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Si Thea01

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Posts posted by Si Thea01

  1. 1 hour ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


    I did not answer my own questions. They were Socratic, not hypophoric. You provided no basis for your claims. Simple1 sent a link to the reference so now I can look at the reasoning that has produced the claims that you bandied about with such bluster.


    You may keep your notebook on its dusty shelf. This thread is not about me or my writing style.


    Enjoy your proxy victory while it lasts. The shine started wearing off within hours of the election result. The election result has deepened issues, not resolved them and in no way provides a mandate for opposition.




    Do you really believe everything you say? Oh, That's right, if one says it often enough it becomes fact.:wai:

  2. I thought in America that anyone, regardless of race, ethnicity, or creed, could aspire, if capable, to become president of the US of A.  Even HRC said this to young women in one of her speeches.  So when this happened, when an outsider and not a Democrat won, the left and elitists went ape and despite saying they would accept the result, now they will not. :wai:  

  3. 6 hours ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


    Has this hogwash in any way related to the survey question?


    Your assessment of Trump's economic policies and their impact on the Australian economy is a complete nonsense. You have any notion at all about the US coal and gas industries? Do you have any idea about the changing costs of production of coal and the reduction of demand from China in the past few years? Since you clearly don't, then it might be sensible to provide some link to whatever sources you are drawing from to enable a critical reader to evaluate the information. Just following the hot air you are producing on issues clearly way outside your field is a waste of time.


    Thank you for your assessment; your hypophora question; your knowledge, and lastly, your ability with words has not been missed and has been duly noted.  You have a nice day too.:wai:


  4. 42 minutes ago, tropo said:

    It's the same in Australia. It's just as democratic in my opinion, as the Prime Minister doesn't have executive power as does the president or the USA and power is shared by the party.



    You are so right and look what Australia and Canada have ended up with as their Prime Ministers but I noted that in a rural Australia state election in Orange, people power has risen and a safe seat needing about a 25 percent to change hands looks just like doing that.  Another lot of good news for Australians is that it appears given,Mr Trumps grab on fossil fuels and steel production that the cost of oil, coal and gas have all risen and has given the Australian economy a 16 billion boost.  Go people power and look out all you elites, the people are coming for you unless you change you ways and get back to being public servants, not public masters.  :wai:

  5. 6 hours ago, Shawn0000 said:
    2 hours ago, Shawn0000 said:


    There was an election once where 27 electors voted against the president elect.  And what ever gave you the idea that I do not accept the outcome?  I was merely making a slightly less ridiculous suggestion in response to the suggestion of requesting a change to the constitution, interesting that you see the legal right of the electors as being "ridiculous" though.  I guess you neglect the fact that Hillary won by a landslide and the president elect has been so divisive throughout the campaign that for the first time in history he has created widespread rioting, for once it might not actually be that ridiculous to at least consider not electing the president elect.

    You assume that I am a Clinton supporter, I am not, I was just countering their claim that Trump trumped Clinton in every way, which he did in every way except in numbers of people voting for him.


    Why can't you just accept the result and get on with it.  Looking at these two posts, I would say that you are in total contradiction of what you posted within a 4 hour period.  A closet HRC supporter who has no conviction.  Who gives a tinker how many votes she got.  What is it that you do not understand about she lost, lost, lost, lost.  It is the left who created the rioting not the President-Elect.  No wonder there is a divide given their mind set goes with yours.  Birds of a feather I'd say.    :partytime2:        :wai:


  6. 17 minutes ago, Shawn0000 said:


    Even?  Has there ever been a forum with a more right leaning membership than ThaiVisa?  I am surprised he didn't win on here by more!


    And of course the way Trump did not trump Clinton was in the popular vote totals, where Clinton did actually get a lot more votes, about 400,000 more!


    Who cares, she didn't win despite her trying every underhanded trick in the book.  What a shame she misjudged the whole situation yet now she is blaming everyman and his dog for her loss. It was a democratic election, the American way and she came in second and you lot can't handle it.  :wai: 

  7. 48 minutes ago, Gary A said:

    And you think that Trump was just being mean when he called Hillary Crooked Hillary? I think the Clintons were much more corrupt and immoral because of the Clinton Foundation than the emails. Hillary made the statement that they were broke and in debt when they left the Whitehouse. How do you suppose they because so very wealthy. Hopefully this could send them to jail where they belong. 


    Was it something about pay for play? God forbid if they were gaoled, could you imagine the lefties on here, no one would ever hear the end of it.:wai:

  8. 3 hours ago, Shawn0000 said:


    So we can see that it is true, there really are people who don't know the difference between climate and weather.  I will not argue against your belief in God being the only force capable of changing climate, that is OK, you can believe in what you want, but do go and have a read about weather and climate, the mixing of the two is one of the main ways the rest of the world ridicules Americans, do yourself a favor and take a little of that chance away from them by learning the difference.


