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Everything posted by suzannegoh

  1. At the price point that you're specifying it's more likely to be Vietnamese Catfish than Atlantic Cod.
  2. Maybe that's one of the things that they want to stop.
  3. There were other things working against him, of course. A seemingly forgotten part of Carter's problems as president is that establishment Democrats put up resistance to him. Teddy Kennedy challenging him for the nomination in 1980 was perhaps as damaging to his re-election prospects as the public perception of him being impotent.
  4. I was expecting Trump to say something outrageous but instead he said this about Jimmy's passing: “The challenges Jimmy faced as President came at a pivotal time for our country and he did everything in his power to improve the lives of all Americans. For that, we all owe him a debt of gratitude,”
  5. Cash is king, until someone relieves you of your wallet.
  6. That system of getting annual extensions of stay appears to be very common in Pattaya.
  7. If you’re worried about your card numbers being stolen, a work around is to put you card into the GPay (Google Pay) app and then swipe the turnstile with your phone instead of with your card. What GPay does to improve security is that instead of transmitting your real card number it generates a temporary number which is an alias for your real card number but it’s good for only one translaction.
  8. No, but you should test out your cards first - maybe by charging a candy bar at a Tops Daily - to make sure. Chase offers several credit cards that have no international transactions fees, use very close to the Interbank exchange rate on purchases, and give a kickback of 1 to 3% in rewards points or cash to boot.
  9. Is it OK to spend money if not "flaunting it"?
  10. No it doesn' t need to be a Thai card, I use a Chase card from the US. I've never seen any official documentation about this but Singapore uses that system so when I saw the wifi emblem on the Thai turnstile I gave it a go and it worked the same as in Singapore. And since Chase is very good about reversing fraudulent charges (as required by US law) so I'm not especially worried about the security aspects of this.
  11. If you're not concerned about getting a discount, you can skip the lines at the MRT station and pay for each trip by swiping your credit card at the entry turnstile at the start of your journey and then swiping he same card again at the exit turnstile at the end of your journey. I've verified that this works well on the MRT but don't think that you can do it on the BTS.
  12. Of they were knowingly snorting Fentanyl.
  13. It's psychosomatic.
  14. What a bizarre analysis. Have you ever been to Thailand?
  15. I wonder what the job description of a Thai Wife For Hire is.
  16. Aren't Neta EVs selling for closer to 400k Baht now?
  17. Kamala's videoed Thanksgiving message had more joy and vibe. Apparently not on her first glass of wine of the day, she bragged about her campaign spending almost $1.5B in just over 100 days.
  18. Most likely that's true. Trump didn't really bother campaigning in California, That alone might have cost a couple million popular votes.
  19. Statistically that is the safest way.
  20. Unfortunately that joyful energy only excited people who would never vote for a Republican anyway.
  21. The VPN will allow you to make it appear to your bank that your are not abroad and it will prevent your ISP from knowing what you are doing online but it's superfluous in terms of security against hackers when using financial websites. By now every bank is using SSL encryption so even without a VPN nobody short of the NSA is going to be able to do intercept your communications with the bank. For that matter, GMail, Facebook,and even Aeannow are SSL encrypted too. The most common ways that people get "hacked" is by someone looking over their shoulder while they are working in public or by clicking on things that they shouldn't have clicked on, and a VPN isn't going to fix that.
  22. On PIA's website it shows the price as being $39.95 for one year or $79 for 40 months. I know you said that you don't want to commit to longer than a year but I think that I'd just fork over the $79 and not worry about it again until 2028.
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