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  1. I just completed this quiz. My Score 50/100 My Time 264 seconds  
  2. Just passed page 5,200 of the 6,000 pages making up the complete works of Thomas Wolfe. Truly an amazing writer.
  3. You think corn ice-cream tastes pretty good.
  4. Next time with your Thai gal, ask if you can suck her toes. See how that goes. I've heard the request gets interesting responses.
  5. Next time with your Thai gal, ask if you can suck her toes. See how that goes. I've heard the request gets interesting responses.
  6. Yep, especially alcohol, which causes mental and physical carnage in Thai society many many times greater than all other drugs combined.
  7. Beats the hell out of rotting away in a hospital or hospice.
  8. I arrived here in the mid-eighties, and it was really hopping. A great place.
  9. Don't worry about how to eat them. Just dig in and enjoy the mess.
  10. What it mostly means is that there are a lot fewer motorcycles in cold Sweden than in tropical Thailand.
  11. Same thing happened to my wife and me. Nothing had changed, and we have been doing the 90-day thing online for years without a problem. Nothing we like better than a 100-km round trip to the immigration office, where we were told to "wait and see" what the results would be next time we try. Even they have no idea what the problem is. What a <deleted> waste of everyone's time.
  12. oobar


    From any distance greater than a few feet, tattoos look like a skin disease.
  13. I've been getting drugs from India for several years with no problems from this supplier: malcolmexporters AT gmail.com Email and ask the price for whatever you need. Very nice and helpful people.
  14. My wife of 53 years thought she perhaps needed new prescription glasses but first went to arguably the best (and most expensive) hospital in Thailand for a detailed examination. Although she hadn’t noticed it, the examination revealed that she has cataracts in both eyes. However, she was told that in less than an hour procedure, both lenses can be replaced and her vision corrected as well. Because of our ages, we self insure, so are prepared for sudden medical expenses, but we were surprised by the estimated cost, which seems stiff. The doctor’s fee of 80,000 baht is high enough, but the hospital charge – this for an outpatient procedure – runs as high as a cool 139,000 baht. I guess they have to recoup the cost of their high-tech equipment. And then there is the price of the lenses themselves – 116, 000 baht -- for a grand total of 335,000 baht. Does anyone have any experience with an alternative hospital that can give comparable quality service at a more reasonable price? Once again, Sheryl?
  15. Thanks, Sheryl. Will give this further thought.
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