    Tell me oh wise one, what part of the scam don't you understand?  I don't have to read anything or do myself any favour to know a scam when I see one.  Obviously you are blindsided by all the hype.  So with a couple of exchanges getting off topic, you've had your say, I've had mine therefore, without further ado, I will have to agree to disagree but I know what side I'd prefer to be on.  Have a nice evening.  :wai:

  9. 33 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


    From Reuters:





    And the one shooting in Portland that one poster commented on previously was a protester who WAS SHOT apparently by hooligans or gang members, not the protester doing the shooting. So let's at least try to be clear about the facts:





    Yes, it was a protester who was shot. however, Portland Police  declared the protest a riot.  The other protests were mainly peaceful, however, a number of protesters across the country have been arrested for various offences.  A link to the Portland incidents.:wai:



  10. 12 minutes ago, pattayalover said:

    I like Trump. the only problem I have with him is the climate change.

    I think the USA should go full green.
    I would use Tesla manager as adviser.

    steel and coal are part of the past.


    Climate change is something that many people disagree over, however, there is definitely climate change and it occurs on a daily basis, sometimes hour by hour.  I don't want to debate the for and against or get off topic  but I suggest you check on what is happening in Australia before you suggest that Trump is wrong.  Man is not God, he cannot change the climate no matter how much those who say they can, can.  :wai:

  11. 12 minutes ago, kenk24 said:


    A question like this is asking for an opinion... how can I give an opinion without saying so? In my opinion one does not have to be right, and winning does not make him right - otherwise there is no reason for such a question and survey... I am not contesting the obvious outcome, just offering an opinion as I was asked for one... 


    you, on the other hand.... well, it seems like you are attacking anyone who has a different opinion than yours... which does seem to fit nicely with the results... 



    No but I have to disagree, the first question does not require an opinion, just a yes or no answer.  Same as the second question, it does not require an opinion, again, only a simple yes or no.  As for attacking others, sorry if you do not know  the difference between attack and banter.  Enjoy the rest of your day. :wai:

  12. 1 minute ago, elgordo38 said:

    We are in a nightmare now with your choice not mine. It was a fun comment as as usual you took it really really seriously and out of context lighten up smell the roses get a girlfriend and get high. 


    Gee here you go again, mine was a fun comment too, it was never taken seriously or out of context, so please take it the way it was written, not what you want to turn it into.  Yes, he was my preferred candidate but can you really say that it is now a nightmare with a straight face.  As for roses, I have  garden full and also a wife and if getting high is your pleasure, it's not mine    :wai:

  13. 1 minute ago, elgordo38 said:

    I can see by the survey results that a good percentage are happy with the results. Yes we the ones that lived the true "golden years"  and are now retired can vote any way we


    Yes, about 62.50 percent are happy, which includes Americans and non-Americans.  Yep, vote any way we like but like most of us who have conservative beliefs, we would accept the results if HRC has won and I do not believe would denigrate her but accept the final result.  Shame many cannot. :wai:

  14. Just now, elgordo38 said:

    No I am nothing but a humble scribe sitting in the crowd watching this play called life rolling by laughing from time to time mostly crying. People have seen fit to elect a parasite looking for a host and he has found one its feeding time. I do not do well working for parasites. 


    And HRC is?  Is there really any need to continue to denigrate the man?  It would be that you would not do well working, it would be that you may not have the skills and capabilities and would be rejected.:wai:

  15. 3 minutes ago, elgordo38 said:

    In four years the people that are laughing now might end up crying. Just using my 50 years of watching lying cheating politicians promise the moon. As I stated before this old leopard will not change his spots. He can legally from what I understand be a business man and president at the same time although past presidents except for Tricky Dick placed them in a blind trust. As he likes to go against the grain by not publishing his tax returns he might just fill 2 shoes at the same time. After all he claims he is not taking a salary so what do you want for nothing? He is starting off well surrounding himself with a bunch of worn out old Neo-cons. I wonder if Bob Barker is available for a position not to say that he is a Neo-con just old and probably wiser than anyone that has be tapped to serve. Shades of George Bush and Iraq. 


    Given you words of wisdom, maybe you should seek a position.:wai:

  16. 9 minutes ago, Shawn0000 said:


    What?  I was replying to a comment referencing a post with figures that appear to be incorrect.  Yes, what occurred is the way America has voted for a long time, most states since 1836, however this is only the fourth time in history that the president elect has failed to get the most votes in total.  The OP was stating that this was not true and Trump did get the most votes, using what appear to be completely made up numbers.  Nothing about Hillary or Donald, just the numbers, thanks.



