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Si Thea01

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Posts posted by Si Thea01

  1. 9 hours ago, Publicus said:


    More superficial hubris plse thx because the mental block that all Republicans are, well, all Republicans might not hold up entirely or forever....



    6 issues that could pit Donald Trump against the GOP Congress  


    Donald Trump is the president-elect of the United States, and he's got a Republican-controlled House and Senate to pass his every legislative whim.


    Except, not really.


    The reality is that Trump's unorthodox candidacy included many unorthodox positions for a Republican — positions voters might have eaten up, but that the GOP Congress may be more reluctant to embrace. 









    As the cliche' crowd likes to say, time will tell. We already know Trump lost the Popular Vote to Hillary Clinton which the Right Sector continues to deny and is determined to dismiss.


    May I ask why you're still on about the popular vote.? Totally irrelevant and makes absolutely no difference.  I suppose if you keep on about it you get a does of happiness, even though it will be short lived, Mr. Trump will be the President  whether you like it or not.:wai:

  2. 5 hours ago, worgeordie said:

    If this is true, you can see some   people who are struggling to pay

     installments,their cars will get stolen and maybe broken up for parts,

    it would be a better alternative to having the car repossessed,sold 

    and they would still be liable to pay the difference.

    regards worgeordie



    This has been happening in the western world for decades. After leaving the Police force I became a private investigator, specialising in motor vehicle insurance frauds for some 22 years.  You wouldn't believe some of the stories told.  Many of them related to people not being able to meet their commitments.  Some got caught, some didn't, the ones who did were only the tip of the iceberg.   :wai: 

  3. No wonder people, world wide, are looking for change, given that most of the world leaders procrastinate.  ISIS, Muslim scum fanatics are free to burn people alive, behead innocent civilians, use then as human shields (cowards), rape women and children, torture their captives, use car and truck bombs, IED's, need I go on, and these leftist elites want to prosecute soldiers.


    Now I am not saying that soldiers are innocent but given what they see and have to put up with on a daily basis can anyone blame them if some give a little back.  They must be affected and unfortunately do take things a little too far but I think they can be forgiven seeing what those other murderous B's get up to. As for lawyers, well what can be said about those pack of low life's, let a few of them suffer under the hand of the fanatics and I'll bet they'll change their tune. :wai:

  4. 5 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    Extremely unscientific poll. 

    In other words -- 100 percent WORTHLESS. 

    Except for entertainment purposes, of course.



    Says a lot about the US polls.  All predicted a HRC victory. If you don't mind I'll plagiarise you post to respond.   Extremely unscientific polls, in other words - 100 percent WORTHLESS.  Except for entertainment purposes, of course.  It has us rolling about the aisles. :cheesy: :wai:

  5. Here's the latest from the cry baby set.  Facebook and Google are being accused of  causing HRC to lose because they did not remove alleged false news reports about Mr Trump.  Nothing said about the false polls who put out total BS in an effort to keep Republican voters at home. 


    The second bit of news.  Guess which unbiased MSM (555) interviewed the ex-Greek Prime Minister about Mr Trumps economic policies?  No prizes, sorry.  Bringing lefty Greece, the biggest financial basket case into the fro has to be a joke.  He even commented on how Mr. Trump was causing a divide.


    Gee, what does he call what happened in Greece with the riots, the cutting of pensions and other economic imposts placed on their citizens and who voted him out?  CNN, (oops gave the answer) unfortunately is the only crap MSM I get on my True package but if they keep going I won't have a TV soon, I keep throwing my shoes at it every time they spew forth the bile and misinformation.:wai:

  6. 1 hour ago, Shawn0000 said:


    Well, make your mind up!  Was much of what he said just rhetoric and not to be taken literally or was it all actually his true objectives? 



