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Everything posted by BKKBike09

  1. "Hey Somchai - want the tranq gun?" "Nah mate - I've got this" [takes off sarong]
  2. I had this a couple of years back. Woke up deaf in one ear the day before a flight to UK during height of Covid (remember how complex any travel was). Went to a well-known hospital in BKK to see if ear was blocked and flying would be a bad idea. Doctor said no blockages etc and wanted to admit me and inject steroids into my ear for a week. I declined and was instead given a sack of steroids and other pills to alleviate side-effects of said steroids. By next morning - without taking any steroids - hearing almost back to normal and recovered to normal within another day. A week or so later had another episode which also self-resolved in a day. No recurrence since then. Steroid treatment does seem to be the common course of action but I believe needs to start within a couple of weeks in order to be most effective. Injecting into affected ear is also a treatment option. Some useful general background here - bottom line is try to to get it checked out as soon as you can. https://www.hearingloss.org/hearing-help/hearing-loss-basics/sudden-deafness/ Maybe you could also try lying down on side with deaf ear down and see if that makes any difference?
  3. It's been erratic (at best) for ages. Use Windy. Also free (and better).
  4. Social disparity has existed under every government. When Labour form the next government, it won't get any better. In the late 1990s I lived on an estate in 'North Camden' (Kentish Town) for several years. Crime was rampant. The only police we ever saw were blue lighting it somewhere - never saw them on foot. That was under a Labour government. The fall in the number of 'Bobbies on the beat' is not so much due to funding as to statistic driven policing. If Constable A is pounding the streets for 8 hours he (or she) may well have a deterrent effect on crime and provide a reassuring presence to residents, but they're not closing cases. However it's very hard to quantify the 'value' of that sort of policing. Forces want to look good so they now prioritise activities that can be statistically measured: so more paperwork and less pavement pounding.
  5. In London blame Sadiq Khan for expanding ULEZ and nonsensical 20 mph speed limits, raising millions in fines, but then spending millions on DEI appointments as opposed to more police. He is responsible for policing in the capital. That said, doesn't help to have a woke police force with officers seemingly more concerned about investigating "hate crime" than stopping actual crime. 18 teenagers stabbed to death in London alone in 2023.. Knife crime has risen each year since the pandemic, with 13,503 incidents incidents recorded in the capital between July 2022 and June 2023, a 21% increase on the previous 12-month period. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-london-67863910
  6. Doesn't say. I don't think it matters for a plug and play LED light. But I'm not an electrician,
  7. He says there are two ways to connect. The first is simply to swap the old tube for the new LED one. Plug in the new tube but remove the starter otherwise the light will flicker. The second way is to disconnect the ballast and wire the new tube direct to the wires that were going to the ballast. First option seems much easier. Plug n play. PS - when I changed old starter/ballast lights for LED I just bought new LED complete sets and got rid of the old ones completely.
  8. You might also choose to include from that same CDC assessment: "During the first seven months of 2023, adults 65 years and older accounted for 63% of hospitalizations and 88% of in-hospital deaths from COVID-19. Of this group, 90% of those hospitalized had multiple pre-existing medical conditions." [emphasis added] https://www.cdc.gov/ncird/whats-new/changing-threat-covid-19.html
  9. The economic toll of the COVID-19 pandemic in the U.S. will reach $14 trillion by the end of 2023, our team of economists, public policy researchers and other experts have estimated. https://fortune.com/well/2023/05/16/how-much-did-covid-19-pandemic-coronavirus-cost-economy-14-trillion/
  10. In their lather of indignation, 'residents' missed an opportunity to promote the impressive size of their coconut trees. What a monster! (The tree, not the tranny).
  11. Sketchy web site with free use stock images and zero detail about the people behind the firm. Privacy Policy has info saying they work with St. James's Place (which has had a lot of issues over high commissions). No company called 'Horizon Wealth' something registered in Thailand. UK entity looks to be run by a husband / wife duo.
