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Posts posted by sanuk711

  1. Do you mean you have come to an agreement with your wife to sell the house split the money 50-50 & then divorce arisa2015 ??

    If there are no children involved ----what would she be coming after you for ?

    I am never one to recommend lawyers---but I guess you can have her sign an agreement & use the same lawyer for sale of the house.

    Thai's have a way (I guess all Asians) of dealing in cash a lot, I have walked though our local land office and seen millions being passed from one person to another---always makes me wonder why these nutcases try to rob gold shops etc. So only take the house payment as a bank chque--that can be made out to both of you.

    but If there are children involved ----you should come to some agreement, after all they are your children

  2. If you lose your Thai-- ATM card in Thailand (not your home town) you can also have problems, unless everything is up to date---I was arguing away with my wife & also trying to take money from the ATM at the same time.....so when I took the money (but not the card) and turned to her to make a pertinent point & waggle my finger, the card got eaten....at a non Bank ATM location

    I live in Issan---we were in Pattaya , my bank is the BKK Bank I had my passport with me, there couldn't be any problems....just blame the wife ---go to another branch, get a new card in that order.

    I didn't have the bank book with me just the card...... when they phoned head office they said the records of my passport number did not match theirs. No I said, I opened the account 19 years ago, on my third passport now.

    They wouldn't issue a new card---I even suggested that they get my branch to fax my signature down to them.......no.

    You must update the bank when changing any details you used to open the account-----passport etc

  3. No The land does not get auctioned off to pay the debtor...............

    There are 3 forms of lending money in Thailand---(outside of the banking circles)

    The one his wife took was called a Ki-Far...(I am probably writing these wrong--but that is how it's pronounced ) With Ki-Far you sign the property over to the lender (in the land office) with the proviso that it will be returned when the debt is paid. Many people like this way because the dok-beer ดอกเบี้ย Interest rate is much lower as the loan has a guarantee.

    Therefor if the loan is not paid the house/land is already in the name of the new owner. No auction

    There is an illegality it would seem on what they have done to his lease----

    Its OK putting the boot into this guy--- but on the estate I live in, (quite a small one 65 houses) 4 homes have gone this way --(wife gambling)

    If you are married (with or without a lease etc) where at this moment is your chanuk (shanuk---however its pronounced) ownership papers.

    Do You Know ????

    because if you do not have them in a safety deposit box--then leave it with a trusted friend.

    Sure the people involved could at a stretch go down to the land office and declare it lost---they then have to report that lost to the police & sign many papers stating this fact, before beginning the issue of a new one ALSO--if there is a lease attached to the document registered with the land office , that party has to come in again and either resign again or release it.

    I am not saying 100% --that with enough white envelopes being handed around that you could not be cheated , but this would make it so much more difficult, especially when you provide proof you have the ownership papers with you signature on them for the lease.

    How many of you know just where your papers are----because when this was asked some time ago of a friend---he found his house was mortgaged.

  4. When one arrives at the airport in Thailand, the immigration pulls your data up on a computer.... are they not checking to make certain, there's no interpol data? It has always amazed me, how many criminals slide into the country.

    I don't know what country you are from --jlwilliamsrj...but in the UK they are forever finding that someone who came to work there, then Raped/killed --or attacked someone, usually had a long record in the other EU country. The guy who raped & killed the young London girl (14) & body hidden in the Camden lock area last year ----had just been released after completing a murder sentence in another EU country. How many British crim's do you think are in Spain ??

    If Europe can not seem to get it together---why criticize Thailand.

  5. Never put cash in her hand.

    You rent a house, you find it and you pay the landlord direct.

    You want a private school, you pay the school direct.

    Else she will just spend all the money on herself..............MaeJoMTB

    Yes its such an easy thing to do when you live in Canada & don't speak any Thai........

    I would pay nothing...........MaeJoMTB

    Really you would have a child & pay nothing for your sons support in his life......??

    Look Apudlslander, she (mother) is 36 years old so she is bound to get a boyfriend (sponsor etc) ---they may come & go---they certainly did with my Ex in Australia.... however it made no difference in my relationship with my daughters whether my ex was getting help from her latest boyfriend or not.

    I think you are being very fair at paying 10K a month, but I don't think she has any obligation to tell you if she has a boyfriend or not, especially if telling you means you are going to reduce the amount you send to your son.

    Set the sum you feel is correct---& both go your own ways & try to live your own lives .....you have started with the sobriety---good luck with that.

    Well done for taking the effort to visit--keep in touch with your son-- some people think children do not remember these things --its amazing what they do retain.

  6. Time to put your wife on notice. Of course you'll feel depressed if she's become a fat slug and there's no sex. Either she shapes up or you ship out.

    The doctor has prescribed nortryptyline to deal with the insomnia. Your mind is racing and going around in circles, otherwise known as sleep disorder. More is not necessarily better. If you are having a good response so far, don't try for more.

    Good luck. I've had the same type of problem and got through it. It is important you understand yourself.

    Although A recent study has found that women who carry a little extra weight live a lot longer than the men who mention it...............coffee1.gif

  7. But that would be illegal, wouldn't it?

    Oh that's right, if 'everyone' else is breaking the law, then I guess it is ok. It sort of like the same mentality that people have when there's a riot in town.--Gumball

    Seriously Gumball do you really equate--rioting, (smashing windows --destroying property----looting etc ) with a copy of a now finished TV program ? .

