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Si Thea01

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Posts posted by Si Thea01

  1. 8 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


    Violence should not be condoned by any political faction in the U.S., and I always hold that position.


    But non-violent civil disobedience and demonstration is part of the U.S. political history and fabric. And that's what I saw when watching scenes of the protests on U.S. broadcast networks in lots of major U.S. cities the other night. Hardly rioting.



    So you did not see what happened in Portland, Oregon.  The smashing of cars windows, people jumping on the roofs of cars, a man shot in the crowd, bottles and rocks being thrown at police, fights in the crowds, the vandalism of shops, destruction of public property and the setting of fires. Hardly rioting hey.  Or are you being selective in what you want to report on here.?


    Protests I have no problem with as long as they are peaceful, which the majority were.  In so far as what you are watching, I suggest you change channels and you might see what I saw.  I would find it very unusual even if you are watching a different channel that they would not report what happened in Oregon.:wai:

  2. 20 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


    I've seen demonstrations the past few days, not riots.


    But as far as right-wing demonstrations are concerned, try just about any time any abortion related case comes before the U.S. Supreme Court. They're all out there in the streets.


    And on a more local level, the right wingers were out in California trying to blockade immigrant refugee centers and stop the buses from delivering refugees there.


    And then there are those who like to go around bombing and shooting up abortion clinics, and even killing abortion doctors--even though abortion is legal in the U.S.  So yes, I'd say there are enough examples on the right winger/zealot side of things.




    So you missed Portland Oregon, which also saw someone shot.  The other I'll take your word for it as I have no knowledge of those particular incidents but are you saying that all those incidents are carried out  by the right?  Unusual actions from conservatives but then America is America so nothing surprises. :wai:

  3. 8 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

    One of the great things about the U.S. is our constitutionally guaranteed free speech gives everyone the right to "whine and cry" as they see fit, including you, if you happen to be an American.


    Seeing as how, the Republicans and right-wing zealots have done nothing but "whine and cry" for all the years of Obama's presidency and done everything possible to undermine anything constructive his administration tried to do, it's not all that surprising when the Democrats, stunned by an unexpected loss in the Presidential race, aren't exactly putting on their happy faces right now.


    Free speech applies to everyone in the U.S., liberals and conservatives, Democrats and Republicans alike -- at least until President Trump gets around to trying to repeal or amend that section of the Constitution. And so do the rights to seek legislative change and to challenge legislation in the courts, something the Republicans also are no strangers to.




    Not a Yank and I agree about the whining from the Republicans as well but are you able to remember when the right wing zealots as you put it, last protested and rioted in the streets? And what makes you think That President Trump will repeal or amend the right to free speech in the constitution?  Strange how many of the so called protesters are known to police as professional activists, not all but a large number.  The stunned lot just goes to show how arrogant they were, thought they had it in the bag.  Like counting one's chickens before they hatch.


    I think that with the way the Republicans have been obstructionists  together with the Democrats forgetting about middle America, it is why those who voted for Trump are going to give him a chance to see if he can get rid of  some of the deadwood, and hopefully give the government back to the people, not the government being the masters, after all they are public servants, which they seem to have forgotten. :wai:

  4. On ‎11‎/‎11‎/‎2016 at 11:09 AM, zaphod reborn said:

    “We expect relations with Washington to become smoother”


    Diplomatic speak for Trump has purchased KY jelly for his future relations with Putin.


    An absolute gem.  What is wrong with people who have to resort to this level of gutter talk.  I would rather America and Russia have a decent relationship then what may have happened.  They may not agree on everything but if Russia can take time to want a change, as the American people did, then it has to be good for all the world.  Give it a go instead of this type of rhetoric, no wonder the world, at the moment, is full of hate.:wai:

  5. 38 minutes ago, Steely Dan said:

    If it's not been mentioned here previously there is a change.org petition calling for the electoral college to select the president based on the candidate who received the greatest total number of votes thus disregarding those allocated by the state electoral college votes.

