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Posts posted by theguyfromanotherforum

  1. 1 hour ago, Rally123 said:

    The majority of farangs do not live in Bangkok. And why is an endoscopy, costing 10x plus more than the price of a stool test, be money well spent? An endoscope will not detect HP. Only a sample of gut bacteria will and the easiest and cheapest way is take a stool test. 


    I actually wasn't aware that you can detect h pylori with a stool test.


    Thanks for the info.

  2. 9 hours ago, Rally123 said:

    Don't bother with a breath test. Very hard to find an hospital with that facility. 


    Ummm.... no.


    Every decent hospital in Bangkok has it.


    Although for the money spent, I would do endoscopy as it is better value for money, I find. 



  3. 14 minutes ago, NanLaew said:

    I suspect my MiL buying my truck with her money and putting it in my name will probably do your tiny little head in.


    But never mind, eh? As you say, it is their business and thereby absolutely NONE of yours.


    Bloody noobs....


    It's a forum and you will get ridiculed for doing something stupid....like buying a house and paying the stipend to your MIL.


    So, if you want people to mind their own business, don't post or read this forum.



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  4. Just landed in KL for a quickie non o run and have been greeted by a bunch of signs at the arrival gate.





    Sometimes I wonder why people keep coming....and they indeed are in record numbers. The immigration queue at Swampy was quite long.



  5. 11 minutes ago, ThaiPauly said:

    I suffer greatly from GERD, especially at the moment, it's all the time every day, sometimes it's worse than others but it's a real bain in my life right now.


    I had an endoscopy and a colonoscopy done at CMR last week and the doc said that he could find nothing wrong with me. He gave me a few pills Pariet and Ganaton  told me to change my lifestyle (which I am in the process of doing) and sent me on my way. I thought maybe that having read up on it a small operation may cure me?


    I think I need to go back to see him again or should I take the report to another hospital? I don't really know what's best? The Doc is very popular and is always busy...maybe too busy, and the price they charge now....well price gouging is the only thing I can say about it, 10k more than their quote  and that was high enough, over twice what I paid 3 years ago when I had my last one done.


    Any suggestions would be more than welcome


    Many thanks


    I suffer from non stop GERD. What are your symptoms as they vary greatly.

  6. 6 minutes ago, jackdd said:

    If you have some free time it would be nice if you can calculate how much interest she effectively got per year


    On top of my head, most months she "wins" between 100 and 500 baht, plus the big prize is maybe 20,000 a year, so I'd say 25,000 a month for 2 million in savings. I guess it's the thrill of checking the numbers....



    Corrected the numbers.....

  7. 7 hours ago, glegolo said:

    Yes living himself off his thai wife, and judging others, this guy must be one of the characters out of Emmerdale farm or something..555555555555555555555555




    Not familiar with that.... soap opera?


    So, to clarify..... if I'm living off my Thai wife it's kinda natural to conclude that your Thai wives live off you.


    Anyway, if my wife asks me to pick something up or wash, I enthusiastically oblige. I don't go out drinking once a week while she is at her "hiso" job, nor do I take selfies and do f all. That would be disrespecting her and treating her house like a hotel. If that was the case, I am sure she would kick me out too.


    As for judging, well.... I have no other story to go by, but the one in the OP.


    The Thai woman sounds entitled and lazy. Got served everything in a silver platter while "husband" and his parents are supporting her. 


    Lazy. Entitled. Kick her out.



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