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Posts posted by theguyfromanotherforum

  1. 5 hours ago, GOLDBUGGY said:

    So you claim you are not bitter and have never gone through a Divorce before? But then why should you be bitter since you are living in your Thai Wife's House for Free and getting a Free Ride from her now? I am sure there are many Western Women who would be happy to put you up in there house for free to and expect you to do nothing. After all, it was you who said Thai Women are not different. 


    My biggest beef is you jump to conclusion my man! You know nothing about this Thai Woman other than what the Mother-in-Law said about her, but still call her leeching. She blames the Thai Wife for her and her son's dire situation right now and as you do. But really who is to blame here?


    A Thai Woman who met a man 3 years ago who I don't see changed his life that much? Or a 39 year old man who has saved Zero Money in all of his life, has no assests, can't find a decent job as he may not have the skill set for a good one, but goes to Thailand for a vacation and who brings his wife back to his mother's house to live? 


    I say that if you need to blame somebody then blame the Son! Or the Mother who raised him to be this way!


    The subject is not me. The subject is a lazy and leeching Pattaya tart.


    One thing I don't understand with you guys is that when you move to Thailand, you try to please everyone in the family because it's "Thai culture". You accept sinsod, you accept helping the brother and family and you accept going broke. Yet, when you bring a Thai to your own country... or even worse... to your mother's house, you have no guts to say now you accept my culture.


    You spent paragraphs and paragraphs defending a lazy and entitled Thai woman. "she's not like Aussie bird", "The mother should make an effort", "she must feel unwelcome".


    My god, have some self respect people!!!!







    • Like 2
  2. 21 minutes ago, GOLDBUGGY said:

    Oh-Oh! Another Bitter TV Forum Guy who went through a Bitter Divorce probably with a Thai Woman because he didn't know how to treat her and respect her. 


    I'm so bitter you had to say it twice in one sentence.


    I never went through a bitter divorce, what gives you that idea? Because I advised the "mom" that a leeching Thai woman in her house should be kicked out? She's worried about her son and probably about her own situation and finances. Being "nice" and "understanding" to bums never works and I wish her well in this awful situation and advise her to kick both of them out.


    I would never put my poor mom in this situation by bringing some Pattaya tart into her house.


    I am advising mom to have some respect for herself.



    • Like 1
  3. Lol, whatever you do, avoid this guys "advice" like plague. So, here I dissect this guy's nonsense in clear and concise manner.


    13 hours ago, GOLDBUGGY said:

    So it is not like they just met in some bar on a romantic holiday and he fell head over heals in love wth her the first week.


    They met in Pattaya, the sex capital of the world where single men go for sex adventures.


    13 hours ago, GOLDBUGGY said:

    After 3 years they still seem to get along well and are married now


    How do you know? They live in your house?


    13 hours ago, GOLDBUGGY said:

    It may surprise you to know that in Thailand a Waitress in a good hotel can make more money then a Dental Assistant.


    Lie and she was most likely never a dental assistant.


    13 hours ago, GOLDBUGGY said:

    Things are a lot different in Thailand than in the Ozzy. Including there Women. That is an important thing you need to try and understand. I know as I have lived here now for a long time and am happily married to a Thai Woman for many years now. 


    No, things are not a lot different. A decent woman be it Thai ow Western would never leech of a good heated man, but would try to contribute in any way possible. BTW, you forgot to mention how much you are paying your wife to stay happily married.


    13 hours ago, GOLDBUGGY said:

    Let me ask you something? Have you ever really welcomed her into your house? Have you ever made an effort to try to get to know her and understand her. To teach her how to even Cook Western Food? My Thai Wife never even ate a Potato until she was in her late 20's and was with me. To show her what the household chores are? Thai Women use Bamboo Stick Brooms to clean floors. They don't have rugs to clean. They have no idea how to even use a Vaccum Cleaner. Thai Women are all natually shy also, so she will not come to you first. She cannot do that or ask you questions on fear of looking stupid! So you are missing a wonderful opportunity to get to know her and welcome her into your home and heart. 


    What a bunch of generalizing crap from a Westerner that married a poor Isaan woman in exchange for financial


    security. When did you come to Thailand.... in the 60's?


    13 hours ago, GOLDBUGGY said:

    his may surprise you but generally Thai Women are not lazy! There is always a rotten apple in any barrow so this is why I say generally. So they may be many things but certainly not lazy! Thai Girls are taught at an early age to help there parents. My Thai Wife's Childhood is a good example as to what many Thai Girls have to do.


    Since we are generalizing, I must admit that you are correct. Thai girls indeed help their parents and their Family. NOT Farang parents and family. Thank you for proving the point below.....


    13 hours ago, GOLDBUGGY said:

    From the time she could walk she was taught how to work hard and help out. By age 10 she would come home from school, look after her younger sister and brother and also do all of the family cooking, while her parents worked the farm. On weekends she would go help in the Rice Paddy, along with his sister and brother. Getting up before the sun rises to make the family lunch.


    and he continues....

    13 hours ago, GOLDBUGGY said:

    So now looking at your Daughter-in-law with Western Eyes you would expect her to be so grateful for living in your house for free.


    Damn right she should be. As I am greatful every day I live in my Thai wife's house for free.