    I would put nothing past the Dems, even if such an unprecedented turn of events were to lead to civil war.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect



    You're right, not on here but it was mentioned briefly on CNN this morning.  I cannot believe how in the past this has been accepted but when the sore losers, lose, they whine and cry and want to change everything.  It was a democratic election and President-Elect Trump won fair and square.  This same mob have been crying for unification, won't happen given how the they and other haters keep bringing up everything Mr Trump has said or done in the past, no doubt with the intent to keep inflaming the situation.:wai:

  6. 1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

    You expect me to support trump's destructive policies because he won? That's not how it works. 

    This just in ... he's been infected with Ryan speak and hinting he intends to privatize Medicare. Con man! 



    No, I don't expect you  to support anything, that's up to you, but  why can't you give him a go, he may just surprise you.  No one has to agree on policies but people have to start finding common ground again and this has to start with honest questioning from the media.  But then one can see why America will remain divided for a long time when noting many others have the same attitude.  I haven't heard about him hinting on privatisation as you state, do you have you inside knowledge?  It is certainly not being reported this way over the MSNM and believe me if it was the press would be all over him like a pack of wolves over a piece of meat.:wai:

  7. 5 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    Remember how Thaksin dealt with the press? It's a thing with strong man authoritarian leaders but trump has already done much much worse to the press in his fascist style rallies.


    You just cannot help yourself, this is about Trump, not what Thaksin got up to.  When will you realise that the election is over and no matter what you say will, in anyway, effect the result.  How can America come together when people, with similar thoughts, keep on keeping on with the hate rhetoric.  I am not an American, but I am a conservative, where do you fit into the broad picture?  I know given your posts, sorry for the innocuous question.:wai:

  8. Well, it's on again with the MSNM, they showing their bias, talking about all the old things that President-Elect Trump said prior to being elected.  Telling all how HRC got the popular vote and the way they are broadcasting on CNN, it is as if Mr. Trump should not have won.  The sore losers kiddies, half of whom didn't vote (according to them) are now protesting across America, with the protest being declared a riot in Portland Oregon, owing to property damage, fires being lit, vehicles being extensively damaged and police being attacked.


    Apparently there are between 200 and 300 people, which police have described as anarchists and indicated that many are known to them as they turn up to any protest regardless of what it's about and create mayhem.  It was also indicated that Black Lives Matter tried to stop the rioters, however, they took no notice.  No wonder Mr Trump called them professional protesters and has blamed the media for inflaming the situation.  If these clowns get coverage, which is at saturation point, then of course they are going to carry on, and it is the media who is inflaming these activists.  Nothing else.


    Now Mr Trump has dismissed the press pool, who normally travel with the president-Elect, and now they are crying fowl.  If I was him I dismiss the whole left wing brigade and see how they carry on then.  They only have themselves to blame given the way they treated him during the preliminaries and since.  Maybe if they treated him a little more equal, then they wouldn't be crying in their soup.  :wai:

  9. 16 hours ago, riverhigh said:

    Re: The assailant simply left. She said her husband had been attacked without warning.


    Not true he got out of his car and instigated the confrontation. Most probably the old pensioner was incensed at the Mercedes Benz driver thinking that he owned the road. Well this is Thailand where status/money talks and, by the way, old pensioner  ever thought  that a Thai man may be incensed at an old fart like you using his money to get a Thai woman 30 years his junior. The only difference is that  a Thai man doesn't get out of his car and give his opinion of you robbing the cradle so to speak ... lol. All the same  I'm pretty fed up with hi-so Thais. Yesterday I was walking  through a local Wat  and  a Mercedes Benz owner had blocked the entire entrance to the Wat where  people and the motor cycles entered. Rather that find an open parking space he parked in the first place he saw. Back home he would have  got the "key" treatment on his car before being towed away. Then again this Thailand and its for Thais to modify this entitlement behavior, not me!


