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Everything posted by suzannegoh

  1. Some 711s have Chinese-brewed Stella in 500ml cans for about 79 (or maybe it was 89) Baht. Not a bad option compared to the local beers and Heineken.
  2. Thailand imposes pretty steep tariffs already.
  3. is it only in Pattaya where agents get their customers retirement visas by putting 800k in a bank account for a couple of days and then bribing an immigration officer to issue the visa? I've never noticed agents offering that service in CM but maybe it's just more underground than in Pattaya.
  4. Duke's is like a Bennigan's, Applebees, or a TGI Fridays in the States. If you're homesick for that type of food it might hit the spot but fine dining it's not.
  5. What if you're drawing funds from an account that contains both old and new money. In that case, how would it be determined if the money that you brought into Thailand was already taxed?
  6. Is that really how it works, that what what matters is how much tax you paid in the US in the year is which you transferred money into Thailand? That could be very costly for any Americans who are living off saving and who aren't on a backpacker's budget.
  7. Are you sure that it works like that? I thought that if you paid a foreign tax in 2025 that you would claim it on the US return due in April 2026.
  8. I still use it but with the Free42 app rather than with an HP calculator. As a general rule, I wouldn't recommend an RPN calculator to someone who says that they've never used algebra after High School, and that seems to include most farang in Thailand other than the ones praising RPN calculators in this thread.
  9. I switched to an HP about halfway through engineering school. Before that I had a TI "scientific" calculator that evaluated equations as they are written. It didn't take long to adapt to RPN, and after awhile you find that when tackling equation that you think that way the calculator does.
  10. One may not need to be an engineer to appreciate RPN calculators but one needs to intuitively understand the order of operations when trying to solve complex equations. Most non-engineers seem not to - numerous posts can be found on Facebook asking people to solve sample equations and most just plow ahead from left to right without any concern for which operations take precedence, and then after coming up with the wrong answer they argue that the rules must have changed since they were in high school.
  11. Mundane video that has nothing to do with RPN calculators.
  12. There's an app for Amdroid and iOS called Free42 which is an excellent emulation of an HP42S calculator.
  13. Also small and insignificant is the number of people who get hacked just by connecting to a public wifi network. By now all traffic that matters is SSL encrypted,
  14. Leave instructions with your beneficiary about how to go online and drain those accounts before the bank knows that you're dead.
  15. It varies. Yanhee Hospital, who receives a lot of foreign patients for cosmetic surgery, has such a price list showing the local and foreigner prices. Others, such as Bangkok Hospital and Bumrungrad, are either equally expensive for everyone or are not transparent about their dual pricing.
  16. I didn't know that he prohibition hours were being manually enforced at 711s, I thought that it was programmed into their system for alcoholic items to automatically be rejected when scanned during dry hours.
  17. More likely he overstayed his 30 days visa-free stay in Thailand by 18 months. According the article. that guy came to Thailand with the intention of settling here in April the year before getting busted in November. That's 19 months.
  18. "His Thai adventure began with hope and ambition in April of the previous year, as he planned to settle and start a business. However, his dreams crumbled in November..." Conditions like that are inexcusable but if he entered Thailand 19 months earlier with the intention of "settling" in Thailand and wasn't a retiree or a millionaire, it seems more likely that he never had a proper visa than that that he overstayed by a "few" days.
  19. That talking point has become very popular since his politics became known, even to the extent of denying his success as an entrepreneur.
  20. It wouldn't be to your advantage to do that,you'll just pay an extra 3 to 5% for nothing.
  21. Chase cards can be locked and unlocked with their app. Just one example.
  22. The way that I read his post was that he was intending to give up his non O.
  23. Why couldn't he fly to Laos and later re-enter Thailand as a tourist?
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