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Posts posted by theguyfromanotherforum

  1. 20 minutes ago, GOLDBUGGY said:

    I am afraid that you are totally wrong about this My Fiend! You need to do more (some) research!


    When a person buy stocks in the Stock Market, and earns an income from them, as in Dividends, he has to pay Income Tax on that. Should the value of that stock price increase, which many people hope it will do one day, and you sell it at a profit, you are then subject to more taxes known as Capital Gains Tax. 


    This is pretty well the Tax Law for any investment you make. Whether it is Used Cars, Gold Coins, Fine Art, or Rental Propery. As many people also make investments in Real Estate, including Rental Property. They are allowed to deduct all reasonable costs from there rental income and are expected to pay taxes on there profit, like the Dividend in a Stock. So why would this increase in value on a Rental Property not be taxed by Capital Gains, when an increase in a Stock Price is?  


    Since when does any of these governments you mentioned here ever give a Tax Payer a Break? Besides perhaps not taxing you on the property value increase on the house you live in? Which if they did they would make it impossible for you to sell it and buy another house of equal or greater value. When your house goes up in value so does the one you want to trade up to also. 


    But even if you don't sell the house you lived in, and die in it, your dependents will still be subject to the Inhereitance Tax,  So the bottom line is that you never get a Tax Breaks at all on anytime, including the house you live in. This is certainly easier for most people to believe and understand than you sayings the government gives you this easy money to keep on a Rental Property because it went up 20% in value.   


    I think your post is wasted on me because i was actually agreeing with you and mocking the other guy.

  2. 9 minutes ago, GOLDBUGGY said:

    I have a Friend living in London U.K. right now who is planning on either moving back into her rental property, or selling it, and is facing this Capital Gains Tax Issue with her Accountant right now. So indeed it does exist in the UK.


    You just don't know about it, as many people don't have a Rental Property so are never faced with this issue. Or rent there property out but never declare this income, making this unlawful. The property you live, or don't rent out, is not subject to this tax. 


    As long as a Capital Gains Tax remains in force, you will always be able to deduct the interest on borrowed money to earn this Capital Gain. They go hand in hand. If they remove this little perk then they will have to remove the Capital Gains Tax on that perk. 


    This. Seriously..... you don't pay capital gains on rental property, hahaha and lol.



    same in Canada and I assume same in Australia or NZ.

  3. 39 minutes ago, MaeJoMTB said:

    Philippines is way easier than Thailand.

    They all speak English, they charge less, no VISA problems, the exchange rate is a lot better.


    OK, everything except Phils and Thailand. I am fully aware that Filipinas can't wait for someone to take them out of the Phillipinz

    • Like 1
  4. 10 minutes ago, Elkski said:

    It's good your thinking before you go to Thailand.  

    One big issue is your relatively poor.  Your not rich or you would have bought the health club and employ PT's.  And if you were rich you would have plenty if gals at home.   I assume you are trapped working for the next 30 years.   You can scratch off Vacations because of the trips home to mom you will be financing.   

    Some women work like slave  dogs in Thailand.  Butany retire at 50  60 max.  But what will they think of work in your country?   Why wouldn't a gal soon find a okder man on pension who doesn't have to work?





    You need to spend time to ensure real love more than a man who can retire now. 


    That's why I suggested penpal sites rather than Thaifakefriendly


    Or he could go the Joe way... simply not give a crap about long term "meaningful" relationship and just shag everything under the sun. Nothing wrong with that, it just that OP doesn't strike me as the type. God knows I'm a needy man and would fall in love with a bargirl ?......



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  5. 18 minutes ago, ExistentialInquiry said:



    theguyfromanotherforum, well, thank you for your candour. 


    You took it like a champ, so if I may I'll trim your reply a bit.


    My reply was not aggressive. Think of it more like a term of endearment. You kept going on and on about how great you are and just perhaps misunderstood. You keep glorifying Buddhism and the way Thai women are expecting some kind of understanding and great conversational connection with your line app while in reality western and Thai relationships are more like a night and day.


