west on a 2nd marriage getting divorced----is that what your seeing here ??

    We are just about dealing in 100% 2nd marriages for the guys in Thailand---& honestly, maybe I am moving in different circles , but most I know are just so F%**king grateful for what they have got here ---compared to back home. The break up figures I know of are so much lower then when I get a letter from Oz .....usually telling me so & so have split & so have ....etc ....etc

    One of the problems I have seen when living in Pattaya for a number of years was---- the opposite to the common saying...... You can take the girl out the bar but you cant take the bar out,,,,,,,etc ..etc....... No it was usually the guy you couldn't take out of the bar from what I saw-----he got married & still thought he would carry on as before----then sat wondering why she left.

    There are faults on both sides of course-----wish they had figures to show us the stats----thing about being on Thai-Visa...... is that you usually get bad stories, as the saying goes---good news doesn't sell, Come on & say your really happy & the thread will last half a page----------come up with a story about being ripped off & it will be a tomb .

  12. Equatorial guinea? A photo op doesn't mean much...thats standard.... 3 billion. .. to put things in perspective in 2014 the usa impoted petroleum products from equatorial guinea at a rate of 4000 barrels per day.... where as total imports were at 5041000 barrels per day.... or 0.08%... source www.eia.gov the us energy information agency.... the usa gets most of.its oil from ahem.... itself and canada.... im sure obama had to ask his aide "who is this guy again?"

    And once his aide told him--why Mr President this is a guy that, imprisons anyone who speeks out against him--& was never elected or allows anyone to in the country to vote-- Im sure thats when he said to the Aide thanks for the explanation----lets get a photo shot with him, the as same Condoleezza rice Rice did for the Bush admin.

    Then we can issue a statement about how bad we feel the situation is in Thailand............

    What your saying jdlancaster, is that they don't need any oil from him----but are still happy to overlook the current situation there.


    OK not happy with that one jdlancaster ? try this guy because he just happens to have one of the largest gas reserves in the world.

    Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow, Turkmenistan


    Turkmenistan, unsurprisingly, is another one of our awesome allies in the Global War on Terror! Because of the country’s proximity to Afghanistan, both the Bush and Obama administrations have been cozying up and sending the small nation lots and lots of moneys. And they also just so happen to have one of the largest gas reserves in the world.

    It could be a really great situation for all involved, except that Berdimuhamedow’s regime has been criticized of the following human rights violations by the US State Department:

    “…citizens’ inability to change their government; reports of torture and mistreatment of detainees; incommunicado and prolonged detention; arbitrary arrest and detention; denial of due process and fair trial; arbitrary interference with privacy, home, and correspondence; restrictions on freedom of speech, press, assembly, and association; restrictions on religious freedom, including continued harassment of religious minority group members; restrictions on freedom of movement for some citizens, including increased restrictions on those intending to study abroad; violence against women; and restrictions on free association of workers.

    Anyway things are much worse in Thailand-------- coffee1.gif

  13. Fat old pig out time after time with beautiful, young women..."I didn't know

    They were prostitutes".....REALLY !!

    Sorry Little Mary-----we are talking about France------not Thailand........................coffee1.gif

    You think there are no prostitutes in France?

    No Anthoney5 I lived there for a number of years----, I just found it a little ironic that he/she was posting from a Thailand thread ---& getting upset about---- "Fat old pig out time after time with beautiful young women"..... Maybe his defense was that he believed them when they told him he was handsome man..........coffee1.gif

    Anyway the main thing (in his life ) is the court believed him.....even if Little Mary didn't

  14. o

    2. Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo, Equatorial Guinea


    So why is this dude now our number 2 buddy? just behind "the Democratic human rights beacon" Saudi Arabia -----Well, we made good friends with him after 9/11, for much the same reason ---because (SURPRISE!) his country has oil! Lots of oil! So we’re totally cool now. Condoleeza Rice called him “a good friend” and uh, judging by this picture, Obama seems pretty tight with him as well. In 2008, the US imported nearly $3 billion in petroleum products from Equatorial Guinea. Elected by the people??, 5 5 5 --of course not he came to power by killing one of his own family--He claims to be in regular contact with god, and can thus is allowed to randomly kill any person he wants.

    The last State Department, reports--include “unlawful killings by security forces; government-sanctioned kidnappings; systematic torture of prisoners and detainees by security forces; life threatening conditions in prisons and detention facilities; impunity; arbitrary arrest, detention, and incommunicado detention.”

    Isn't it a pity that Thailand isn't swimming in oil------ then perhaps the sanctimonious USA--might put them back to the top of their best friends list--------

  15. I don't know anyone who regretted they didn't have one----issangeorge

    I certainly do George---there is nothing nicer than bringing a child into this world when it is wanted..... but I have known many marriages collapse after having addition(s) that were not planed for. Also all guys with vasectomies can father a baby......the sperm is still there they extract it with a needle & place it directly into the women.

    But why bother with the sperm count if you are going to have a vasectomy anyway ??

    Yes just go ahead with it---I had one over 35 years ago----everything has been fine, but its now very reversible, I think instead of cutting the tubes, they clip them, can take the clips off at a latter date if wanted......& your back to as before.

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