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Everything posted by jdlancaster

  1. @henryvientiane About 2 weeks ago while I was up there, I went around to just about every pharmacy in Vientiane and none of them had it. Went to the ones near the hospitals and many of the largest but no luck. Where exactly can I buy them? I appreciate any help you can give to track down where to buy them.
  2. So, it is highly unlikely they will pay you enough (50k minimum salary), have enough registered capital, enough registered thai employees (paying social security, etc.) at a local Muay Thai gym. It is too much of a headache for them. If they don’t care it won’t get done. This is probably the only realistic option if you wanted to do it, which you probably won’t. You need to start your own company with 4 minimum salary thai employees. Then pay yourself through that company. That company could then contract to manage the remote bookings through a contract or whatever other work. This will require a significant amount of work, time, and up front costs but could lead to permanent residence.
  3. “Thailand buffalo” and “Thailand F- you” sounds a lot like how a Thai person might make an insult in English. I don’t know Finnish so maybe he didn’t speak English well either and Finnish grammar is like that?
  4. Definitely private. Will rent a pool villa. Last time we came down we each brought 2 young female friends back for some fun in the pool. Good times were had by all.
  5. I'm guessing around 20 k, with the scavenger hunt being the biggest share of prize money split between 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. This is of course just a bonus above and beyond the usual payments for their time and companionship. What are your thoughts?
  6. How many METV can one get back to back? Is there any links to the limits? Any limits to the number of days one can be a tourist in a year or something like that? My Googlefu is not working.
  7. Girls sit on guys shoulders and try to knock each other off.
  8. Yes.. autocorrect
  9. As the title says I'm planning a scavenger hunt and some competitive games. A group of us will beheading to Pattaya. I'm gonna be facilitating the event. Each team member will find a girl of their choice on Friday night that will join them as their partner for Saturday's festivities. They will be pulling money together as a reward for each team if they win the event. 1. Any interesting ideas for items that can only be picked up in a single or only a few locations, difficult to find? 2. locations or activities that make sense for a selfie in lieu of something to get there? 3. Easy competitive activities? We already have go karts, bowling, chicken (in a pool), billiards, darts, and lazer tag as ideas. TIA
  10. Some interesting posts… though must be a single transaction… no customs issues. Just trying to facilitate. Have found a work around but still curious if anyone else has done it.
  11. Anyone have any experience with exchanging large amounts of USD, Cash to Cash, single transaction. Amounts $20k+.
  12. Maybe, lol.... but it surely sucks for Russia lol.... and their collection of apologists and tankies lol...
  13. Lol at the Russian tankies. Russia isn’t coming out well in this… logistics nightmare after nightmare. NATO sending mostly soon to be obsolete prepositioned stock that was exclusively meant to be used against Russia anyways. NATO gets to let Ukraine whittle down Russia capabilities. Nato isn’t an artillery centered force and so not set up logistically to support Ukraine this way. Not a major issue for defense. Russian supply lines are a joke… train based and can’t use European rail lol… in Paris lol… no. They struggle past 30km from the border 55555 Russia is just speeding up what was already a slowly approaching demographic crisis. NATO won big here for cheap. It woke up the EU military industrial complex. Russia paid dearly for a small amount of land and no major strategic objectives. Ukraine has a chance to reclaim some land… but at what cost.
  14. Nobody? 555 oh well.
  15. Work with a western salary…. So biting the bullet.
  16. Moving to Lopburi in a week. Any recommendations other than try not to get attacked by monkeys? Will be staying in a hotel for a week or 2 while I get my bearings and hopefully find a nice house. Let me know your thoughts on restaurants, going out, etc. 39M drinker that can speak Thai if it matters on recommendations.
  17. As far as budget... could be as high as 20-40k a month if the house fit the bill... though not really looking for too big.
