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Posts posted by up-country_sinclair

  1. i won't be in bkk so going to super rich is not an option.

    i'd just like to restate my earlier question...

    i need to get 5,000 USD into thailand and wondering if it is in my best interest to....

    1. do a swift transfer

    2. bring cash

    3. bring traveller's checks

    the first choice would have to be exchanged all at once, and at current rates.....but choices 2 and 3 could be exchanged over time if/when the rate improves.

    i'm not asking for market speculation....more accurately which is going to take a bigger piece of my pie..... the banks on a swift, or regular currency exchange shops in thailand (if rates stay the same over the next year).

    thanks again.

  2. today i got a replacement for my thai driver's license, and i had to provide....

    passport--with signed copies of photo page and visa

    work permit--with signed copies of photo page, place of employment, and home address

    2 one inch photos

    55 baht.

    and it all took about 15 minutes.


    i don't know why they asked for the work permit and copies, but they did.

    thanks again to percy 2 and farma

  3. well ... just go to your transportation department where you did the license with the necessary proofs of identity.

    they'll have everything on record I guess

    i figured as much, but i was wondering if i needed to get another certificate of residence letter from immigration.
    except you bought the license at khao san.

    actually in a sense i 'bought' mine for 105 baht....but it was in chiang mai.

    you must have me confused with someone else.

  4. List of Documents for Non-Immigration Visa type O


    1. Copy of Household Registration of Thai Wife.

    2. Copy of Identification Card of Thai Wife.

    3. Copy of Marriage Certificate

    Remark : Please Bring all Originals and copies

    thanks for posting this info, but i have one thing i'd like to clarify...

    you mention that i should bring originals and copies--should i bring my wife's ID card with me to america?

    thanks again

    Copy of the wife's ID is fine in the States for the Thai Embassy/Consulate.


    just to confirm.........would a copy of the household registration be acceptable too?

  5. i've read all these threads about currency exchange and money transfers, onshore/offshore..... and i'm about to have an aneurism.

    i sincerely tried to figure it out by myself, but for any number of reasons i can't.

    here's my situation....

    i have approx. 100k of purchases to make in the next week, but like a jackass i've let my thai bank account to drop to half of that. the last few weeks i've been waiting for the baht to depreciate in order to transfer funds, but it just hasn't happened.

    btw, i'm in thailand now, will be travelling to the US in a week, and returning to thailand a month later. i had hoped to do a SWIFT when i was there, and/or bring back the maximum allowable in cash.

    so, taking my travel plans into consideration ...do you think i should use the credit card, ATM, or SWIFT transfer for the current 100K worth of purchases?

  6. i've read all these threads about currency exchange and money transfers, and i'm about to have an aneurism.

    here's my situation....

    i have approx. 100k of purchases to make in the next week, but like a jackass i've let my thai bank account to drop to half of that.

    i've been waiting for the last few weeks for the baht to depreciate but it just hasn't happened. btw, i'm in thailand now, will be in the US in a week, and back in thailand a month later---my current plan in this regard is to bring back the max. legal limit in cash and do a SWIFT transfer when rates improve.

    does that make sense, and do you think i should use the credit card, ATM, or SWIFT transfer for current purchases?

  7. does anyone have a recommendation for a moving company that will travel to the south?

    i've spoken with nimseeseng, but their smallest truck for that distance is much bigger than we need.

    and a somewhat unrelated question....we'll be driving down too and were wondering if anyone could recommend a place to stop for the night (with two dogs!) on the the other side of bangkok?

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