    13 hours ago, GOLDBUGGY said:

    To bow down to you, which she will only do for Buddha! To do most of the household chores and even cooking. To help support her husband financially.  But instead that because she chooses to stay in her room and wants to go away on weekends and to eat someplace else, you think she is lazy and useless.


    You nailed it. She is lazy and useless. The lady would do well to rid of her ASAP.


    13 hours ago, GOLDBUGGY said:

    Let me ask you something? Have you ever really welcomed her into your house? Have you ever made an effort to try to get to know her and understand her. To teach her how to even Cook Western Food?


    She is the one supposed to make an effort while leeching in someone's house for free.


    Advice to mom. Kick her out.



    13 hours ago, GOLDBUGGY said:

    You Daughter-in-law can't work in Australia on a Tourist Visa to help support your Son. If she did and got caught, she would be put in jail and deported and perhaps never allowed to return.


    Wouldn't that be a blessing for this family?


    If she can't work, she could pick up a broom and wash the dishes.



    13 hours ago, GOLDBUGGY said:

    It doesn't mean all cash money either,. Instead of surffing the Internet trying to dig up dirt on your Son's New Wife, use this time to see how you can help them get a Visa. With his wife's limited English Skills, and your Son holding down 2 jobs, it appears to me they don't have the time to do that themself. While you have plenty of time.          


    Yes. Maybe she should also wipe their bums.


    Final thoughts:


    Avoid advice from sex tourists.




    • Confused 1
  4. Actually when I arrived it was close to 32 baht... most definitely in the high 31s


    Today the exchange rate is 24.91 or much lower if you withdraw via ATM, of course.


    According to Oanda arrived January 2014 $200,000 total in baht 6,200,000


    Today $300,000 total 7,450,000



    Ok, it seems I exaggerated a little, but still almost 2 million baht "loss".



    • Like 2
  5. I came to Thailand just over 4 years ago with $200,000 Canadian in my pocket.


    In those 4 years I have been able to save additional $100,000


    Yet, when converted to Thai baht I have the exact same amount of money as when I arrived.


    On that note, I like to bash Thai real estate, but even if I bought an overpriced dud in Pattaya 4 years ago there is just no way in hell I would have lost 33% of my money.


    Anyone's else currency in a doghouse?



    • Like 2
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  6. 4 hours ago, ExistentialInquiry said:


    Lol. This is option B. If option A leads nowhere over next couple of years, I'll give up and just go on holiday there and have fun 2x a year. At least I'll be getting laid somewhat regularly even if British women still aren't interested!


    And if you choose option B, you will be also getting laid by Thai women that are only interested in the payment at the end of the session.


    May as well stay in UK and jerk off to porn as I honestly don't see any point in shagging hookers at your age.



    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  7. 4 minutes ago, Mac98 said:

    I agree. I like Thai girls. Been going there for 20 years and know some very nice ladies. They do everything for you. I can't even cut my own meat in a restaurant. But you need to be there; don't take a Thai girl away from family and friends. And if a Thai girl gets Westernized it will be in all the ways you don't like. They learn fast.


    They take take the worst from Western culture and keep the worst from Thai culture.


    My ex, who was a fine individual and did it her own way getting Canadian citizenship (without the help of any foreign mug) and really hated Thailand with passion told me this when we broke up "I'll always be Thai" :stoner:

    • Like 1
  8. On 2/5/2018 at 5:27 AM, Justfine said:

    Bass players don't really play though. They just stand there with a dumb look on their face and pretend to play so technically they aren't working.


    Hey I'm a legit Bass (uni degree and all) player and I agree. Hell, even our teachers has a saying when we were tuning up "good enough for jazz"

  9. 44 minutes ago, GOLDBUGGY said:

    Well maybe I am wasting my time again but that is NOT TRUE!  


    Well, all I can say that uk is pretty backwards if that's the case.


    You see....in Canada I make an "election" to change my primary residence to a rental and do the same when I move back. This letter that I send to revenue agency guarantees that I will have to pay no capital gain tax when I move back into my primary residence. 




  10. 13 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    I guess according to some people's definition lots of university students in Thailand dress like sluts in their uniform. I guess some people also would say that many of them are sluts. I guess that means I like sluts.



    Yeah....you can keep this stick on the heels

  11. 2 hours ago, bkk6060 said:

    Uhh, OK have you actually been there?

    Lets see off 17 is the Westin and across the street on Sukhumvit is the Sheraton Grande.

    Two of the nicer more expensive high end hotels in the city not even close to "low end tourists".




    Been to both hotels when I was burning my SPG points. Rather disappointing experience. Dumped my SPG gold for Hilton platinum and have been enjoying great views and nice rooms for 30% less.







  12. Op hasn't been back......Thai friendly freelancers are keeping his imagination alive....


    Come with me
    And you'll be
    In a world of pure imagination
    Take a look
    And you'll see
    Into your imagination

    We'll begin
    With a spin
    Traveling in
    The world of my creation
    What we'll see
    Will defy

    • Haha 1
  13. 9 minutes ago, topt said:


    Firstly you do not incur a Capital Gain until you sell - which you did not mention in your previous post.

    So if you move back into a house that becomes your primary residence and do not sell it there is no tax to pay - please send me a link that says otherwise?

    Oh and I rent out a property in the UK and pay tax on the income :annoyed:


    You pay tax during the years you rented it out. Of course, you will pay no tax if you don't sell it.

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