    You seem to know everything about the election and who should be there and who shouldn't, why don't you pass on your knowledge and wisdom to the 60 million deplorables who voted for him.  I be embarrassed if I wrote some of the things the left I going on with, the guy is not even in office yet.  Are you able to explain why the Republicans were able to in the senate and congress plus presidency, three out of three ain't bad I'd say. :wai:

  7. 2 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    You realize he's already majorly walked back all of his core campaign promises?
    Don't you think to the unfortunate people that actually believed those big lies, that can be seen as a failure before inauguration? 



    You are making these assertions, so if you would kindly let everyone know what he has walked back on and how you know all this.  Thank you in anticipation.:wai:

  8. 8 minutes ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


    Who is us? Trump voters. Tell us, which polling station in Australia did you cast your vote?


    I understand it takes some time for information to filter down through the overland telegraph but nobody is talking about Conservatism or Republicanism. When you get your dial up modem working, you may wish to check out the term Alt Right. That is the discussion now. Trump vowed to bring down the system. Well he is allowing the Alt Right to try and replace it. This is what patriots are fighting for and protesting about.


    Your old man Australian conservatism is about as relevant as vegemite sandwiches are to haut cuisine.



    A conservative is a conservative no matter what and we can have opinions opposing those of others.  If you had any intelligence, oh sorry for using two specific words in the one sentence is so unkind of me.  I cannot cast a vote as I am not a Yank nor am I in Australia.  I am able to have an opinion as to who I feel will not affect the relationships between the USA and my homeland and make any comment I wish in respect of the topic that is being discussed.


    Maybe if you weren't such a smart aleck but that would be asking too much, however, are you able to tell me what gives you the given right to change the topic, it is not the alt right, so don't try to hijack these discussions so you can play  out your agenda.   Just for your benefit, here's the topic, " Did the US elect the right person as President?"  but then given your arrogance what else can be expected.  And yes, I am just as comfortable having a vegemite sandwich as I am eating Haut cuisine.  At least I can afford the latter. :wai:

  9. 28 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    LOL. Do you actually think anyone in the US takes any notice of Trump opponents on TVF, let alone Trump? Same goes for us supporters, of course, but it's fun seeing her supporters on here having a hissy fit because she lost.


    And we're being told to get over it.  There's only one side that's slinging it and it ain't us conservatives. This is what happens in soccer,  :post-4641-1156693976: maybe a few should be handed out on here. :wai:

  10. 43 minutes ago, Dtrump said:

    You wrote, "I think you will find that a significant proportion of people posting on TVF actually live in Thailand."


    I wrote, " 57% of visits from Thailand.  Most of those probably tourists. I'd think about 20% live in Thailand." To show you what I found/opinion.  




    The tone of the posts says a lot me thinks.  I cannot understand the attack dog mentality of those from the left.  It's either their way or the low way, I really cannot bring myself to saying the highway as it is definitely not applicable. :wai:

  11. 50 minutes ago, jaidam said:

     I would not blame Trump for ammending the constitution to scrap all future elections, just let him pass down the crown to his kids and then their kids. I mean if the left flat-out refuse to accept the results of a free and fair election, then what is the point in having any more of them. An expensive waste of time, and a distraction from good governance.


     Does that help you out with the crassness of your logic, that elections are awesome so long as my preffered candidate wins, and only then?


     The left must wise up, and wise up fast. Respect this election and let the 99.9% get back on with the art of living,loving and dying without this public display of hate and stupidity.


    Agree 100 percent but wait for the vitriol.


    For an educated person, as compared to us uneducated rednecks, the logic expressed is illogical and the common sense is not very common.  We have no clue, and because another poster asks a question, which it appears cannot be answered, he treats anyone with opposing views or wanting to understand what is happening, with contempt. If someone asks, then obviously they do so in order to understand but because one thinks  of his superiority then common courtesy goes out the door.


    I am bemused by such responses, in particular when the HRC mob, shock :shock1: horror, are asking each other how is it they lost the unlosable.  We conservatives are treated like Dumbo's, are called other names, such as a basket of deplorables,  and are racists, misogynistic, xenophobic, sexist and any other name they can think of to denigrate us.  They have their head, both sides of the elites, in the trough, tell us how to live, what we can do and when we can do it.  They look down their noses, have forgotten they are public servants not the masters of the public.  Take billions in corruption and then have the so called upper class back them and then tell blatant lies and try to force the BS of climate change on us.