  12. Sorry for mentioning a fact that YOU don’t like.
  13. Ah. The 'genocide' card. The Israelis aren't doing a very good job at that. Gaza has a population of more than 2 million. Estimates of those killed in Gaza since 7 October are around 35,000, according to Al Jazeera. So that's just over 1%. The situation in Gaza is appalling and I am for a ceasefire; Israel will never fully eradicate Hamas and the ongoing action is doubtless now an effective recruiting tool for Hamas and its evil objectives. If the ICJ (which BTW didn't call for a ceasefire when it said Israel might be guilty of acts against the Genocide Convention) is going to level allegations of such acts against Israel, then sure as eggs are eggs it should be levelling them at Hamas too. In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such: (a) Killing members of the group; (b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; (c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; (d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; (e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group. https://ihl-databases.icrc.org/en/ihl-treaties/genocide-conv-1948
  14. Er, a sentence constructed in that manner unequivocally states that Thailand is a Commonwealth country. It's included in a list consisting solely of other Commonwealth countries, preceded by the statements "Most Commonwealth countries are included ... these include ... such as ..." In this example, a tangerine is clearly categorised as a vegetable. "Most vegetables are included in the frozen list; these include vegetables such as aubergine, carrots, swedes, new potatoes, Tangerines ..."
  15. Can any AN members see the resemblance between these images? 1. A kindly gentleman hosing down an elephant. 2. A kindly gentleman hosing down an elephant.
  16. Come on Bob. Unlike in Monte Carlo or Geneva, this chap had plenty of opportunities, in the delightful Nana area, to purchase a garishly coloured di1do and literally 'put a plug in it' until he could find a more suitable venue for relief. Although on Monte Carlo - As I walk along, in Soi Nana With an independent air You can hear the girls declare "He must be a Millionaire." You can hear them sigh and wish to die, You can see them wink the other eye At the man who took a dump in Monte Carlo who cares, I gotta go.
  17. You can bet that governments will start to tax EV users more aggressively to make up for lost fuel taxes. The advance of tech will make things like road use pricing much easier to implement. As EV adoption ticks up, the subsidised incentives to own are going to evaporate faster than water on a Bangkok pavement in April (bringing this back to EVs in Thailand).
  18. Marketing? Building brand value and loyalty? I doubt it's costing them anything. In fact, they're probably going to make some money because I suspect the electricity costs them less than THB 4, and some BYD owners who might otherwise go to PTT or wherever might take the time and effort to go and use a Rever charger to save a massive 50 baht or whatever. The same folk who won't pay THB 40 to use the tollway. When I renewed my ICE insurance last year Bangkok Insurance 'gave' me THB 2000 in PTT fuel vouchers.
  19. Just got this text from BYD (my translation from the Thai): "This Songkran BYD asks to be part of your travels by bringing EV charging at a special price of THB 4/unit starting from 1800 on 11 April until 0800 on 22 April at Rever chargers nationwide. See more at https://www.reverautomotive.com" สงกรานต์นี้ BYD ขอเป็นส่วนหนึ่งในการเดินทางของคุณ ร่วมเติมไฟให้การชาร์จ EV ราคาพิเศษ 4 บาท/หน่วย เริ่ม 11 เม.ย. 67 เวลา 18.00 ถึง 22 เม.ย. 67 เวลา 08.00 ที่เรเว่ชาร์จเจอร์ทั่วประเทศ ดูเพิ่มเติมที่ https://www.reverautomotive.com
  20. Impact of Bangkok traffic and summer heat on Atto 3 range: negligible in the real world, at least based on my experience owning one since Jan 2023. Not very scientific, but when I got it, my daughter sat in it for an hour one night with friends with the a/c on and streaming music to car via Spotify, and battery went down 1%. Running the a/c really doesn't make much difference. Mind you, the Atto 3 a/c isn't particular effective at rapid cooling. Bangkok traffic and and aircon impact on my other (ICE) car: get as little as 3 km/l sometimes ...
  21. Speed kills, but luckily 😉 no lives were lost and only the EV's range was killed at m highway speed. The above 420 km range is reduced to 163 km at a constant 120 km/h. Both the Atto 3 and Seal 🦭 take a massive +60% reduction in range at speed. Not sure if the ORA funky cat is the same model as the good cat, but it is doing surprisingly well for it's fairly poor aerodynamic. I must have got an extra special Atto then, because I get at least 300 km range at 120 kmh (+), BKK-Jomtien on a regular basis on Highway 7. The 'real time' power usage goes up to around 18-20 kw/100 km. Where were those tests done? In the Arctic?
  22. What's happened to the mysterious OP? Still waiting for him/her to let us all know how long he/she has bene here, and whether he/she speaks any Thai etc.
  23. Come now, surely you can see that 'online persona' may be completely distinct from actual persona? Even if not, it's like seeing some fat sweaty bloke in a stained T-Shirt and flip flops, thinking "what a loser", and then finding out he's a tech billionaire or whatever.
  24. Don't need to speak good Thai to pass current 'test' for either, though.
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