    Gee sorry but I thought this entire aspect was about the right person being elected.  You do not need to explain yourself, I am able to read and am also able to post a response regardless of whether or not it deals with the numbers.  So if it has nothing to do with HRC of DJT then why are you quoting numbers that directly relate to them?:wai:

  17. 1 minute ago, elgordo38 said:

    Media figures/facts and polls the two most distrusted sources of information as this election has proven to be true. You can speculate as much as you want it will take 4 years to bear out the facts. Sorry but Trumps reputation going into the election was a real stinker and that is how I judge a person. Stinker going in stinker coming out.  Maybe I am to judgemental. He could have however taken an unbeknownst break from campaigning and flown to Thailand for a very short temple stint but at 70 years of age I doubt that would help. Its just to hard for a leopard to change his spots especially an old cunning leopard who has just be made the most important person on the planet. Will he be an ego builder or a country builder remains to be seen. For the sake of disclosure I am biased towards the former. Good luck to all you who swallowed "I will make America great again" crowd the proof will be in the pudding.  



    Come on, get off the sour grapes, smile and be happy.  There is the third untrustworthy factor and that is the reason she was consigned to the woodheap.  You don't have to tell us your biases, we already know but thanks for the honesty.    :wai:

  18. 2 minutes ago, Nasrullah said:

    Where the hell are Obama and Clinton? Both should ask people to end the riots and seek to calm the nation. http://mishtalk.com/2016/11/12/anti-trump-riots-in-14-cities/ 




    Agreed but the lefties are out there saying that this is Trump's role and are now blaming him for the protests.  They can't help themselves, their hate of him is so entrenched that whatever occurs, good, bad or indifferent, according to them, he will have caused.  :wai:

  19. 25 minutes ago, Shawn0000 said:


    We know who won the most EC votes.  The part in question would be the popular final total an the claim that Trump got  699,993 more votes, is that from the New York Times?  The figure I see is 395,595 more to Clinton.



    Who gives  tinker about HRC, she is over and out now.  What occurred is the way America has voted democratically for decades and no matter how much people bleat and cry it ain't going to change a thing.  Get over it and get on with it.:wai:

  20. 34 minutes ago, yellowboat said:

    It is pleasant and very social.  It should be legal.


    I have never tried it and have no intention of doing so, but if it is only smoking through a water pipe and has different flavours, then why is it illegal? 


    I should have read the whole story first, then there would have been no need for my question. So no need for an answer.:wai:

  21. 8 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    No, we don't want a fascist state. That's the point of the resistance. 


    Are you able to read the future?  So you know that the Trump administration will turn out to be a fascist regime.  What a load of old croc.  The point of resistance is that the HRC camp, despite all the dirty tricks, together with Wall Street, the dumb downed Hollywood blowhards, many giants of corporate America, other leftist world leaders, the elite of Washington, (both parties)  the MSNM, the Latinos, African Americans, Muslims LGBT and other minority groups, and 16 true Republican politicians couldn't beat one man. Given everything that was thrown at this man, and I do not care what any on the left says, he is a genius, his winning and destruction of all, including the whinging democrats has proved this.


    Says a lot for the Dems, doesn't it. a bunch of whiners.  If they can't get your own way, it's we'll takeout bat and ball and go home and to top it off we'll get the professional activists to arrange protests and tear up the place.  I wonder if a certain Canadian Billionaire has anything to do with these protests, he is well known for sponsoring these types of activities all over the world..


    Also look at how much they spent compared to President-Elect Trump, and he had to face constant attacks not only from every type of media outlet, members of his own party but woman who falsely accused him of sexual assault. as well as the fools on social media and certain forums.  I say given how those females looked, and given most were feminists, they would be last on my list as well.  All saying the same story, just the time, date and place changed.  A total set up and I hope he does sue the A of the bitches.


    Marvellous how quite they've gone now yet they waited, some for 30 years for their 5 minutes of fame. Why oh why have they gone so quiet, is it because he has threatened to take them on and the elections are over, I think the smart ones know why whilst the dumb ones go on and on with their hate speech, all still trying to harm the man's presidency, even though he is not yet sworn in.  It's a wonder they didn't have some gay body come out and say he had an affair with Trump.  It was the only thing he hasn't been accused of.


    So instead of resorting to the dumb downed rhetoric that the left always spruiks, accept that he won, fairly and squarely, give the guy a chance but seeing it is the left who are dividing the country and will keep on doing so by leading the minority groups of sheep with their hate speak until they hope to eventually get their own way.  Suck it up for the next 4 years , hopefully 8 and then another 8 with another Republican.  That will be 16 years of whining, by which time you all will be experts.  Oh sweet music. :wai:

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