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Posts posted by up-country_sinclair

  1. "We are Chulalongkorn, we have a high status, so we can take everything that we want without restrictions..."

    High status, high face, zero social behavior tolerance towards other people and ethnic groups...

    Amazing Thai-China...

    My understanding is that Chula owns the land and therefore can do with it what they like.

    If the squatters can show that they have a legitimate right to take up space on the university's land, then a court may support their position.

    If they cannot, and have instead attempted to transform a gesture of goodwill that was intended to be a temporary measure into a defacto occupation, then the word vamos comes to mind.

    Squatters? You mean students surely?

    If I understand correctly either the facilities for a specific study are planned to be moved to Samut Pracharn or the students living facilities. A move students in Bangkok would certainly consider as being send to Coventry. This apart from possible commuting problems if they still need to be at Chula as well.

    Again, my understanding is that the technical college's lease expired approximately 7 years ago.

    It's also worth noting that the students from this particular technical college are infamous for being involved in the inter-school violence that has plagued Bangkok for years.

  2. Mother phoned yesterday to quiz her daughter - my g/f - to ask if I am faithful and not a womaniser. Mother has new concerns because of a recent marriage in the locale.

    It is said that a Farang married a Thai lady from there recently. The woman in question has 2 children and with her Thai husbands permission she travelled south in search of a Farang. She found one and has now married him, much to the delight of the husband who is expecting an easier life and extra money.

    This Thai lady is now the talk of the village and surrounding area but not in a good way. It seems many of the older Thai people are disgusted at what she and her husband have done.

    Let me see if I understand.

    Some Thai woman and her husband are running a game on another farang, and your MIL phoned your wife to make sure that you're being faithful?


  3. For the last ten days to two weeks I've been having terrible difficulty falling and staying asleep.

    These two drugs are mentioned earlier in the thread:


    Amitripytlene (spelling)

    Are they both available OTC in most pharmacies? Which one would be considered more 'gentle' and less habit forming?

    I'm also open to natural remedies that are readily available if anyone has suggestions.

    Thanks very much.


  4. Hi,

    I'm flying to Europe soon and will return for one day (actually slightly less than 24 hours) and then I have to make a quick trip to Singapore. I know, this looks like incredibly poor planning on my part, but the trips weren't arranged at the same time, and this scheduling is really the only way for me to do all that I need to do.

    After these two trips, I have no plans to leave the Kingdom again before my extension of stay needs to be renewed.

    Can I get two single re-entry permits for 1,000 baht each at my local immigration office, or will I be forced to do a multiple for 3,800? Could I try getting one re-entry permit at my local and then the second one at Don Muang before I leave on my second trip? It seems like this might be a little bit risky, but I don't want to waste 1800 baht if I don't have to. Does anyone have experience getting a re-entry recently at Don Muang? If so, was it a speedy process? What were the office hours?

    Any advise or suggestions are greatly appreciated.



  5. Apparently those with a Krung Thai credit card are eligible for 6.25% on a 3 month fixed rate deposit.

    The catch (and there always is one), you can only use your KTC points towards the deposit. More specifically, 1,000 points = 10,000 Baht. So, if you have 50,000 KTC points, you can use them as a 500,000 Baht deposit which will earn you 7812 (before taxes) in 3 months.

    I heard about this from my wife who got an email from KTC today, and the offer expires at the end of this month.

    As always, DYODD.

  6. I'm struggling to come to terms that some people on this page are laying blame with the couple for having the audacity to cycle on the road! The driver was driving (probably at a ridiculous rate) not watching where he was going and mowed down two innocent cyclists and they're to blame? This couple had cycled through Iran and Afghanistan enroute to Thailand, they cannot hardly be accused of being stupid tourists who should know better, can they? Or have I missed something here?

    Did you see their video? They probably pushed their luck several times on the trip including such things as hanging onto trucks with one hand on steep grades. On this particular leg their luck ran out. They could have been taken out by a vehicle that had a blowout and lost control or, more likely, a van or a bus with an overworked and snoozing driver.

    There is a reason why highway shoulders in other countries are not used for traveling, except by scofflaws. It is called 'safety'. They may do it Thailand, but that does not make it any safer, does it?

    When in Thailand, do as the Thai do ... and die as the Thai die.

    In the US, the "official" bike trail I use also runs on some highway shoulders. Never had a problem.

    Well Dorothy, you're not in Kansas anymore. wink.png

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