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Posts posted by Nigeone

  1. Came on 26th Abu Dhabi Bangkok with Etihad and plane a little over half full..first time I have ever traveled Etihad in 15years and flight not been pretty well full

    Nice hotel I always stay in Bangkok had 6 rooms on 4 floors(40plus rooms ) occupied.

    Met a friend who flew in with Thai from London and every one had 3/4 seats to lie on..plane empty

  2. I've been following this from the very beginning and what I am sick of is the constant RTP bashing in this thread, and others like these.

    It seems from reading peoples comments that they have years of law enforcement experience & consider themselves to be Sherlock Holmes. If you bashers think you can do a decent job then why don't you get yourself to Koh Tao and lend them a hand?

    As someone who has experience in law enforcement I can tell you, investigating a murder and gathering evidence to show to the court is not easy.

    How can you preserve evidence on a beach as best you can without compromising it when the sea can wash away vital bits?

    How are you going to identify witnesses if none are willing to come forward?

    The murder didn't occur directly underneath a CCTV camera, so how are you going to know how many suspects you're looking for or what they look like?

    How are you going to lock down an island with many entry/exit points with a limited amount of officers?

    What tasks are you going to prioritise when you used your finite amount of officers, and your nearest back up is 2 hours away with the sea in between?

    People have been saying it's a Thai, Burmese, influential person who committed the murder. I ask you where is your evidence to support your theory? Gut feelings and hearsay don't hold up in a court of law I'm afraid.

    Oh and not all Thai police officers are corrupt, so why tar them with the same brush? You guys won't like it if people say retired Farang men only come to Thailand to marry young Thai women would you?

    My grandfather did not die in the line of duty on a drug raid just to be labeled bent.

    Rant over

    No wonder that there is RTP bashing, people are very skeptic for a good reason. What does a civilian do on a crime scene to begin with just as an example? Same civilian who are caught on CCTV. Same civilian who start to play private investigator with his police friend. Same civilian who was having a conflict with the murder victims before the murder took place. Same civilian who was interrogated but denied to provide DNA sample. I could go on.....

    Don't come and tell us that there is no reason to be skeptic about this while investigation.

    Yes....all these people saying why is there RTP bashing don't understand how it works...To be honest is there anyone on here you can

    honestly tell me that when !! a perp is found you feel sure it would be the right person arrested...The whole episode is a complete

    disgrace and the lack of protocol and operating methods are quite honestly a joke...This is a big country and the police really don't

    have a clue.!!

    Also its quite clear this has got cover up all over it..God knows what the other countries in the world are thinking...Actually they should come out and tell Thailand police what they are thinking and don't pull punches....This type of crime will!! happen again and it could be me or anyone reading this on here...British/Australian/France etc embassies GET INVOLVED !!!strong words are needed..I feel so sorry to the family's and friends of the two murdered to have to watch and hear of whats 'NOT ' going on....everyday brings a new contradiction

    and joke comments from our BiB..

  3. Just google this - Koh Tao murders - a tasteless joke by island disc jockeys. Those guys are not worried at all. They' seem to be taking the piss. The party goes on.


    I wish i was more social media/internet savvy, i would spend a large amount of my time making people aware of how these people are treating this with such contempt, hopefully then people would avoid such a lawless place and hit them where it hurts.


    So this arrived in my inbox this afternoon with the link regarding LATEST- update on the latest twist on the Koh Tao murders. The link has been blocked for me even up until now. OR if it connects, it s directed to the story above on jet skis or the story below on tattoos. Possibly my connection but wondered if anyone else has experienced such difficulties with this particular story ?

    Blocked for me too mate..

  4. Strange how the pictures this guy took of his alleged would be attackers have been removed from his facebook page, no oubt he was persuaded by the BIB

    British Embassy advised it to be taken down as it would put him in more danger....along with the mssgs he sent..

