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Posts posted by theguyfromanotherforum

  1. 10 hours ago, survivalblue said:

    The "Ong Bak" Thai warrior movies are pretty good actually.  The first one filmed in 2003 is a bit raw, but the 2nd one in 2008 and 3rd in 2010 were quite good.  

    And 2008 "Somtum" was alright.


    Other than those movies, there hasn't been any other ones that I could pay attention to or even consider watching.



    Well, there were a few horror movies made by 2 Thai guys in around 2005 Shutter and Alone which were quite good. Shutter got a USA remake which was quite horrible.

  2. Just now, amykat said:


    I am just summing up what many people did on this thread and some of them went on to their FB pages and wrote things, and on to the funding sites or other people in Thailand did such things. They also put a link to this thread in those places so that people could come here and read all this garbage.  If you were not following thread, than you wouldn't be aware ...I just wrote my thoughts here, not to you specifically.


    Ah, ok I get it.





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  3. 3 minutes ago, amykat said:


    You realize don't you, that the funding campaign was not focusing on donations from Thailand?  Just because we are aware of it does not mean they expected money from anybody here.  In the US you are entitled to a defense attorney at no cost if you can't afford one.  People might feel they are helping to provide that. It is considered a right like some countries think about medical care ...you have heard about that I am sure??


    Debating the issue on a forum is one thing.  Going out of your way to sabotage their funding efforts is quite something else, over and over again!!  All it took was a phone call. As I said on here many times, NOBODY did a damn thing to investigate, just sat on their ass and made wild allegations and stated EMPHATICALLY that the police do NOT know about this case, the courts don't know, the embassy doesn't know, which in fact was a lie. They personally did not know and that was the full extent of it.  Why would they be expected to know?


    I know about other more serious crimes, where I saw the arrest happen with my own eyes, where I know the people involved, and it was never reported in any papers here.  The press can't report every single crime. The case went fully through the justice system.


    I have seen several fund me attempts and I have never seen one bill presented or proof of what the money will be spent on or how it will be accounted for later. That seems to be how it works, it you want to give you just do it.  If you personally are thinking of giving and want some proof or have questions, I guess you can write to the organizer and ask? What they did was defamation was it not?  Why didn't they go to the press then and make their wild claims? Oh, because then they would have been forced to back it up, like call the police and check and then their little balloon would have popped and case closed!!


    (I am not suggesting you did any of these things guyfromanotherforum.)


    I don't understand. Who's sabotaging?


    The news was reported on Thai Visa and I am commenting on Thai Visa. This is my second post on this topic.


    I don't understand what are you on about?

    • Thanks 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Makara said:

    You act like they killed someone. I get people are NOT OK WITH THIS. I completely understand why. I am not ok with it either. Doesn't justify all this talk of scam...its a scam, scam, scam, scam. That is the point here...again I will say it is not a scam. 


    Well, to be fair people are not going to be rushing donating money to someone who tried to pass counterfeit notes as real.


    There are people in this country facing poverty and quite frankly dying of hunger, so expect a lot of scepticism here regarding 2 privileged Western ladies. 50k is not a lot of money. My poor Serbian family could come up with that if they pulled together without resorting to humiliation and pity of begging online. At the very last resort, loans are available.


    Go public asking for money and expect public scrutiny and ridicule


    And yeah.....I'm not giving a single baht and certainly won't feel bad even though it isn't a "scam". 


    Good luck anyway.



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  5. 20 hours ago, Cranky said:

    Absolutely.  My (Thai) missis is a case in point - she's very intelligent, speaks excellent English and learns quickly, reads a lot and watches educational TV rather than soaps - it's not her fault she had a crap education and graduating from high school at age 18 left her on a par with an 11+ (almost).  Big problem - (which she now recognises aged 30 something) is that when she left school, graduation certificate in hand, she actually believed she was well educated. 


    Fast forward a few years, now with a law degree which is totally and utterly useless as no law firm will even consider it a qualification as it was obtained through years of correspondence.  Zero prospects of what 'we' would consider a proper job with commensurate wage.


    On the contrary, my wife is dumb as bricks, watches soaps and her English is awful as she always sends me messages from work about how to write this and that while corresponding with her superiors.


    Yes, she works for a big international company and making decent money.


    It's all luck in the end.

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