    Just one thing I will disagree with, that you say it is not true that he was attacked without warning.  Firstly, he may well have mouthed off but he was walking away when some female yelled out about the Thai coming and as he turned he was king hit.  So I have to agree with his wife that he was hit without warning.  A real hero Thai, some of their behaviours lately are really disgusting. :wai:

  10. 9 hours ago, Gracas said:

    I sort of agree with you, but in these situations it is not a boxing match it is a street fight. If I had have gotten out of my car and gone up to the other driver and said something to him, I would not have turned my back on him and walked away thinking how I just put him in his place by explaining the road rules. I would have been expecting him to also get out of his car.


    I agree with you totally.  If you are foolish enough to get out and maybe mouth off,  this I don't know, but you certainly don't turn your back, you're only asking for trouble.  Seems like the older guy was not very street smart and certainly naïve in doing so.:wai:

  11. 5 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

    I feel sorry for the guy especially as he was a lot smaller and clearly didn't want a fight. It is a first for me though actually seeing a Thai on a 'one on one situation'. Hopefully Karma will reward him with someone more his size and age next time and give him some of his own medicine, 10 fold.

    Yeah, one on one, what a hero, just a king hit merchant.  I have yet to see a Thai take on someone, one out and face to face.  For some reason they are gutless and attack when some one is not expecting it. But yes, you're right the guy was living dangerously by getting out, he could have been confronted with anything, not just fists.  :wai:

  12. 2 minutes ago, Usernames said:

     The kiddies, the SJWs, the BLMers, the Trots, the anarchists, and the Sorosistas are out calling for revolution.  They might want to be careful about that.  It's the other side that has weapons and knows how to use them. And just block all the interstate highways for a week, and watch these warrior princesses fold up faster than a college dean or professor.


    So true, but I have to admit that I mislead everyone about there being no shouting coming from the MSNM.  I just threw the remote at the TV.    Those CNN commentators and hosts, they are unbelievable.  Mr Trump has only been President -Elect for a couple of days and here is the 4 Trump haters on the CNN panel spending the last hour and a half denigrating everything about Mr Trump. .


    Two female haters shouting and squawking like chooks in a hen yard, one African American Trump hater, all chaired by another biased African American, the host, Don Lemon. The yelling and talking over the Trump supporters was unbelievable and not given Trump a go as he is not even in office yet.  Says a lot about the unification these people are calling for.:wai:

  13. Socialist alternative activists are now up in arms about Trump winning and are protesting in over 7 cities, citing that they are fearful about his presidency.  Just look at who are protesting, mostly young people, African Americans and Latinos.  Don't they have a job, maybe unemployed and on government handouts or are they on holidays from University?  How can the country unify, in particular when the MSNM are carrying on with their usual divisive rhetoric and going back over old ground about what Trump did or didn't say in the past and also slinging off at the non-educated voters that turned out for Trump? I don't know all the States where these protests are occurring but it appears that many are blue states, so where is Hillary now and why isn't she telling them to stop?


    The hatred and disdain b y the socialist left and media is so evident even after the event but at least they're not shouting, yet.  They are a little subdued but still gaggle on and are trying a more subtle approach but it is easily seen through.  What is wrong with these people, they guy has only been President-Elect for two days, has no powers and is not the President until January 20th 2017, yet they are not prepared to wait and give him a go and see what he does in the first one hundred days.  He can be held accountable but he is there for 4 years and has indicated he is there for all Americans so these activists should shut up and give him a go


    One wonders what their protests will accomplish.  I know, just a lot on inconvenience for their fellow citizens. They're also yelling profanities about Trump, Pence, Giuliani and that Trump is not their President.  They are burning flags, starting to throw things, writing profanities over buses, they are just a pack or sore losers.  Even one, who was interviewed is telling Hillary to take the matter to the Supreme Court, because she got more votes than Trump.  If these loses don't like the system, then change it and stop whining.  There was one female Hispanic who was calling for Trump to be impeached and stated that there will be deaths on both sides as people need to die to makes things right.  No wonder America is divided when people like this are given a voice, it is those types, the immigrants, who are the ones who continue to divide the country as they cannot get their own way.