  18. Recently accepted a job in Lopburi. Have done a little looking online. I mostly just find low quality rooms for rent. Doesn't seem much of a market available for quality houses for rent. It is just me, so don't need anything big. Would be great if it had a pool and/or western kitchen, but I think unlikely to find. I saw some 4-6k small places which are ok... but would love something much nicer. I think everything nice is just for sale. Any recommendations or know any good agents out there? TIA
  19. Didn't sell because I didn't buy (Been long energy since covid crash). (Edit:Crypto) is propped up by leverage. How many lost everything to "exchanges?" You knew the top was near when bar girls start showing you how they trade crypto. Most coins/NFTs/exchanges have been shown to just be pump and dumps, and ponzi schemes. With so many leveraged to the tits, when the music stops.... If you want to keep your BTC, should definitely have it in a cold wallet. "Not your keys, not your coins"
  20. The US $ is near decade highs still. Should be happy with current exchange rates. Much of it is due to the FED raising interest rates. You could keep your savings in US $. Hard to predict what will happen in the future. If you get an opportunity, save until the exchange rate is to your liking. Just keep in mind, markets are forward looking and any surprises in rate hikes (or easing) can drastically change things.
  21. It's mostly word salad... but... based on Post Marxist Critical Theory https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/00131857.2021.1876669 "We define wokeness as critical consciousness to intersecting systems of oppression" (See Intersectionality. Kimberle Crenshaw, etc.) https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ1135942.pdf It focuses on dismantling systems (revolution). They believe it is better to focus on destroying/changing the system than help those in need: "Critical action can be understood as a form of civic engagement, but maintains a narrower focus on challenging oppression and is less concerned with traditional political participation or general community well-being (e.g., community cleanup). Critical action aims to dismantle oppressive social systems, distinct from civic and political behaviors that support established social programs, volunteerism, and service (Westheimer & Kahne, 2004). Furthermore, critical action within the framework of critical consciousness emphasizes critical analysis of social structures, while civic engagement does not necessarily consider analyzing systems of oppression (Shaw, Brady, McGrath, Brennan, & Dolan, 2014). For example, rather than involving volunteering at a soup kitchen, critical action would entail collective mobilization to change housing policies that lead to homelessness, or advocating, protesting, or demonstrating for social justice for marginalized communities, such as LGBTQ people or women (Diemer et al., 2020). This focused conception of critical action as combatting systems of oppression is consistent with the root of critical consciousness theory: the liberation of all people (Freire, 1970)." https://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/handle/2027.42/166387/cdep12393_am.pdf?sequence=2 The idea is to have a revolution in order to destroy/change the current systems (Praxis). "This is consistent with Freirian pedagogy, in that social action should naturally loop back to analysis and dialogue such that reflection and social action merge to form praxis, the foundation for revolution." https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5892452/ In Freire's Critical Pedagogy of which Critical Consciousness is derived: "Freire treats consciousness in much the same manner as Hegel and Marx". https://www.researchgate.net/publication/307623266_The_Critical_Epistemology_of_Paulo_Freire https://www.researchgate.net/publication/298704499_Critical_pedagogy_and_marx_vygotsky_and_freire_Phenomenal_forms_and_educational_action_research
  22. There are mitigating/aggravating circumstances for most every law. E.g. if a law has a penalty between 3-10 years how does the judge decide how many years to give? As I posted things like previous arrest record, mental capacity, addiction, and intent all can be mitigating or aggravating factors. You wouldn't give the same sentence to a mentally handicapped 20 year old first offender that didn't know or understand as you would to a 50 year old multiple time offender that methodically grooms and searches for victims. The judge uses mitigating and aggravating factors to determine the sentence. If they didn't, how would they decide? Random? A mitigating circumstance doesn't mean you aren't guilty. Even if there is a mitigating circumstance they are measured against the aggravating factors so doesn't guarantee a lower sentence.
  23. There isn't really a reason to engage him. I looked at his previous posts and he is a troll. For example with a guy trying to learn how to make friends with Thai men: "It’s impossible for farang men to make friends with Thai men. You gotta keep in mind that farang men are frustrated losers; overweight, bald, and fast aging moaners and complainers who have a superiority issue and are into dark farm girls." He posts nothing substantive and helpful on topics and just uses inflammatory posts to instigate. He does not act in good-faith. You could literally show him Thai male friends or copy and paste the law as I have.... and he'd be the same as he posts now. I'm not sure which is worse, he is a troll or actually believes what he says.
  24. Are you saying you weren't arguing mitigating factors as they relate to crime in Thailand? You're not arguing that intent isn't a mitigating factor lol? lol, you are obviously trolling. The Thai law you wanted to see is off-topic.... lol You can't make this up... I get it... the law posts are too difficult for you to understand. It can be complicated with all the terminology. Especially where they intersect. I get it, it is much easier to just use argument by pigheadedness.
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