    If we say something,  and it doesn't coincide with their line of thought, then we wrong and are called various name to suggest we're all idiots, have no idea and are just plain dumb.  They then brag about their education, put down the so called uneducated and all the time wonder why they lost.  Well, I did not go to university, but I learnt the hard way, on the streets (non-criminal) I became street wise and educated myself over the years.  I am quite well off, I never have to want for anything, have a good wife and family and live in a great country, where I am treated with respect and civility.  It's a shame that many here lead such hate filled lives and then wonder why they are never accepted.  So before all you so called know-all's try to put us so called wingnuts down, just remember, you do not know us, we do not know you but you come on here day after day pushing your barrow full of agendas that we really do not care about.


    So instead of being crass with your responses, showing how uncivil you are, and continuing to denigrate others, just realise that half of the US of A voted for the President-Elect and did so because of the arrogance and name calling continued on over an 18 month period.  The MSM told lies, did everything in its power, with the assistance of the élites from both sides of the political spectrum, to undermine Mr Trump, but failed miserably.  The same can be said of the African Americans, many of whom clearly have huge chips on their shoulders, as well as some the poor old Latinos and Mexicans, many of who have trouble obeying the law of the land, yet want to come in and give their two bob's worth.


    There are also the protesters, what in the hell they are protesting about considering Mr Trump has not even taken office.  I know what many of you of the left say but I have to agree to disagree with you.  You also have the MSM, now that the election has been run and won, continuing with their lies and misinformation and trying to instill fear into the populace.   Everyone got it wrong, I didn't, as I predicted months ago that he would win and how was I able to do this. 


    Just read the above and you will understand, however if you cannot then who is the dumb one.  People were sick and tired of being called names,  sick and tired of all the know all, know nothing brigade putting us down, sick and tired of the lies, sick and tired of the MSM taking quotes and reading things into them they was never meant.  Sick and tired of the elites, of both sides, being so corrupt.  Sick and tired of the has beens of US politics telling the conservatives how their selected candidate should not be voted for.  Sick and tired of the Clintons, who became multi, multi millionaires through their pay for play games, their money laundering enterprise and many other corrupt activities.  She should be locked up and if you of the left condone her prior and continuing activities then it only highlights the poor moral character that many of you accuse us of. 


    So if any of you on the left have to ask why you lost the election then whatever some of you have labelled us may be aptly applied to yourselves.  Now if you want to have a go at me please feel free to do so but try and remain civil and no name calling.  Might be hard for some but try it, you might see how being civil can provide for a better life. :wai:



  12. 14 minutes ago, Shawn0000 said:


    "Now all we need is some of Trumps faithful NRA supporters to take the law into their own hands and we really will see a civil war."

    "Takes two side to have a civil war"


    Way to go on that one.

    We've gone from name calling to warmongering.  It takes two sides sure but remember what happened in the last effort, the left were annihilated.  Never wish for something you cannot handle or finish. :wai:

  13. 2 minutes ago, sgtsabai said:

    I'm not back in the Corporate Police State, I'm here. If I were back I wouldn't be part of the legal and welcome demonstrations. I'm not letting anybody hit me without fighting back and I never was into "peace, love, dope and good vibes". Comprede' ese'?


    Why protest things you think cannot be changed, because that is the way to change things.


    Wanna' show me how you would correct a spoiled child. I had one, US Navy SEAL Love to see you pick your butt off the ground if you called him that...lol. I'm Semper Fi. The right wing are a bunch of losers, fascist, racist, xenophobic, misogynist, homophobic, bigot, sociopath rednecks for the most part. Some of those that actually voted for the fascist are just damned ignorant. What category do you fit?


