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Posts posted by sanuk711

  1. There's more danger from the women there than much else, georgegeorgia.....a bit like playing Russian roulette.


    I don't know about a guest house, I have not stayed across the boarder for quite a few years, but the Thai side Aranyaprathet (for me) is more preferable to stay on , & just walk across for whatever I need. Now the markets are all on the Thai side, other than Casino's not so much there.

    • Like 1
  2. Aranyaprathet....is with out doubt the best market town in Thailand IMO.--(price wise, it leaves Chatuchak or anywhere else in BKK for dead) & its a charming little town to spend a day or 2 in. I Always try to visit there at least once a year on my way south, prices are at least 75% less than Pattaya....& the stall owners (I think) are just nice polite people........... The Cambo begging / pickpocketing kids do drive you nuts though .

    • Like 1
  3. Now that's one place where you wont see an American Ambassador telling the Military government what it should do.............coffee1.gif


    All American Allies are equal---- just some are more equal then others.


    Congress is preparing to allow the Obama administration to give more than $1 billion dollars to the Egyptian government and military, despite the fact the generals perpetrated a coup last summer and are suppressing opposition ahead of a nation-wide constitutional referendum. http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2014/01/13/congress-to-give-egypt-1-5-billion-in-aid.html

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  4. I think the Thai Generals realized the Japanese are very quick to build railways. The "Death Railway" in Kanchanaburi only took 13 months, and today it is still running. Hopefully the new railway will not claim as many lives.

    Yep and that was a kind of Thai Japanese JV as well---ExPatt


    .......Don't forget the British input ExPatt,.................... coffee1.gif

  5. I lived more than half my life in America, PA, Maryland, Texas and Florida and cant remember ever having a problem. Went out all the time and never worried about anything.

    I don't know of anyone who ever had a major problem in the US.----------ttthailand

    I first thought at first it was put there as a joke---then I noticed who it was posted by.... "Yes i have lots of scary tales to tell you about this bad old country"-------by Amazing ttthailand

    11 Of The Nation's 100 Most Dangerous Cities Are In Florida


    It must brake you up tt that only 8.33% on TV have anywhere near the same outlook as you.

    It's prevalent, but I don't know anyone who has been the victim of a serious crime 8.33%

  6. Guys before you tear yourselves (& each other) apart, --The OP posted a thread on American -Thai relationship.

    "Being an American resident in Thailand, I am not as comfortable here as I have been in the past.

    With recent international developments involving both Thailand and my home country I am no longer confident my future in Thailand will continue to be as comfortable as it has been. Because of past good relations between Thailand and the US, I have had the feeling that we were maybe treated a little better in some situations than expats from other counties."


    I know its been hijacked a bit by the xenophobes on both sides..... but his question is--- If you are American, do you feel a difference lately in the Thai-American relationship.


    My 2 satangs on the other questions is--- I left London in my teens, lived in Sweden--then America---NZ---Australia--Thailand, & spent far to many years in the their merchant navy's traveling around other countries, my take on it is that the more similar the countries -the more they argue. I found the German & British people a lot alike in many things, The Canadians seem horrified when you think their Americans......etc...etc

    • Like 1
  7. Glass coating every time .........................JAS21

    I must admit that didn't even consider DIY on glass coating --although when I brought the car in BKK I got a real lot of freebies thrown in, (free insurance, also 50% reduction on GC....etc..etc )

    I have been really impressed with the GC, as far as stone chips etc are concerned, 2 years on now & I travel a lot on country roads---had a small accident up in Issan & thought would have a problem with GC & the new panel, but many of them (GC) have opened up here now. Just run it through the car wash-- looks like new.

  8. I can't help but wonder if the value of the baht has anything to do with money laundering.......... I wonder how long that would last if the market began to think that the emperor has no clothes.--NeverSure


    What are you smoking NeverSure-----& more importantly .....where can I get some..................coffee1.gif

  9. I failed to mention that I will be going by air.----OP

    Siem Reap --yer..?? --I know it does get spelt a few different ways,

    Air travel-- that's a pity, as I don't think to many locals would travel there that way--- The last time (5 years ago) I did it with friends was a van tour , --Travel agent soi 7 patts--3 nights--just over 7,000 baht each, gave you the transport to Siem Reap (change at the border ) hotels paid for, all tickets into the temples paid for, your own tour guide (the van driver) --& the van would pick you up drop you off at a different eating place each night in S.R that had a show both which was paid for. That was a bonus as the town I thought was quite exy....... $us20 for a massage etc.

    Its is well worth a visit---..here is a link explaining that you have 4 options to get into town from the airport--taxi, moto, tuk tuk, or van taxi..... http://www.movetocambodia.com/transportation/how-to-get-from-the-airport-into-siem-reap/

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