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Si Thea01

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Posts posted by Si Thea01

  1. Just now, onthesoi said:


    Not all the ice at the poles is free floating in water as much of the ice is on land.... so your experiment is flawed, the only thing it proves is your lack of understanding of the science, it's typical of the denialist propaganda. 


    And the qualifications following your name are? But then your response is typical  of the alarmist myth.  I was taught that icebergs, glaciers, and ice shelves float in the ocean but originate on land.  Says a lot for your theory.  :wai:

  2. 14 minutes ago, jcsmith said:

    If the ice caps and ice on Greenland melted we'd be looking at a 70 meter (230 foot) rise in global sea levels, not exactly an ice cube in a bathtub. That probably won't happen and certainly not any time soon. But what is likely to happen is that the Arctic and Greenland ice does melts, and if that happens we are looking at anywhere between 4-6 meter (13-20 foot) rise of sea levels. That would wreak havoc on many coastal cities. In terms of the U.S. we're talking about New Orleans, Miami, New York (not New York city but the coastal areas),  and the bay area seeing large parts of them being submerged. I think anyone who has been to the beaches here in Thailand realizes what it would do to many of them.


    Come on JC, do you really believe that?   Can you then explain why all the high priests of the GW propaganda had bought mansions on the coastal fringe of many countries?   Why is it always if, why not when? Has any history recorded any such doomsday events that you are suggesting?  I cannot recall reading any but I can always stand to be corrected.  So if you truly believe it, maybe one should rush off and buy a residence high in the mountains, just in case.


    Now that you have brought these alleged horrific rises into the equation, when may we expect this to happen, 10, 20, 50, 100 years+ into the future? Really JC, what you are stating is pure scaremongering and cannot be proved by the modelling that the GW alarmists want to use to put it out there.


    Why is it that real scientists, those who use science to determine what occurs on our planet in relation to weather and climate, have confirmed and have been peered reviewed, when they indicate that the ice caps and the ice sheets of Greenland, have over the millenniums, receded, returned and receded again, all when carbon dioxide was higher in the atmosphere, well before the industrial revolution, yet nothing significantly occurred with sea level rises, in particular, to the degree you suggest.  I am sorry but I cannot accept what you allege and I will just have to agree to disagree with the scenarios you have put forward.    :wai:



  3. 48 minutes ago, georgemandm said:

    Ok good on you , just hop you can stay here soon when you need income of 100k 


    Tut, tut And you say you're from Australia? Do you gripe and complain about what happens there, I bet you do? I've never met an Aussie whiner before and I was born and bred there but then I think you may be from somewhere else originally.  Am I correct.? 


    Yes it's good on me, I have that and the amount required in the bank, as well as the medical so really I do not need you to hop (hope) for anything.  I worked dammed hard for what I've got and planned before I came her, it's a shame many others don't.  You're going back, no doubt to get social security, if you not already on it.  :wai:

  4. 6 minutes ago, georgemandm said:

    I am saying the why you are  treated it is a joke ok you not understand that .

    not me ok I leave and come here and have a problem ,but my friends are  treated like criminals ok .

    you could be ok but some of the  immigration offices are bad , just read the  threads .

    yes there rules , but those rules are a joke and about time thailand gets with the  21st century .

    wait and see with this new 10 year vias bs you will not be happy , I not care because I would never live here full time but you will .


    hop you have income of 100,000 a month or you will be out of here because the visa you do now will go for sure all about them and not you .

    i can see it now , you will have to spend 100,000 a month here and they will want to look in to your bank book to make sure you do , like they do now .

    then you will call it a joke .


    Hell, I'm, having enough trouble understanding what you are on about.  Why so angry, I said I wasn't having a go at you, I just asked a few simple questions and you're going off the deep end?  So you think it's a joke because your friends are treated like criminals, not you, gee sorry for getting that bit wrong.  OK, tell me how you friends are treated like criminals, it's a reasonable question, don't you think? And you think I could be treated like a criminal, how did you determine that?