    The worst thing is that you are dreaming of bringing a Thai woman to UK . Thai women are social creatures.....they would be absolutely miserable. Did you ever bother to check their Facebook profiles and thousands of (close) friends that they have? Their friends and family got their backs....you will never be able to compete with that and bringing a Thai woman where she doesn't belong is a recipe for disaster.


    The reason I mentioned a shelf stacking job is because in the past people were at least able to teach English here. Now with degree requirements and tight visa regulations it's not really possible. Make no mistake, money does play an important part here. If you promise something to a Thai woman and you aren't able to deliver, be prepared for a world of pain.


    And Thai friendly is the absolute worst place to find a "good" Thai woman.....and here's a piece of advice none of the losers posting here will be able to give you. There are a lot of penpal sites where good Thai girls just want to learn English. Join there....start slowly and start grooming. That's how I met my wife. Thai friendly is like visiting soi cowboy and will only get replies from women who could care less about future with some farang mug.




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  6. 55 minutes ago, GOLDBUGGY said:

    I think you missed so important factors in your equation. For one thing, and if you could get $1.500 in Rental Income, less the 10% Managment Fee and 10% Maintenance, you are not left with $1,300 but rather you have $1,200.  


    This $1,200 in Rental Income is also subject to Income Taxes in the country where it is earned. One reason people move away and Retire is they become Non-Residents of the country they lived in, and thus not subject to Personal Income Taxes. But not including Governement Persions.  


    You also do not get to keep all the appreciated value on your property while you are renting it and as it goes up in value. Once that property becomes a Rental Property you will be subject to a Capital Gains Tax on any increase in property value. An interesting point to remember if doing this, is that you do not have to sell your property first to have to pay this Capital Gains Tax. If you move back in, and this property ceases to be a Rental Property, you will have to pay that tax then. 


    If one chooses to keep his property back home to rent out, perhaps the best way to do this is to take out a mortgage on this property equal to your rental income, propery taxs, maintenance and insurance and keep this money in a safe investment. In this way you can wrtie off the interest on your mortgage payment, which should be the biggest piece, as well as your maintenance, insurance, and property tax, leaving very little taxable rental income. You would still have cash funds locked up in a bank.  


    This man got it right. I'm renting out and the post is spot on.

  7. I think 

    12 hours ago, Lacessit said:

    Bad news sells, Nancy. That's why on Thai Visa we hear constant stories of the broke, sick, sad losers. Very few stories of the retirees who see out their lives happy and contented, with wives and girlfriends who take much better care of them than they would get from a woman back in their home country. 


    What a bunch of crap.


    Do you have any facts to support this silly statement with?

    • Like 1
  8. 2 minutes ago, SpokaneAl said:


    Thai food is garbage? That seems like a bit of an odd perspective for one who lives in Thailand. You must be a lot of fun when you travel or go out to eat.

    Sent from my iPad using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app



    I love Thai food.... in Canada - the Westernized version. Shameful, isn't it? Mind you, I wasn't always grumpy like this simply because I believe I was delusional.


    It lacks protein, it's dirty, antibiotic farm shrimp, salmon from who knows where, etc.....


    I love Thai fruit, but I always have to buy it whole, never pre-cut because who knows where the knife has been.


    Dirty place.





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  9. OP needs to ignore the usual sexpats who replied to him saying 40k is not enough and take advice from established, refined Farang who like myself leech off his wife insurance and house.


    Yes, 40k is quite enough to live on if you don't have housing expenses. I don't know how the government insurance works, but I am using my wife's "decent" private insurance and I gotta tell you it's lacking in so many ways. 


    You don't really need to drink or smoke in Thailand. The country is filthy enough, so why would you want to poison your body with this crap? That's money saved right there. The most money I spend in here is Western food (because Thai food is garbage), but even Western food sucks in comparison to back home. No choice.


    I get around 70,000 baht a month from "back home" and I am able to save over half that every month. 


    However, always have an escape plan and never sell your house. When I came here 4 years ago I was making 100k due to better exchange rate and somewhat higher income. I don't plan on retiring here.


    Good luck. 




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