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Posts posted by Jedsada3

  1. I never liked to use Microsoft IE.

    And Chrome... it shouldn't be Google everywhere, should it be?


    I was a fan of Mozilla Firefox from their beginning until a few weeks ago.

    When they updated their browser to Quantum a lot of add-ons didn't work anymore and the one still working didn't have the same functions as their old versions (for example : "Clippings" Grrrr!).
    So I decided to look for something fast, light, open source and where the old addons would work as they used to do.
    I found "Waterfox" and since then I enjoy again every minute on the net.

    Waterfox is based on Firefox and IMO is faster and lighter than its "big brother". The old add-ons are working as they used to work on FF56 and all the features of FF are present.




  2. I don't know exactly how much of each.

    I put some drops of Glycerine of Borax in a cup and add sugar until it has the right consistency to not run out. It's less liquid than honey and a bit more liquid than Nutella

  3. 2 hours ago, rwill said:

     I got a pharmacy to get me some borax but it was very expensive.

    I use glycerine of Borax and it works if you mix it with sugar. I't only 17 THB for 15ml.

    You will find it in any pharmacy




  4. Sometimes, a little thing can help.

    Find a nice small stone or piece of glass that was washed by water, get some bergamot leaves and some tamarind kernel (or from other fruit), put all in a small fabrics bag and give it to your wife's friend. Tell her it will protect her from her husband's spells. She will believe it and feel better and you will save money.




  5. 5 minutes ago, charliebadenhop said:

    You need boric acid, and not borax. They are two different things.

    Both can be used :

    Boric acid and borax are both best known as low-toxicity pesticides used in homes. Neither chemical is toxic to humans nor pets when used as recommended, and neither chemical has been shown to contribute to cancer or other long-term illnesses. As a result, these compounds are used as natural and safe ways to combat ants and other pests.


    from https://www.reference.com/science/borax-same-boric-acid-319fa5e46d85e4d5

  6. 2 hours ago, bubba45 said:

    I offered my gardener ฿500 for every tokay he caught and got rid of. Within a couple of weeks our estate was tokay free. 


    Tokay Gekko eat insects and other small animals loke baby rats and mouses... killing them opens the door of your area to other harmful animals you don't want see in your home.

  7. It looks like a Shitsu...


    Very easy dogs.

    Our Heng-Heng is 16 years old (my GF says he is a Shitsu Toy bcz he is half as big as other Shitsu).
    2 years ago he lost one eye and this year, he had water in the lung and has heart problems... but he is still very playful.

    He eats cucumber or green beans every morning.
    We also have 2 big dogs (Labrador-mix) but Heng-Heng is the boss!

  8. When I lived in Europe, I bought a lot of Thai silver coins on ebay (and later direct from some sellers). From more than 50 purchases only 2 didn't arrive. One was blocked by customs and the second one was a scam (but PayPal paid back).

    Today, I would say there are more scams from Thailand to Thailand than from Thailand to international...


    Hope everything will be OK for you.

  9. 7 minutes ago, Minnehaha said:

    What is the difference between the electric system and delivery here compared against for example, Morocco, or New York or anywhere temperate in the USA? I am asking why transformers here need so much maintenance and are often failing and needing repair. I gave these two examples of places I know well and have lived in for extended periods of time and the electric runs better. Morocco is chosen specifically because although we had frequent outages the transformers were not going 'boom' as they do here. 


    Is it the tropical heat? or the delivery system? 

    There are 2 kinds of maintenance: preventive maintenance and corrective maintenance. If the first one doesn't exist, you will have to repair a lot...


    On 9/13/2017 at 11:22 AM, plus7 said:

    Some of them are in internal walls, several are on outer.

    If you see cracks on internal walls, it could mean that the cracks are in the bricks and not only on the cement coating. You should check if the cracks go through. Check if they are at the same place inside and outside (for example 50 cm from the window)


    Cracks in wall can also come from roots and then it can become a big problem.
    The wall around my house starts getting cracks and it comes from the roots of a big tamarind and some other fruits trees (Jack, Mango...).

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