    I viewed them..before taken down

  5. Rohinya migrants now suspected in British couples death


    BANGKOK: -- Local police today added Rohinya migrants into suspected groups of three to find out after DNA results ruled out all their earlier detained suspects from the murder of the two British tourists.

    The British brothers and friends to the slain David Miller, Mr Christopher Ware, 24, and his brother James, were now in the custody of the British embassy and they will leave for homes tonight.

    Christophers DNA test did not match those collected from the scene of murder and the victims body.

    Besides he also was cleared of the wounds on his wrist which was old and not fresh wounds caused during lighting fireworks.

    However the embassy officials said they were ready to give cooperation in case new investigation implicated him again in the murder.

    Both were scheduled to depart for home tonight.

    Pol Maj-Gen Kiatipong Khoasam-arng, chief of Surat Thani police, said he has received all DNA test results unofficially.

    He said from the DNA test, there were mixed DNA samples inside Ms Hannah Witheridge, indicating more than one suspect were involved.

    This gave the police clearer picture of suspected groups, but still did not rule out earlier theories, he said.

    He said the police now gave more weight to an Asian looking man who appeared in the CCTV video footage of a resort home walking around near the scene wearing no shirt.

    The man was at first thought to be a friend of the male victim, but after DNA test didnt match any detained suspect, the police have to turn to this man again.

    But he said so far the police have not found the man.

    However the police now have launched massive dragnet to find this man throughout the entire island, he said.

    He said investigation would be back to square one with focus now on three groups, namely local Thai people on the island, migrant workers, and tourists.

    But he said migrant workers is the most suspected group, particularly the Rohinya migrants, judging from the gruesome nature of the killing.

    However the police still have not yet ruled out Christopher Ware because there are still several evidence which are pending forensic examination, he said.

    Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/rohinya-migrants-now-suspected-british-couples-death/


    -- Thai PBS 2014-09-20

    They have looked at almost every other Nations people as being suspects but have they even for 1 second considered thais may be involved or is that just to ridiculous to even contemplate?

    You're a typical anti-Thai TV poster, cannot read. The report said local Thais!!!

    EH' excuse me mister .... what about this bit !!! ..But he said migrant workers is the most suspected group, particularly the Rohinya migrants, judging from the gruesome nature of the killing .... please explain !!!

    This....He said investigation would be back to square one with focus now on three groups, namely local Thai people on the island, migrant workers, and tourists.

    He also said that they haven't ruled out Christopher ware ...... MMMmmmmmmm who is left !! what other group??? that about covers it I

    think... Not a clue after how many days they haven't got a clue and are no further on...maybe because there scared too ??!!!

  6. Its only a matter of time before they are caught. Thats the way police work occurs everywhere in the world. Leads develop over time and are investigated. Guys brag to their buddies or girlfriends and when the friendships or relationships end then those secrets are exposed. Meanwhile, the police are collecting and processing evidence and keeping and exploring all avenues.

    I do hope you are being sarcastic because otherwise you are just being plain dumb. The fact this happened at all quite possibly indicates the perp's feel safe as they are well connected. I notice the police have not yet even mentioned the local rumors of a drunk Thai youth harassing the girl a few hours earlier and that the UK boy helped to get rid of him. If this is true then there is a chance the locals in the bar will know who he is, or if he is not local then at least where he was staying. This would have been a massive loss of face and more than enough for many Thai's to flip out.

    TIT. As with so many murders before they have no intention of finding out that it was a Thai. Sadly I have a feeling this will remain unsolved.

    RIP and condolences to the families of the victims.

    I have heard this too in a previous post on one of the forums...The only trouble is if it is true and I'm not saying it isn't

    both the poor girl and guy who stuck for her would not be alone and you would be sure there friends would have mentioned it

    in the run in with the RTP....that makes me think it maybe isn't true...And if it is why have the police not mentioned it..

    This does as so many have said is starting to stink and for sure somebody knows something on the Island...

    My deepest sympathy to all family's and friends of the deceased in this..