    You really have no idea do you, why hope that I have this or that or f I don't then I'll be out of here because my current extension of stay will go?  Where do you get all this knowledge from, guessing I'd say.  No, it's not all about them and not me it's about the rules of a sovereign nation, I have no problem abiding by them, but it appears your friend may.


    You can see it now can you, not only do you think you know, which you don't,  you are a clairvoyant as well.  Who gives a toss if they want to see my passbook, they see it now.  And no, you do not have to spend B100K,  that is expenditure, they want an income, do you know the difference?   I call nothing a joke, as I said, there the rules and I abide by them, even if I do not agree with some.  You also have the same choices. :wai:



  5. 23 hours ago, georgemandm said:

    That did make me laugh 5555555555

    lots of  foreigners think it is ok how the thai  immigration  treats them .

    i think it is a <deleted> Joke but I get run down when I say it is a joke .

    you should not have  mentioned the ankle monitors on here because if thai  immigration read it that will be next for them to do to full time  westerners .


    Just asking but how does Immigration treat you in order for you to think it is a joke?  Now, I not having a go at you, just curious as to the kind of treatment others are receiving.  Touch wood, so far up here in the north east we never seem to experience anything else but courteous treatment.


    Yes we have the 90 reporting, all the normal paperwork required and the come back in a month and we given you your extension of stay.  Inconvenience yes, but discourteous or a joke, I don't think so.  it's their rules and after all I elected to live here, I wasn't invited and rules are rules, even if we do not like them, we have to abide by them. :wai:

  6. 8 hours ago, Grouse said:

    I don't think it is possible to have a rational debate on here.


    The flat Earth, creationists will not be swayed by facts


    I have demonstrated in earlier posts that there is s direct correlation between atmospheric CO2 levels and temperature


    I have demonstrated that there are indeed historical cycles with about a 100,000 year period.


    I have demonstrated that current CO2 levels are off scale


    This IS due to several human activities.


    There are several ways forward and all these could fuel a manufacturing boom


    Investing in renewables such as PV cells, direct solar, tidal, wind power, hydro electric


    Use nuclear for base load


    Improve insulation


    Use more efficient machines such as heat pumps, LEDs, inverter control.


    Stop deforestation


    Plant more forests


    Develop and install carbon sequestration


    Invest in smart grids


    Develop long range, low loss transmission lines to transfer electrical power from equatorial areas to the temperate zones


    BUT the fools don't understand this stuff.


    Electric cars are the way to go!


    Burning coal is so passé ?


    Many of the aspects but not all that you have listed I, a sceptic, (none-believer) agree with but I will never accept falsified facts, especially when those, not yourself, unless you're on the gravy train,  present them as a lie after lie, which has been proved time and time again.  The GW industry is worth billions, with many of the elites making so much money, through their scaremongering, that they continue to do so because of their greed, not because of what they allege.


    Has nothing to do with CO2 and the natural warming of the earth.  How much CO2 do these doomsday claimers want to eradicate?  If they didn't want to contribute then they wouldn't drive, fly, use electricity or lead the lifestyle they do.  It's not do as we do, it's do as we say.  My two words to them, get stuffed and will be until they do what they expect others to do.  Sorry for the language.  It is also a strange thing this GW or CC, it causes people from one side to denigrate others because they dare to have differing opinions, which they cannot accept, and this and that they are always right.


    AL Gore, Zoros,  Flannery, the many, many scientists, all of whom put down what governments want to hear, are all profiteering at the ordinary citizen's expense. Obama is also in on the scaremongering and what has he done in the 8 years he has been pushing the scary stories.  Has the world ended as some have predicted.  Of course not and can the alarmists tell us how all this CC and GW affected their lives, other than having to pay increased costs. I'd rather have the lifestyle that I have today than what it was like 50 years ago.


    Coal fired power stations are cleaner than they have ever been and yes, they too are subsidised, but not to the extent of solar and wind power, hence the now horrendous electricity costs.  Why is it that many people are happy to see electricity costs go through the roof, forcing the poorer people to suffer and being unable to pay their accounts now elect not to use electricity for heating and freeze in winter and suffer the heat in summer?  In so far as putting up graphs showing this and that, I really couldn't be bothered, it's all been done before.