    Whilst watching CNN, the interviewed Latinos, mostly from South America who are also whining about him and the problems that they had to escape from in their homeland.  To them, like a lot of immigrants, world wide, they bring their troubles with them and carry on instead of trying to assimilate and fit into general society.  If they don't like it, then maybe they have other alternatives.  Those activists are from the me, me, me group and obviously  do not respect the system.  Why, maybe a lot of them will lose some of the handouts that the country , like many others, cannot afford.  The days of the gimme, without contribution, must come to an end and they should get of their backside, like those who voted for Trump and earn a living. 


    No matter what anyone says, Trump was a genius, he pulled of something from right under the noses of those who denigrated him for over a year, more so in the latter part of this year.  He was able to beat the Clinton machine, the MSNM, 16 Republican candidates, The Never Trump Movement, who were mainly Republican elites, the wacky Hollywood lot, and those other superpacs and their billionaire backers.   Even as it goes on now, the MSNM, in particular CNN, are given time to people, who obviously dislike Trump and are actively encouraging the protests, and giving them time to vent their anger and hatred.  None of the buffoons saw it coming, they all failed miserably and even those polls, which were total BS and designed to keep Trump voters home.  The arrogance of the Clintons , they even had their celebration planned,  Absolutely fell in a heap.  They are also saying  that they do not accept the result.  Just a pack of sorrowful losers.  So they should all get over it, Trump won, his party have control of the senate and congress, so just suck it up.  :wai:


  14. Looks like Hillary will win the popularity vote but lost those that counted.  My commiserations to the HRC TVF team but I did predict a Trump win many months ago.  Now let's hope that those in  America can come together and make their country one.  And by the way, all three, President Obama. Secretary Clinton and President-Elect Trump, made excellent speeches calling for unity, so let's hope those on the losing and winning sides act graciously and join together to make America safe and unified for all.  We can only hope,  as if and when America sneezes, the rest of the world normally gets the cold. :wai:  

  15. 11 minutes ago, Publicus said:


    Your fine and proper conservative education comes across unmistakably.


    Your recent spate of baiting and trolling posts directed to me personally are as of today entered onto the Ignore Honor Roll until after November 8th.


    Cheers and have a good time with it until then.


    Happy days, no more gushing from the head lefty.  I've noticed that you have a thing with education, just remember that it is not the end all to be all, I'd rather be worldly wise than and an educated "Fxxwit."  As for baiting and trolling, I don't think so but it's OK if you go back to your typical default setting when you find it difficult to respond.  And Thanks for adding me to your Honour Roll, I feel so privileged. :partytime2:  :wai:


  16. On ‎1‎/‎11‎/‎2016 at 0:35 PM, monkey4u said:

    This is off topic but I wish the Australian Embassy would employ a few security people with common sense

    In the past few years each time I visit the place a woman with no brain keeps telling me I have to go up 3 flights of stairs

    She appears to not want to call the department I require to send an escort to take me in the elevator

    I wonder if she would say the same to someone in a wheel chair


    Yes, I had the same problem last time I visited and although I was not in a wheel chair my disabilities are such that traversing stairs is difficult and painful for me.  I politely told her, in Thai, that if she persisted with that attitude then she could call her supervisor and I would wait there until she did.


    I've never seen such a shocked look on someone's face, I don't know if it was because I could speak Thai or that she would lose face if I complained to her supervisor.  A guy turned up within a few minutes and was there to escort me down when I finished my business.  :wai: 

  17. 4 hours ago, LivinginKata said:


    I quote ....


    "Sorry mate - this is not an option for many people - myself included.  due to numerous back injuries sustained throughout my working life I am unable to sit as pictured on the beach.  I know I am not alone amongst the silver generation."


    My error, didn't see the follow up post but I too have back injuries, also a knee replacement and fused ankle and am still capable of using a towel to lie down on the sand.  Given that he is capable of riding a pushbike, which I cannot owing to my injuries, then swims, stands around and swims some more before heading off home, again, I assume on his pushbike, then what is alleged doesn't appear to affect those other actions that he is capable of undertaking.  Maybe more behind this than meets the eye.

  18. 2 hours ago, Publicus said:


    MSM in the 1950s were nothing more than stenographers of Sen. Joe McCarthy (R-WI) as he shred the Constitution and destroyed the lives of Americans.