    One other...I have no wish to view the pictures put on facebook by Police..In fact if ever there was one thing that sums up

    the BiB efforts and credibility in this matter is this.... disgraceful !! when are we going to see the police responsible sacked !!

  7. I am Scottish and in general most Scots would say they don't like England which is different from not liking the English as individuals. This is a historical thing and will never change. On an individual level Scots are I believe the most hospitable people in the world and this also will never change whatever the nationality. Huge over reaction if the story is true.

    Yes I would agree with this comment...The Scots don't like the English as a nation but they are wonderful warm people and having been to Scotland several times would love to go back every year....A warm friendly passionate people who also as probably people on here know..enjoy a good time too !

  8. Just when you think the BIB couldn't have handled this any worse you read this gem:

    "As for the pair of stained pants found in Miller's luggage, the general admitted that the substance found on the clothing was not blood and that they belonged to Miller and the pair had been put in the victim's luggage by the first group of police officers" (italics added)

    Just unbelievable really...not that the BiB should do this but that someone in the police should admit to it...

    Shall I read in the next few days that the Police involved are charged and sacked..Mmmmmm i won't hold my breath..

    I wonder how the general is feeling over possible loss of face...A Thai wouldn't do this..remark now that the Brits and Burmese

    seemed to have been ruled out...

  9. Tell you what..have never known such a response on UK news Sky ,BBC.. as this has brought....They have really been critical. Thai officials , government , General and particularly the Thai police are really getting a hammering..Quite unusual and taken the amount of media attention on the Scottish independence is even more

    amazing....Bad stuff so often happens in Thailand but is so often hushed up or covered up..ie the amount of suicides !! I'm not saying I disagree

    with the news reporting just its about time the police there are found out for what they are....useless !! and crooks...allegedly !

    • Like 1
  10. There is only one reason why foreign tourists in bikinis are tolerated on Thai beaches, and that is because of the $$$ earned from these tourists.

    Most Thai people are conservative in outlook and frown upon the wearing of such clothing. Remember that most Thais are Buddhist, with a large Muslim minority (majority in the south).

    Don't think for one minute that you would be welcome on the beaches of Thailand in your bikini if it were not for your money.

    I have seen Thai conservatism on walking street in Pattaya and along Jomtien beach and in many other locations around Bangkok.

    I have been approached early (ish) evening by men and women showing me graphic, sexual pictures and trying to coax me to go to a "ping pong" show. This is while weaving in and out of hoards of scantily dressed ladyboys along bar fronts strewn with ladies dancing provocatively to try and tempt me into go go bars. All of this in the street open for everyone to see, including the kids, very conservative.

    And yet bikinis worn by women on the beach are inappropriate,,, hmmm,,, priorities skewed maybe?

    Yes.Yes I find it hard to get my head around this too..

    also a few years ago I went to a village party in the grounds of a temple where everybody from around the Area gathered..I truly couldn't believe the Thai dancers/disco.. Not only were

    they as good as nothing on their dancing left nothing to the imagination....sexually provocative...I was just recently in a restaurant in Lamphun and coyote dancers turned up..This is a conservative

    area and these girls also had virtually nothing on and were very sexual so the General's comments are out of order to say the least....

    This is such a sad case and one I'm not sure is going to be solved with the apparent lack from the outset to look at the possibility of a Thai doing this

    • Like 1
  11. My wife's son just finished Uni and received his degree...unbelievable..He did a marketing degree and in the last few months he along with a group of 5 others

    made and sold Satay chicken and pork from a stall outside a shopping mall.....something you expect a 12 year old to be able to do in the UK...He was 24..The group made a massive loss and couldn't understand how I tried to explain to him even then his profit and loss account didn't consider the 300 plus bht a day for him to travel from Mae Tha Lamphun to Chiang mai should be included as they were looking at it as a business....needless to say he is now working in a factory on a production line after the waste of

    god knows how much money...But he has his degree !!! pictures all over the house and making his mum proud..its sad..!! I despair for thailand and its future..