    Why are those promoting GW or CC, they cannot even make up their mind which name to call it, making so much money out of it and wanting the ordinary person going back to living like they did in medieval times. I am sick and tired of being told how to live my life and those who want to do it can go and jump. They never practise what they preach, they are hypocrites and until they do what they expect us to do, then I'm sorry, I do not now and never will believe any of their hype because that's all it is.  It's funny how the high priest, Gore, goes around the world preaching his new religion, yet goes against everything he preaches and never ever responds to any questions put to him.  I wonder why?  :wai:  

  7. 3 hours ago, jcsmith said:

    @MajarTheLion: Noone is saying at all that the earth doesn't go through natural heating and warming cycles. That certainly happens. The warming we are seeing now is not part of that natural cycle though. The CO2 levels right now are far above where they have been at any time in at least 800,000 years. And if you look at the record it is so obvious that this is caused by the industrial revolution. 




    That is undeniably man made. This will raise the temperature, acidify the ocean, and as a byproduct cause glacial melting which will in turn cause a sea level rise.



    Here's an experiment anyone can carry out. Put some ice cubes in glass and then fill it with water.  Then, when the ice melts, see what happens, absolutely nothing.  So, given that the ice melting at the poles is a natural phenomenon and is replaced and has been occurring forever, as does the sinking and rising of the land, and the sea levels haven't risen, then how will it happen now and when?  Why is it so?  :wai:

  8. 10 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Even more, I don't post a lot of stuff, or I delete it asap after posting, because the result makes it pointless, no matter how passionately I may feel about that content, or how much time I spend writing it.


    Sometime it's not really worth all the drama.  Maybe everyone should just take a deep breath, relax and get back to debating instead of name calling, which many of us have been guilty of, some more than others. :wai:

  9. 38 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


    Well I don't think the US population is exploding so its probably not going to have much of an impact. 


    Too bad Planned Parenthood has such a Liberal agenda since it positions itself to suffer under a Republican Admin.


    And before I fall under attack, I am not a pro-lifer. Its a nice thought but it doesn't really apply to the real world, IMO.


    I don't consider the point of conception to be a baby. Its just a couple of cells.




    It's such a sad state of affairs that one has to explain himself when offering an opinion in order that he does not come under attack.  There's no debate anymore, it seems it's either my way or the highway. :wai: 

  10. 3 hours ago, starky said:

    My apologies. So you would describe the RTP as a modern, progressive, proactive law enforcement agency? Didnt realise they were recognised internationally as the tip of the spear and for their information sharing capability but then again according to you I have no idea about how law enforcement operates, even though you no zero about me. In my ignorance compared to your vast wealth of knowledge perhaps you could point me to any example of the RTP's involvement and interactment in international law enforcement. They certainly didnt look for any help when it was offered by federal police in the kao tao murders .Cheers and your wai emoji doesnt excuse the insult.


    A bit touchy aren't we? You criticised them but when someone takes you to task on that aspect, oh my,  you can't handle it.  It's alright for you to criticise anonymously knowing they cannot reply but when someone responds you accuse them of insulting you.  You insulted the RTP by referring to them as pillocks but I suppose you think that is ok?  Yes, there are many, many problems within the RTP and it will take quite a long time for them to be eradicated but it will happen.  Sure there have been many stuff ups and corruption is rampant but that does not apply to all and yes, they are, in certain areas, quite modern, progressive and a proactive law enforcement agency.


    We rarely hear about the good work that many do as the press here, like they do world wide, only use the negatives, so if they happen to do something that warrants a pat on the back, then people like you want to denigrate them. Yes I know zero about you but your post clearly highlights you lack of knowledge, however, I'd say my 30 years in law enforcement gives me more of an insight into how there is world wide police cooperation, in which the RTP is involved


    If you have to ask me for examples of the RTP's involvement in international Policing, then it is evident you have no idea but please tell me, what is your experience that gives you the right to denigrate the RTP.  And no, you weren't called ignorant, you brought that into the equation, I would not insult you in that manner.  It is just that I don't believe you have the knowledge or experience to make such a determination.  If I'm wrong then please correct me.


