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Posts posted by WhamBam

  1. YOur UK license is valid for a limited period of time only, 3 months. By now you need a Thai license, IDP will not be of any legal value.

    When I was stopped recently (having left my IDP at the condo) I was fined 400 Baht at the police station for not carrying a licence. I had my UK licence(s) with me.

    My IDP covers me for 3 months for all vehicles and is valid in Thailand.

    Much easier for the Op to go get one. Allocate a day for the trip as they can be very busy.

    Did you have to go to the station or did you have the option of paying them at the roadside?

    Like I mentioned I am going to try and my Thai licence before the trip, I just want to know what's the worst that can happen?

    For example when i was in the UK, I was stopped for having no insurance, stupid mistake I moved house, changed my address with the bank but not with my insurance company, my payment did not go through and I was unaware. Got stopped, car impounded £600 to get it back, fined £800 and my insurance went up 10X for 6 years. This is now off my licence but the mistake cost me around £10k GBP.

    I don't imagine the penalty here will be quite so severe but just wanted to get an idea of a worst case scenario... i dont want to get locked up in a cell or anything...

    Now in bold ^^^

  2. YOur UK license is valid for a limited period of time only, 3 months. By now you need a Thai license, IDP will not be of any legal value.

    When I was stopped recently (having left my IDP at the condo) I was fined 400 Baht at the police station for not carrying a licence. I had my UK licence(s) with me.

    My IDP covers me for 3 months for all vehicles and is valid in Thailand.

    Much easier for the Op to go get one. Allocate a day for the trip as they can be very busy.

  3. The fact that no one seems to know which side to give way to doesnt help. Give way to the left or right? Oh well, i will just start driving across the ontersection (btw you are supposed to give way to the LEFT here!)

    I wouldnt blame the pick up driver at all. The motorcyclist was in dream world ld, never touched his brakes.

    Thailand is based on the British Highway Code.

    You give way to traffic coming from the right.

    That would put the m/c in the wrong at an unmarked junction.

    • Like 2
  4. I'm sitting in an office building right now in Bangkok surrounded by lots of educated, friendly, everyday kinda Thai women who would date a foreign guy if they found one they fancied and had things in common with. Oh, and to the poster who said "(not Isaan)", a number of these women in the office are from the North East, some are also from the south, and the north. Not all women from Isaan are poor and uneducated. Moreover, not all of those who were't lucky enough to get a decent education are prostitutes or bad people in any way. Go about looking for a woman exactly the same way you would back home.

    You need to learn to read better.

    "Up North (not Issan) I found good women."

    That does not in any way imply there are no educated women in Issan. It says I found good women up North, as opposed to Pattaya or Phuket. Taking those two locations into account, that gives North a lot of scope.

  5. Tutsi is trying to undermine Jingthing's latest run for poster of the year by exhibiting his superior literary skills. Is Tutsi going to take it, yet again?

    rats...my nefarious intentions are revealed!

    howzabout 'nice guy of the year'?...or 'best entertainer of the year'?

    I am probably neither and I am a reprobate...ye wanna know why I haven't mentioned the little niece lately? because she has recently sprouted some beautiful long gams and I can't take my eyes offa them...and then she looks at me evenly and I think: 'is she doing this deliberately?'...

    so, I shall not seek nor shall accept any nomination as 'poster of the year' as TV deserves better...

    (but, it's always OK to vote for me anyway...)

    Gawd, tell us what you really think.

    Shes family.

    Look the other way.

    what I really think? it's simply a matter of the usual 'why can't they never grow up and stay little forever' syndrome...

    she's lived with us since she was an infant...it's the usual concern of a parent and not at all what you think...maybe the 'lyricism' is a bit too evocative for my own good (but, it has obviously had it's intended effect...see yuhz underneath the bridge)

    and yeah...JT for president

    Presidential erections. Sorry, I mean elections. I could not see Monica smoking JT's cigar.

    Forget me. I woke in a weird mood.

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