    • Like 2
  12. I have a large list of as new tools including free standing planer thicknesser,free standing band saw, Triton bench and rip saw with extensions for 8 x 4 sheets.

    Also large air compressor with 3 new nail guns. Also 1 dewalt radial arm saw free standing large model. large dewalt chop saw stand 2 ttriton routers new along with loads of Trend new router blades including panel molding...Theres 1 pillar drill as new and one record mortiser with assorted bits. 2triton new work stands along with two black and becker work benchs. Heavy duyt tig and acr welder with gas as new only used one day..Also several hand electric tools including dewalt and Mikata saws etc and 7inch grinder. they are all up for sale and I have some pictures but not all till I get to chiang mai on the 30th of this month..am open to offers on all as I need to clear them.They are all very very good workshop quality equipment. I'm sure if you see then you be happy..

    contact me on <removed> .......or can ring 00447624303040 or nigelkenneth on facebook...

    Some of the pictures or screen grabs from the net as until I get back yo Lamphun I cant get actually pictures..I can garantee the quality and condition as GET IN TOUCH

    I said most are brand new and just tested.. I have other items like dewalt laser level and some good levels stabla 6 ft...Trend tenon kit and router stand to fit on Triton saw bench...That all is a great bit of kit..sundry stuff like clamps and off set hole jigs all new...I will sort out a good deal and of course the more thats bought I will do a deal for quantity Have a good new de walt 18v two batteries hammer drill with a right angle drill in the kit as new .Makita 7 inch hand saw and Makita mains drill/hammer .Loads of extras thrown in like air gun couplins and hose

    Pass the word around please as I really need to get the stuff moved...wife left and so hence the reason for selling.. would love any assistance any one can give me..

    many thanks Guys Nigel Brown













    • Like 1
  13. Well I mentioned in a earlier post that a big disco/pub entertainment place in Lamphun was going to close late September or so...It closed last week

    and the story is its the police who closed it...There was probably up to 100 hundred people working there catering mainly for the many factories around the area..

    No Falang apart from a couple...me when I am there..It was a good night too..Hardly anyone speaking english but there all very friendly.. Another friend who has a resturant/bar there and who used to get maybe to 1 pm has to close on the dot now..All the police doing.There around every night enforcing...Going back to the disco I am sure that it was actually owned by the police but maybe I'm wrong...That said the dancers and singers who I have been talking too have all been told its reopening in November sometime..watch this space !!! TiT

  14. Posted on another topic but applies here

    I'm afraid in these days of facebook and trip advisor type sites the news gets around..I know some friends who thought of going to Thailand

    and spent along time after the coup looking up info on travel to Thailand...They ended up going to Greece...Too much in the news and on the web now

    I'm afraid...And I actually hope the place does change for the better..a step back or two and in the future maybe it will be a better place..

    I'm not going to hold my breath!

    • Like 1
  15. I'm afraid in these days of facebook and trip advisor type sites the news gets around..I know some friends who thought of going to Thailand

    and spent along time after the coup looking up info on travel to Thailand...They ended up going to Greece...Too much in the news and on the web now

    I'm afraid...And I actually hope the place does change for the better..a step back or two and in the future maybe it will be a better place..

    I'm not going to hold my breath!

  16. Yeah and I wonder why that is? you silly pricks. A mate of mine who works offshore and spends $100,000s of dollar in Thailand every year just got refused a Tourist Visa. He's been here 9 years and they do that because he used to come back and forth on a visa exempt cause he works 4 weeks on and 4 weeks off.

    Thai immigration, you reap what you sow. Som Num Naa

    All of you will be out of a job soon, because without the foreigners coming into Thailand, there will be no need for immigration LOL cheesy.gif

    Well I'm surprised to hear of anyone on a 28 day rotation being refused entrance, especially at the airport.