    To enhance your knowledge, look at Cyber crime, the tracking of and arresting of Paedophile groups,  the arrest of international criminals, the assignment of RTP to different police forces, and selected overseas universities where they are trained in modern policing, and come back to train other police. They also interact with Interpol and have a close association with the Australian Federal Police and held an ex-commissioner, Mick Keelty, who often interacted with them, in high regard.  Just a few examples, is that enough for you to stop bagging of them?


    The only thing I agree with is the manner in which those crimes, you mentioned, were investigated and that many should be brought to task for their failures.  However, with the current culture it may not occur but then none of us know if there is anything occurring in the background that may or may not see action taken in this regard.


    Now, you also referred to Federal Police offering help, are you talking about the AFP, who I mentioned or are you referring to the British Police.  if the latter, who were involved on the peripheral, not allowed to conduct investigations, then it again highlights your lack of knowledge of policing and who and who were not involved.  So please unless you have facts that can back up your insults, then maybe you shouldn't.  And please, don't be so thin skinned and suggest that when someone criticises they are insulting you, at least I didn't call you a pillock.  And you can take the wai any way you want. :wai:    




  11. 16 hours ago, starky said:

    This is like the felon that came to Thailand after being in Cambodia with an international arrest warrant magnified 100000 times. Why do these pillocks need police services from other countries to not only do their job but explain it to them? Oh thats and still many want to praise the BIB for a job well done. Please. 


    This aspect is not only confined to Thai Police, it happens world wide, so they're not pillocks.  it's called information sharing and it is a crime fighting tool used by most police forces.  If you knew how law enforcement operated and interacted then maybe you wouldn't be so harsh.  They really can't win can they, especially with the experts weighing in.  :wai:

  12. 11 hours ago, colinneil said:

    The owner is obviously totally brain dead to have built the pool in the first place.

    How did he think he could get away with building the pool?


    Well according to the authorities they got away with it for about 20 years.  Would have got their money back in that time so do you really think if they have to spend a million and shut the joint down, that they'd be worried, I think not.  And the new manager playing dumb to.  I didn't know, but then he did know about the hotel, yet continued trading.  But if he returned all funds and paid off the staff, then at least he has honoured his commitments so one has to take their hat off to him in that regard, providing it occurred.:wai: 

  13. 27 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


    Democrats were angry at Trump for hos promises positions on issues like "Climate, torture, and especially immigration (which they called 'hateful') so why would they still be in the streets now that he is back-pedaling on these very issues and probably more? 


    Can I ask if you have a job? How do you Democrats find so much available time to spend in the streets? 


    Are they professionals, you know, rent a crowd?:wai:

  14. 1 minute ago, maewang99 said:

    Si Thea01.... do you have Thai outpatient coverage, forget the cash in the bank etc... it requires outpatient coverage as one of the requirments.

    some carriers don't let you switch coveraged after a certain age... and most don't even give coverage.  you have health care cover.... that works in Thailand.... for ***outpatient*** care to their initial minimum... and can prove it?

    good for you if you do.



    I have medical coverage, covers me for ops and hospitals and also accident coverage but if I go to outpatients I pay my way, which varies between B100 to B300, depending on the services received.  So does that cover me or not, if not then I'll just stay with the retirement extension of stay. 


    I was lucky to be accepted for medical insurance at 65, but it expires at 80.  I'll probably fall of the perch by then so it won't be a worry.  If I happen to go past that age than I will have enough to cover my medicals.  I do not use the private hospitals, I go to a large university government hospital, have a private room and receive excellent treatment for a third of the cost.:wai:

  15. 3 minutes ago, Jonathan Swift said:

    Wonder how you "prove" your income if it comes from your original country? If it comes to an American bank and gets transferred when needed?