    I don't think you live in Thailand Gumball---but the OP is living in---(pattaya) ----I say I do not think you live in Thailand because I can not imagine someone being naive enough to think that those market shops he his referring to actually send off to America to buy the genuine copies to sell on to their customers.

    Then again --I could be wrong , in which case I guess I should hand my $14 Rolex oyster back in...................coffee1.gif

  8. Hi
    Recently bought series 1 & 2 of Breaking Bad TV series, am now into it but cannot find the remaining 3-5 series, bought the originals in Pattaya market but nobody seems to stock these DVDs, do not have computer so am unable to download, any help?.S

    stempy---you just download it from the net----- but if for some reason you can not do that.....PM me (I'm in Essan) I will pop it in the post to you.....even add the spin off series from it--"Better call Saul"----all about the shyster lawyer in BB....................... (that will be my good deal for the millennium.................coffee1.gif

    PS---unless one of the good souls in Pattaya will just hand it to you..........................

  9. 0412ImportedWife2.jpg

    Jim, a 63 year old American with his 22 year old bride----the very best of luck to them.

    Is it just all about money----I hear the farang posters say about the Chinese visitors ------well the Thailand government should be well ashamed of themselves putting money first..........oh the irony of living in Thailand .......coffee1.gif

  10. well Thailand have just confirmed that money is more important than anything else in Thailand, you can rob, shoot, kill, steal, destroy but as long as you spend lots of money you are considered the best tourist possible, shows exactly the mentality of those in charge

    Rob ---shoot, kill and steal...........are we talking about the Chinese tourist here.??

    Or the Farangs..................................wub.png

  11. Here's a little question for the TVF members: In all of your visits to Thailand, have you ever been subjected to a survey or questionnaire regarding your spending during your stay?

    I have never divulged this information, and I have never heard of it being collected.

    This begs the question of how the Tourism Ministry makes up determines these average tourist spending figures, by country of origin.

    Seriously phoenixdoglover .... does your brain really go into overload trying to work this out ??........amazing.

    I will try to explain part of it---but it just may prove to be just to Technical to take in....its done by all governments in several ways


    When Yuan gets exchanged into baht in Thailand.......they assume its from the Chinese

    When Tugrik gets exchanged into baht---they just jump to the conclusion That its a tourist from Mongolia doing it.

    And so on & so forth.


    Credit card companies publish their spending trends every 3 months---X amount is being spent by Germans in these destinations-----you can Google it. Marketing companies always pay close attention to what is being spent where.


    Each countries banks buy in certain amounts of foreign currency for their customers to exchange. If there buying in more of a certain currency then.................

    There are also a few other ways------but these do not need to concern you, because you have a hotline to the real source of info, ---The guy on the bar stool next to you---and your both in agreement that all this sort of stuff is just one big plot by the Thai government ...........now.....who's round is it.............coffee1.gif

  12. What is it that makes people so uptight about these facts ? --and they are facts.

    They are the same facts reported by other governments all around the world.

    These are the very latest figures just released 15/4/2015---The United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) just released new data on tourist spending in 2014. Last year international tourism generated over $1,245 billion around the world. Tourism is obviously a huge moneymaker for countries that are top travel destinations, but some tourists spend more than others.

    Unsurprisingly, Chinese people spent the most when traveling abroad, spending a total of $165 billion in 2014....1/

    Unsurprisingly it would seem to everyone but the farang bar experts who see it all as a great plot by Thailand Gov-- but their not going to be fooled by it all----they haven't seen one Chinese guy buy a bar girl a house---so how can it be correct. I guess the United nations are also in on this plot.........coffee1.gif
  13. So....sometimes I want to load a graph, or Pic onto a post that I am replying to showing what I mean---- most times I get the

    "This can not be accepted in this format"......or something like that, then 6 posts latter someone has downloaded it.

    How do I change the format to make it Thai Visa friendly----- Please your dealing with a computer blond here ----so just keep it simple

    and many thanks.

  14. Mozart accomplished a great deal in his few years. They were each one of a kind.---neversure

    Wonderful music-----some people achieve so much in their life. When Mozart was just half my age, he'd already written several symphonies.

    Gives you a complex doesn't it-----Then again, when Sid Vicious was just half my age, he was dead, so I guess I'm okay really.......................coffee1.gif

  15. If they've always repaid money before, don't "pay" for the funeral. Tell them you'll lend them 20K for the funeral and you'll pay 10k.

    They have to make face by paying you back since you paid 10K. Let it be well known to all and sundry in the village that it's a loan, and you're only doing it because she is a VERY close relative.

    This may ensure eventual repayment and deter the wife's third cousin's nephew (thrice removed) from hitting you up when his Gik passes on.

    Its his wife's sister we are talking about------ Yer do as Gsxrnz says......lend it to them, for a small interest of course, & make it a compounded loan in case the payments back aren't bang on time...maybe you should also secure your loan by holding on to any gold rings or whatever the family have.........

    You just cant be to sure you know......maybe she's not even dead............coffee1.gif

  16. Yes ---is the right thing to do.....where does it stop----don't know, I guess the immediate family.

    Oh don't count to much on contributions, I have had about 4 Tamboons.....and a wedding-----never seen such a big pile of 20 baht notes in my life....including the wedding which was 30% farangs

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