    The fight against the Trump has just begun and I hope it continues until he and his right wingnut cabal are tarred and feathered and run out of town on a rail.


    Don't get me wrong on the Clinton side, I despise the Clintons and have since Slick Willy was in office.


    Let me add, the Trump is not and never will be my president.


    Gee, a lot of built up hate in this piece of diatribe.  Why do you brag about what you navy Seal son would do?  I hate to think what would happen if he met up with a loony carrying a gun or even worse, a semi automatic that some do over there.  So you despise the Clintons, hate Trump, who will never be your President.  So did you vote? :wai:

  14. Here's a couple of News specials.


    Washington ABC Bureau Chief, Zoe Daniels interviews two children, an 8 and 10 year old and guess what, they're HRC supporters.  The other good news is that they're her own children.  She might as well   interviewed herself.


    The second bit of news.  Protests to be held in Austin Texas.  Three buses sighted transporting them in.  Now I wonder who arranged and paid for that.  :wai:

  15. 14 minutes ago, charmonman said:

    The point is that the right person was NOT elected because he believes in pseudo-science rather than real science on the subject of climate change. I think the "right" person to be President is the one who will solve real problems with real solutions, not just send out angry tweets and pander to every right-wing Breitbart-sponsored conspiracy theory out there.


    People have differing opinions on climate change, why is you view right and those who disagree, wrong.  The scam is the pseudo-science and is only a redistribution of wealth.  Can you tell me how man can change the climate?  The only way this happens is through mother nature.


    Can you tell me where the sea levels have risen and a country or island has been submerged,  as was predicted a number of years ago.  Now that it hasn't happened those who a being paid to tell the governments what they want to hear, are telling us it will be in another 50 years, when most of us won't be around to tell them how wrong they were.:wai:

  16. 4 minutes ago, abrahamzvi said:

    Although the final tally is not completed yet (some districts in California are still counting and reporting) HRC is ahead in the popular vote by over 1 Million!!! Although I do say that President Elect Trump was democratically elected under a system, which again is proven to be undemocratic, he will be the President of ALL Americans on January 20th and all just have to accept it. However, it is, or should be, obvious to all that the EC system is undemocratic and has to be changed. Or is it democratic that over a million votes have to be ignored????


    I understand but given this is the way that the Yanks have voted for a number of decades and given that it has been accepted in the past why shouldn't it not be accepted now.  Not knowing how the system works, other than what has been reported by the MSM, all of whom said it was democratic prior to the final election, yet now the person who they expected to win, didn't, they are crying fowl because she got the popular vote.  Means nothing so give him a chance, he hasn't even been sworn in yet and the left are trying their darndest to crucify him regardless of what he does.  Everyone should move on and then comeback in 4 years if their hatred lasts that long and if we are all still around the banter can continue. :wai:

  17. Just now, maewang99 said:

     the topic says Trump.... my post is about Trump.  how is that off topic? 



    Aren't you talking about climate change and just throwing in the name of Trump to get those who supported him to comment.


    This is what it is about.  "Did the US elect the right person as President?"   Not about who says what about climate change.   :wai:

  18. 1 minute ago, maewang99 said:

    I want names.  From Trump supporters.  names.  not Hillary nonsense.


    Myron Ebell... Donald Trumps designate for the EPA says 40% of climate scientists believe Climate is not a worry.  he was countering an interviewer who believes it is less than 1%.

    so I give 6... a Trump supporter who believes Trump talks straight gives me 4 names... and we repeat...

    6 who say "worry". now somebody give my 4 "no problem" scientists that I can Google...... or Baidu!  


    1. Paul Hearty    U North Carolina
    2. Evgeniya Kandiano    Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research

    3. Isabella Velicogna    UC Irvine

    4. Karina von Schuckmann    University of Toulon

    5. Junji Cao    Chinese Academy of Sciences (yes, China)

    6. Makiko Sato    Columbia


    What in the heck are you on.  This is not the topic so get back on otherwise you and  a couple of others will see this topic closed.:wai:

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