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Everything posted by norbra

  1. I read somewhere over the weekend that the cameras were some distance from the accident area and they did not provide usable footage. It was also mentioned that a broken wheel on her suitcase was the cause of the incident,but for me I would be pulling luggage with a broken wheel not trying to keep it under control it in front of me
  2. I think if the suitcase had a broken wheel then she would be pulling it.
  3. What ads?? Haven't seen an ad on this site since I bought a new phone 2 months ago
  4. Say 30 exposed crowded,2 persons per step equals around 4200 kgs, I don't think the stop would be instantaneous. As for walkways,from memory, max weight per floor plate is 300kgs Many years ago I was involved in a full load emergency stop test on an escalator,(a simulated broken drive chain where the normal power off apply brake was overidden ) the escalator slid 1.5 steps before stopping.
  5. For your info yellow comb plates have been used worldwide for 40 years. But good housekeeping replacing damaged plates is a must. The yellow plates are designed to break to release any large foreign object they may encounter. The effort required to break the plate is sufficient to operate the safety switches attached to the floor plates,shutting down the machine. That's what's supposed to happen but TIT.
  6. Bolt is smokescreen,any bolt associated with the moving panels is there to hold them DOWN and would only be doing their job when the step panels are on their return journey ie upside down to prevent them falling off the step plate frame The 4 bolts per plate on Hitachi walkways secure the step plate to the frame that connects them to the drive chain. Verdict all BS
  7. Travelators and escalators cannot be stopped.too quickly for fear of casualties to those riding being flung to the floor of the travelators or to the bottom of escalators.
  8. I can't imagine her falling forward,I suspect that when her suitcase was involved in the "collision" with the comb plate it became stationary while the woman's feet were most likely following the suitcase and pushed it off the walkway leaving her still moving feet at the mouth of the damaged unprotected floor plate, Her foot was then dragged in similar to putting ATM card in cash machine
  9. Have the paparazzi been banned? No loading into ambulance,no admission to hospital,no interviews no reporting from hospital
  10. The advanced safety measures mentioned were mandatory requirements in Australia 40 years ago
  11. If McGyver had been there he would have opened the "motor room",attached the resident handle to the motor and moved the "steps" in the opposite direction until the woman was freed.
  12. "Escalator" was coined by Elisha Greaves Otis to display his revolutionary moving stairs to the media
  13. Yeah I could imagine her toes and some instep which would be crushed but if the walkway still failed to stop it would crush untill it did stop. In the pic I think she is sitting on her left leg with her foot stuck under the floor plate
  14. You might notice in the pic of the comb plates that some engineering genius decided that to get the fixing screws equidistance apart the plates cannot be identical in width,this is a major concern as teams replacing damaged plates may run out of plates of one particular size during regular maintenance visit. Maybe AOT should keep a room full of spare plates Just saying
  15. The comb plate has done it's job,broken as designed to release any abnormal intrusion. If safety switches were fitted to the floor plates the effort required to break the comb plate would have activated them , shutting down the drive motor.
  16. During 1955/56 I was installing escalators in Melbourne Australia in preparation for the Olympic games. These were cast iron monsters couldn't break them with a sledge hammer. No accidents reported for very many years,then the toddlers sneakers came on the market,they featured nonslip soles. At that time escalators had linished stainless steel skirting but when kids approached the bottom with shoe against skirting and steps levelling the shoe and foot got caught with mostly bad results. First came yellow marked danger zones on every step,followed by Teflon coated skirting and micro switches behind the skirting and under the floor plates, Then a new step design was introduced where the 3 treads nearest the skirting were increased in height this made standing on them uncomfortable these moves had made them very safe. But now the accountants are in control of safety everything is light weight and "maintenance free"
  17. Agree totally at my local bigc the floor plates at the bottom level of both travelators have been trashed by the "trains "of shopping carts being returned by staff from the carpark and the loaded carts coming down to the carpark. I never step on the centre of these always near the edges where there is support.
  18. I have been given this eye ointment from both government and private hospitals in Thailand and similar from Australian hospitals to use on my skin ,as an antibacterial, when recovering from larger biopsies. Cogetine is difficult to store as shelf life is not extensive 40 baht at pharmacy
  19. If the door/s are required to be fire rated then can only install louvrers with effective auto fire control closing device fitted. I doubt that the elevator landing doors would have draught stopping seals so plenty of ambient temp air available to feed the forced air extractors in machine room
  20. Where is the heat coming from ? How many machines? The hoisting motors,controllers or something else? Cheapest solution would be to install roof mounted fan driven extractors. Could be controlled by thermostat or timer.
  21. One more snippet of fact you can add to your vast knowledge of everything
  22. One to add to your vast knowledge,this is the form submitted and approved
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