    I have interest paid monthly on my accounts back home, and each month I transfer, via Internet banking, whatever I need to my Thai bank accounts.  That's all the proof I need.  I also have a certain amount in fixed deposits here in Thailand all of which Immigration accepts together with copies of my pass books and the letter that is required from the bank.  Touch wood, have not experienced any problems in the almost 4 years that I have lived here full time.:wai:

  16. 2 hours ago, jcsmith said:

    Too much carbon dioxide is in fact dangerous: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypercapnia The more general problem and closer issue with CO2 emissions though are that the greenhouse effect which is contributing to rises in temperature and the acidification of the oceans.


    Climate change in general is something natural, that is true. The world isn't static and unchanging. However, the human footprint is causing rapid changes to it. We are taking a problem that may have been far in the distant future and making it something that will affect the next generations. 


    To say that there is nothing man can do to prevent these issues is a fallacy. There are already numerous plans aimed at doing just that. It's one of the largest issues we face moving forward and there are a lot of ideas about how to minimize its effects. There are already ways to remove CO2 from the atmosphere but they are not cost efficient and can not clean it up as quickly as we are adding it. There are other proposals that will deflect sunlight or shade it from space. Most importantly science is moving faster than ever and with each discovery new opportunities open up. Given time we can find a solution. This isn't going to happen over night though. Moving to cleaner forms of energy is something we can do now, to slow the problems before this becomes a larger problem.

    Now the real question here is, why would anyone not want to work towards solving this problem or moving to clean energy? The only thing I can think of is either that they don't understand the seriousness of the issue, have been misled by companies profiting from fossils fuels, are financially benefiting from the use of fossil fuels (either as a politician receiving lobbyist money or due to ties or employment from a business in the industry), or are worried that a small increase to their taxes is not worth an issue that they are too old to see serious effects from. 


    I will just have to agree to disagree with you as to CO2 being dangerous, I have my opinions, you have yours so I will just leave it at that.  It's not that I don't want to or cannot debate but given what is going on within this thread,  it will just see us going around in circles and given it is going off topic, which doesn't worry me but it might upset the mods.


    As I said, it is the scams that have sprung up together with the accompanying BS that I am not interested in debating.  If people cannot see this, then nothing I'll will say will change their beliefs.  I have no problem, as I've previously said, with man working to cut back actual pollutants, and this is being carried out in the motor industry, the airline industry and many others, so why would one deny this, I don't


    Man is continuing to work towards making the world cleaner so why would anyone criticise those aspects.  Of course it's not going to happen overnight but it is happening but there is absolutely no need to go on a scaremongering campaign and tell people that certain things are happening, when even what they show is completely natural and has been happening for millenniums.  It is only being used to scare people and con the stupid politicians into financing those whose industries, which, if they weren't subsidised, would fail.


    And, as I said, I not into Scams that are financing the lifestyles of some of the elites, whilst you have people like certain movie stars, who know nothing but put out propaganda films to help those who want to scare the bejesus out of the ordinary folk.  I also object to non-elected people telling me what to do and when to do it, to pay high utility costs and hurt the poorest of those on the planet.  If some think that is the right approach, then I am sorry, I do not.  Now maybe we should get back to what the thread is about before we get turfed or removed.  :wai:

  17. 12 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    There is a difference to man made pollution and natural pollution. I'd like clean air and water, but I don't think it would stop climate change.

    The only reason man made pollution exists is because people don't want to pay for stopping it.



    I do know the difference between man made and natural and agree with you about man made pollution but CO2 is not a pollutant, it is a necessity of all life on this planet.   I don't want to pay into Scams that do nothing, however, given what is happening world wide, with the reduction in CO2 output, via government regulations, people are paying for it in the cost of services and goods and I, for one, have no problem with that


    As for clean air and water, of course we all want that, however, neither is being polluted by CO2, but for sure by other man made chemicals.  Nothing man can do will stop climate change, it has been happening for millions of years so any of the alarmists who think they can, then they are living n cloud cuckoo land.  :wai:

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