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Everything posted by joecoolfrog

  1. Your information is severely out of date , Agodas prices have been inclusive for several years. I book a lot of Thai hotel rooms and Agoda tend to fare very well compared to Booking.com and Hotel.com.
  2. EVA are consistently cheaper than Thai and definitely a better option.
  3. Because killing 3 none too bright , naive women will make the world a better and safer place......right ?
  4. Sure but there are degrees , hence the corruption index , all nations do NOT have the same levels of corruption.
  5. Translation ; " My buddies in Buriram are making an absolute fortune so let's keep the good times rolling "
  6. Yet you conveniently forget one simple yet crucial fact; In UK a shambolic government can be voted out in a general election with no interference from the military or corrupt judiciary.
  7. The whole thing is a charade , not worth getting worked up by it. The only political points of interest are what happens when the Senators stand down , what will the next measure be to thwart democracy and when will the younger generation explode with frustration ?
  8. The residents ! Article states that the warehouse was only recently built.
  9. Were it not for the shares they would have found another excuse to thwart the democratic process.
  10. That's highly optimistic , many months if not years I think.
  11. The powers to be have made it abundantly clear that they have no regard for the democratic process , this will not change in a year or a decade. What point is a convincing electoral victory if the courts simply disqualify the victorious MP's and the parties they represent ? There is now only one way to get a reformist government , it wont be pretty !
  12. You will find yourself very solidly on the wrong side of history.
  13. I believe it was Lenin who coined the phrase " useful idiots " , seems to fit you quite nicely .
  14. If as seems likely , an existing condition was not disclosed , then NO insurance would pay out.
  15. I would rather you describe him as a Toad , thanks !
  16. Cant believe the guy could possibly be that stupid. Perhaps he knows the senate will stitch him up and is setting the stage for the aftermath.
  17. I was making a general point , but I assume you are nuanced enough to recognise that.
  18. The bottom line is that Thaksin is no worse than the current mob or many that came before him. His ' crime ' was simply being on the wrong side . What is truly criminal is that the Thai people have repeatedly been denied the government they have voted for. In most peoples book that is rather more important than your absurdly blinkered view of one man.
  19. To be fair to the stepdaughter , and indeed Thais in general , it's not easy to change the status quo when it is protected by guns and tanks.
  20. Let's hope the child never learns who his mother was , that would be a heavy burden to bear.
  21. The illegality of gambling in Thailand is of course entirely the prerogative of those in authority. However illegal gambling does occur on a large scale and members of the RTP , amongst others , are certainly heavily implicated. Given this fact it seems naive of you to praise the RTP or to suggest that foreign elements are responsible largely for the law breaking. I would have thought somebody as concerned as you appear to be , would wish to finger the real villain , his name is Mr institutionalised corruption !
  22. Would said government last long enough to implement radical change ? Methinks not !
  23. Surprised that a snowflake survives the heat in Thailand.
  24. Us Brits live rent free in the haters spacious skulls.
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