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Posts posted by up-country_sinclair

  1. I believe the term has evolved over the years. In the past I think it was used for those living and working abroad at the behest of a company/organization in the country of their birth. These days I think it can used for anyone living in a foreign country for an extended period of time.

  2. If the squatters can show that they have a legitimate right to take up space on the university's land, then a court may support their position.

    If they cannot, and have instead attempted to transform a gesture of goodwill that was intended to be a temporary measure into a defacto occupation, then the word vamos comes to mind.

    Squatters? You mean students surely?

    If I understand correctly either the facilities for a specific study are planned to be moved to Samut Pracharn or the students living facilities. A move students in Bangkok would certainly consider as being send to Coventry. This apart from possible commuting problems if they still need to be at Chula as well.

    Again, my understanding is that the technical college's lease expired approximately 7 years ago.

    It's also worth noting that the students from this particular technical college are infamous for being involved in the inter-school violence that has plagued Bangkok for years.

    OK, I didn't know about the 'lease expired seven years ago'. Does this mean that the technical college is not part of Chula University?

    BTW it may be worth noting that students of that college have a somewhat bad reputation, but moving them out of Bangkok doesn't really help in improving their behaviour. IMHO

    Some of the students at the Uthenthawai campus consider themselves to be 'at war' with the students from the nearby Pathumwan Institute of Technology. Over the last few years several people have been killed by this inter-school violence, including innocent bystanders. Moving Uthenthawai students to Samut Prakan may not change their behavior, but it will make the streets safer for residents of Bangkok.

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