    I didn't say he got refused entrance at an airport did I? I said he got refused a Tourist Visa. An application at Hull Consulate to be precise.

    Ok, my mistake, I thought you meant refused entrance on a tourist visa, I'm a little tired today.

    This is actually very concerning.

    I've never heard of anyone being refused a tourist visa at a consulate in the UK, especially Hull.

    This should be followed up and verified in the Visa section as it's big news if there's been a change in the policy for issuing tourist visas in far away consulates.

    It could be because the consulates don't do visa's by post in the UK now...Only way to get a visa by post is through Thai embassy in London..I could be wrong but this is probably a reason why he didn't get a visa...You can get visa's from consulates but only by appointment and in person.....new system now..

  17. I dont think the changes are going to help the Thai's..Its a culture thing with them..When theres a public holiday and drink is banned from being sold the Thais in my village area all all smashed by 4 pm afternoon....They do drink so much as a nation and taking in to consideration there size far more in relation to body mass than farang.

    Obviously this a generalisation but you know what I mean...When this hits the tourist industry , restaurants . bars etc like it or not many many Thai Girls and people in this industry are going to really struggle...Like I said earlier already around me in Lamphun a club is closing which stayed open till 4 and there is about 100 employed there..this is going to have big effects on many aspects of Thai life..some good ..a lot bad..

  18. I dont think the changes are going to help the Thai's..Its a culture thing with them..When theres a public holiday and drink is banned from being sold the Thais in my village area all all smashed by 4 pm afternoon....They do drink so much as a nation and taking in to consideration there size far more in relation to body mass than farang.

    Obviously this a generalisation but you know what I mean...When this hits the tourist industry , restaurants . bars etc like it or not many many Thai Girls and people in this industry are going to really struggle...Like I said earlier already around me in Lamphun a club is closing which stayed open till 4 and there is about 100 employed there..this is going to have big effects on many aspects of Thai life..some good ..a lot bad..

  19. If ..and its a big if in my view..this goes ahead there going to have to revise there unemployment figures big time.....I would love to be a fly on the wall in the tourism powers that be offices now....talk about shoot yourself in the foot....For me I can get plenty to drink easily before 12pm and Lamphun everything closes around 12 any way..except the disco/pub and there closing as I mentioned already..they employ I would say over 100 people....all the ones I know its there only job...not sure how this is going to affect restaurants and the girls who serve...Its plain that the promo girls are going to have a problem but how do they class the other's...? In lamphun its not the same as Chiang Mai and the girls dont go with customers etc for money...although I'm sure you can have a relationship with them..just takes a little more time...so theres probably upwards of 400 girls under that umbrella of just serving you your drinks and ice etc......unemployment for lots of thai's....makes sense !!

  20. This news could explain alot.....Where I stay, Lamphun, there's a disco with live entertainment and am friendly with the singers etc..They tell me the place..Rodeo pub its called, is closing in September.Its rumoured to be owned by police and usually stays open till 4 am..They have all the stuff thats going to banned so this could fit in...

    This is going to be interesting..Around there is many thousands who work in electronics etc and enjoy there late nights a couple of times a week.....This is so going to hit the tourist trade too as word gets around..


    Amazing how THAI can lose money when tourist arrivals have been increasing double digits in the past 4-5 years until the protest and coup. Agree that THAI airway tickets are expensive if purchase locally but when purchase overseas they are for the majority of times cheaper or same as local airlines in foreign countries. It all comes down to poor management and I suspect shareholders are being overpaid while the company rots. This is pretty common with Thai corporate companies.


    I'm sorry thats wrong..re prices of tickets....If I search for flights Isle of Man to Bangkok return it comes out as approx £500

    more in economy than say Etihad or Emirates....From Manchester only it comes out around £300 upwards dearer....And the service is very poor to what it was in late 90's early 2000....It is a very poor and expensive service and why would you fly Thai... I know some do from London as the flight is direct so I can understand that but further north no way !

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