    This worse than Joe McCarthy guy Trump isn't getting the same conveyor belt free ride, nor should he. 


    Marc Ambinder: “Here’s a tried-and-true creed, straight from Journalism 101: Journalists should never take sides. But how do you not take sides when one of those sides is so clearly wrong?”


    “Another: Journalists should not characterize political candidates as liars. But what happens when political candidates base their entire campaigns on very persuasive lies?”


    “Science journalists no longer cover anthropogenic climate change as an issue that’s subject to dispute. (What to do about it surely is; the fact of it is not.)


    In the period of U.S. History and of the organic ontology of journalism in the USA, there was the pre-bellum Period of the Partisan Press. We've re-entered that period but in the Age of IT. Which means the partisan media are much more diverse and pervasive.


    Learn it, live with it. Youse guyz on the reactionary right love the bad old dayze so much there shouldn't be anything in the current times for you to complain about. Except that the current times are, well, the current times. That is, now the MSM are not owned exclusively by white wealthy old Republican Protestant men. That's your fundamental gripe and nothing else. 


    What in the hell you are on about and what are you on?  I only have one gripe and that is having to put up with such a know all, know nothing.  All you can you is cut and paste or repeat most of what others have said already.  Reminds of a word that was used against Mrs Trump.  You live with it as I don't have to read this crap any longer. :wai:

  19. 6 minutes ago, attrayant said:

    Your justifications are laughable.  He's made a lot of money?  So has George Soros.  Does that qualify somebody to be president?  Pence is one of the poorest people in Congress.  By that criterion, I guess he's disqualified.


    And you know what?  If Trump had simply invested his daddy's loan into some index funds that track the S&P500, he'd be worth five times what he is today and wouldn't have had to declare bankruptcy six times.  Color me unimpressed by his alleged business acumen.



    That tells me you weren't paying attention during the primary debates.  Almost no policy was discussed.  They spent the entire time throwing mud at each other.  Trump managed to get into the gutter and throw the most mud.  And don't forget the part where he bragged about his dick size.  How's that for classy?



    Who gives a toss about Soros or Pence, we're not talking about them nor what Trump should have invested in or not invested in.  As I said, he has made more money than you will ever see and here you are giving advice on how he would have increased his fortune through investing in the stock market.  Now that's laughable considering you're not in his wealth league.


    Daddy's loan, do you have a problem with that.  Parents normally help out their children if they are able to. As for his being bankrupt in the past, you have no idea as to how or why these came about, you just throwing mud like the others.  He is not bankrupt now than that is all that matters but like most of the others on here all you're doing is repeating what you've hear, nothing original and you wouldn't have a clue.so stop pretending you do.


    Just shows how much attention you paid.  He brought out more Republicans to vote than anyone else in history of the GOP, so you're saying that because he threw the most dirt and did not discuss anything thing relevant or important to the voters, they voted for him just because he slung the most mud.   Another laughable and deplorable statement.  You said somewhere about unimpressed,  I would say more like unimpressive.


    As for you last little ditty, this was brought about by Rubio and all Trump said, and holding up his hands, They aren't that little are they and he that had no problem.  Didn't say anything about a dick, that was the biased media read into it and all your doing is carrying it on, nothing original hey. :wai:



  20. 2 minutes ago, attrayant said:


    When Trump says things such as he doesn't understand why we don't use our nuclear weapons 'since we have them anyway', you wonder why reporting is critical of him?


    How about this word salad:



    Just look at that; he's a mental midget.  That deserves all the criticism is draws, and then some.


    So many different levels!  Won't somebody think of the levels??


    I have no problem with people being critical of him but there is a huge difference between bias and criticism.  Yes he has said some unhelpful things on quite a number of occasions but that is not what we were talking about here, it was about how biased the media is towards him.


    Now as for being a mental midget, you're entitled to your opinion but how many mental midgets do you know who destroyed 16 true politicians and may well become the POTUS.  Also, over the years, as your so called mental midget, I would say  he has made more money then you will ever see in your lifetime.  :wai:

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