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Pattaya Lous

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Posts posted by Pattaya Lous

  1. Finally, we found that after two years nothing has been built. I hope the governors office can help us to [rectify the situation] before things get stupid.

    You did not check every month on your investment??

    Sorry, but you will take the hit for this what were you thinking? or was it greed driven by how much money you could make in the future by over charging on resale.

    No sympathy and why should the Thai government bail you out for your stupidity/greed ??.

    You have no chance.

    I hope lessons are learnt from this, because it is fools like this that will encourage more fraudsters to do it again and again.

  2. Very simple answer to this one (makes a change).

    I have extensive knowledge of installing and maintaining solar panel and photo voltaic panels.

    Supply and install in an average size domestic property in the UK there is a ten year pay back period.

    In Thailand the pay back period id about fifteen+ years, and by that time the panels will probably need replacing.

    At this time with the expensive cost of materials and installation compared to the relatively cheap cost of electricity in Asia it just does not make economic sense to install solar power (unless you are on a mission to save the planet).

  3. landrews33,

    Before you pay anything please check into a good private hospital and have your mental health checked.

    If the family will not accept you without a huge cash payment they will not think twice about getting rid of you when the time comes.

    If your future wife will not accept you without a huge cash payment does she/he really want you?

    I am married to a good Thai lady and I have showed her your post, it is her opinion that payments like this are old fashion and not the norm in modern Thai culture within genuine Thai families.

    Please sit back and rethink before doing something you later regret.

  4. I have always been made to feel very welcome by the people that matter and make the decisions in Thailand. I have always been helped by the authorities to settle and enjoy my retirement with no hassle what so ever.

    I have a good circle of true friends both English and Thai.

    I asked my wife a question that was posed by another poster (Klong) - do we have business arrangement? or are you really happy to be in a relationship with an English man and share everything that I am able to provide.

    After she stopped laughing became very angry at this suggestion.

    I wish people would think before they post upset many people with their ill informed views.

  5. Many English people who live here made money back home by their entrepreneurial skills or sheer hard work. But they still couldn't belong to the upper middle class or join a snooty club. For that they would have needed birth in the right class, public school and Oxbridge education and a "proper' accent ( People will deny it but England is a very class conscious society). And these people, having made money, prefer to live in Thailand where they enjoy a much higher place in society than would have been possible to achieve in England. They can live here almost as if they were in the colonial era without facing any anti-colonial feelings because Thailand was never really a colony. But more recently, the English people with far less money have been arriving and this is now affecting the image of all of them. Also some of the Thais who have suffered "subtle" discrimination during their travel to England are not too kindly disposed towards the English people who live? here (again many people will deny that there is any discrimination in England).

    Why would English people with far less money affect the image of others? It doesn't take money to be polite and do the right thing. There are good and bad people all over the world both rich and poor!!

    Sorry, I didn't mean to put down "English people with far less money"! I was merely reflecting the fact that most foreigners, including Englishmen, mainly deal with Thai people who provide them a service. The relationship is based on a commercial transaction in which the foreigner is a customer and the Thai shows politeness and courtesy and puts on even a smile. But the extent of his deference may vary in proportion to the affluence of the foreigner.

  6. I take offence to you lot from Australia this subject comes up alot in the bar, please remember:

    We discovered Australia and it is where we sent our criminals and undesirables that we did not want to have living in our country.

    Thailand is a beautiful place and I choose to live here because it is a place where I can retire at 50 and live a great life, with some great people.

    Not having to worry about money, the weather etc. England is the best country in the world to work and earn good fortune, but Thailand is in my opinion the best place to live and enjoy the fruits of your labor, but now and again we have to tolerate comments like this from the OP.

    • Like 2
  7. If you truly believe iPhone is the greatest then I suggest you read and understand the specification of the iPhone and say a Samsung Galaxy. Then look at the price and decide is the US$250+ that you are paying more than the Samsung for the iPhone really worth it? A lot of people believe the hype they are sold by Apple. Do you really want a phone that everything you want to do is dictated by the manufacturer? That you cant upgrade without returning it to Apple? You cant even change the battery yourself, it has to be returned to Apple.

    If you are have with this then fine buy an iPhone. Incidentally the finger print "security" feature was hacked within 24 hours of it appearing on the market...........that is some security. They do feel nice in the hand but for me anyway, they are not worth the money.

  8. Yes sorry to say,

    I've had some great times in walking street,

    But now it's time for walking street to 'walk on', clean up, and develop the area into a great beech resort for us all to enjoy.

    Watching the development going on around walking street for the last few years I think something is planned by the powers that be to develop the area into a beech resort with harbour for the elite.

    Very welcomed by most of us that love to live here in and around Pattaya.

  9. Stupidly I thought at last we had started to get some worth while subjects on TVF, and then this sh1t turns up.

    Please don't listen to the wannabe experts on this site they are talking crap.

    There is no such thing as common law wife in British law it will not hold up in any court in England.

    Defend yourself, lawyers are business people and at the end of the day they are trying to get your money just like any other person in business.

    This is another case of a young Thai girl trying to rip off a stupid Englishman that couldn't keep it in his pants, she is being advised by her friends and probably an older sister and mother wanting money for the family for sitting around and doing nothing.

    Don't be fooled or worried and face up to the fact that she is trying to rip you off but don't let her win, defend yourself and fight all the way, ignore everything and she will get nothing.

    Do not! what ever you do make any offers!!!!

    British courts are not stupid they know what goes on here and they will take a fair view on everything if it ever gets that far.

    and please remember there is no need to ever get married in modern society as it means nothing apart from complicating issues when you split.

  10. Good to see some well worth topics coming through now.

    To describe my situation I would use the word contentment.

    I am now very contented with my life sitting back now and again and experiencing that euphoric moment coffee1.gif (normally with a beer) saying quietly to myself "yes this will do for the rest of my life"

    But we should never forget you still have to work and adapt to it sometimes

    like everything in this life

    "nothing is for nothing"

  11. Good for the employee for posting the memo. Normally Thai's just accept. I know of a business where they just implemented a policy where if you are overweight they take 1000b per month from your salary until you lose weight then they will give you back your own money. And nobody is standing up for themselves. Crazy....

    Maybe crazy; but a good incentive to loose weight the company looking after the health of it's employees

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