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Posts posted by WhamBam

  1. noooooo, no one nominated ol'Roland. crying.gif Had my share of the limelight on the other TV

    You and Toad make a cute furry pair. Add nancy's cat for a bit of fun. Triple bill

    I took our school gerbil home for the weekend once and the inconsiderate rodent had the audacity to die on my watch.

    I'm permanently scarred. tongue.png

    Consider yourself lucky, I once did the same, the mrs asked me how hungry I was and asked if I fancied laap gerbil or gaeng gerbil, gotta admit, it was lovely, mrs even went to the trouble of removing the skin, bones and feathers before frying it, the leftovers she gave to her peasant family, they told her it was, aroi mak.

    Gerbils and feathers _____sounds weird

    • Like 1
  2. Just got back from having a brilliant Gamon Steak and chips at 18 Coins and the Christmas Menu was on the Table. About 670 Baht - Not quite sure.

    I wasn't really interested as Christmas Dinners are too BIG for me .

    Had a chat with the BOSS and he told me the landlord is putting the rent up to silly money - So on the 1st of Jan he is moving lock stock and barrel across the street to EATWELLS - That will become the NEW 18 COINS.

    Thanks for that.

    Then the staff at reception do not have any idea. No real surprise there.

  3. Too late for whingeing now about who is on the list.

    Can we not get back to the lighthearted vein this thread has been in?

    Vote David48 he is the man who cannot grow carrots.

    It's not too late for an explanation and apology.

    Apology to whom?

    All those not listed or to you?

    The idea of apologies sounds ridiculous to me.

  4. Is this official ?

    Who is authorized to name the nominees. I haven't heard of half of them and 1/4 of them are certainly not what I consider good posters.

    Seems like it just one of the little cliques on this forum nominating each other, mostly being on the general forum.

    What about :-












    I could name many more.

    The topic was opened originally in 'The Pub' where some were nominated. The topic was open long enough for people to make nominations.

    Yes there are many other good posters and we have said so, but if there names were not put forward, that is not the fault of those listed.

    • Like 2
  5. No more talking about kids or pictures of the same ilk please on this thread.

    Yes yhey are adorable but let's get to grips with the Rotary Club and David's inability to grow carrots.

    Where is the late run going to come from?

    I say vote Todd Weston

    ....he will still be able to give a speech inebriated!

    David cannot grow carrots? Well, I'll be blowed!! That must lose loadsa votes laugh.png

    Get them thar roots down David48.

    Vote David48 the man who cannot grow carrots

  6. I vote close voting.

    Or are we waiting for the other 159, 900 members to vote?

    I am...............facepalm.gif ...........................laugh.png

    Maybe you need a tune-up or some fine tuning rolleyes.gifwhistling.gif

    And with 1 more vote you have exceeded all expectations?

    Keep on rocking revving in the free world !! smile.png

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  7. Oh how delightful a bloke that gets his jolly's by making fun of his partner by teasing her in a language that isn't her native tongue. What's the encore maybe you could trip her while she has her hands full.. what a hoot. How do you go when she tries you out on Thai tongue twisters? Because you would have to be fluent in Thai of course? so that your missus wouldn't possibly be able to make fun of your command of the Thai language. Unbelievable

    Mr. PC. Do you not have a sense of humour? Bah! Humbug!coffee1.gif

    My TGF gets endless amusement out of my Thai - she does an impersonation of my Thai accent and then cracks up with laughter. It's a two way game - but if you have the right TGF then both "squirrel" and the latest suggestion of "parallel" are both funny and sexy!

    Yeah, some of my Thai friends have tried to get me to learn more Thai.

    My attempts have at times had them rolling about laughing, especially with some Thai words that sound similar but have sexual undertones or are parts of the sexual anatomy. They would not let me loose in a restaurant to order off some of the female staff.

    Yes, it can be a two way thing and fun for both sides.

    Maybe some cannot see the fun in life.

    • Like 2
  8. No Christmas menu at 18 Coins this year on me asking in there today. In some ways this is a relief. I can get a good meal without paying through the nose for it.

    I was out looking for places that have a Christmas menu and looking at some of the prices, 900 Baht + each, I'd already determined it seemed a waste of money.

    Besides, my favourite little restaurant has a BBQ and Chistmas cake for 150 Baht on the evening. That will top me up nicely.

    I don't know about you guys, but it would have been nice to have a decent Christmas dinner without the inflated prices. As for the rest of Christmas, I'm not really into it.

    • Like 1
  9. Yes, I would have given it back as they have it deducted from their wages.

    We all make mistakes.

    One purchase I made was wrongly rung up at the till in7/11 and I told the cashier so. She would not believe it. Next day I went in and she realised she had undercharged me 100 Baht. I was happy to remedy the imbalance.

  10. And meanwhile, Nancyl is QUIETLY taking a healthy lead.

    Despite some despicable posts earlier in the evening

    Maybe she felt her image was too squeaky clean? That might not win one votes on Thai Visa.

    UG, if you had read them, you wouldn't be making those comments now.

    I have respect for you ... I had respect for NancyL ... but not any more.

    Even if she was (supposition) pissed @ 2am Thai Time, it's no excuse to slag me or my Family in the way she did.

    Some of the members even posted asking her to directly apologise privately and publicly.

    Had some of the people who have voted for her, read those posts ... and there was more then one, they would be 'unvoting' her.

    They wouldn't vote for me ... the Chiang Mai crowd don't know me.

    Maybe they may have voted for you ... who knows.

    Suffice to say, that's one image tarnished for some time to come.

    But, since those comments were directed to me and my Family and no-one else, let's draw a line in the sand on the matter and move forward.

    I don't hold a grudge, but I have a long memory.

    What's been said, has been said ... and now hidden.

    Let's return to some campaigning, some banter and a bit of fun.

    OH ... and let's not forget ... vote for David48 ... thumbsup.gif


    David, a very understanding and mature post.

    Yes, back to campaigning.

    More fun too please, as you, I, Toady, Costas and others have been having.

    Life is too short.

    Vote David48

    • Like 1
  11. Having lived elsewhere in Thailand and now currently happy in Pattaya, In would say some might be foolish enough to squander their money on the girls and the bars.

    Yes, you do settle down to a normal life here in Pattaya. I find it little different to many places.

    There is relatively cheap accommodation but it needs searching out to avoid 'Farang prices'.

    Plenty of food shops, music, friendly people and so much more.

    One problem here in Pattaya is finding the 'right woman' and sorting them from the bar girls and gold diggers. Thankfully (touch wood) I believe I have found one, but it has taken a long time and many tries.

    Chiang Mai would have been a choice for me except for the burning and air quality (me being asthmatic).

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