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Khun Paul

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Posts posted by Khun Paul

  1. On ‎12‎/‎5‎/‎2019 at 2:12 PM, z42 said:

    Absolutely dreadful. It is hard to pin the performance on 1 single factor, but in all my years as a teacher & teacher trainer i've never seen anything as ghastly as the "no fail" policy that is in force in LOS.


    As for the plan to get Filipino teachers or barely qualified NES teachers to magically boost English to super high levels, it is doomed to failure as daily exposure to English language outside the main tourist areas is almost nil.

    I agree, even students that are inherently dumb, progress instead of retaking that year, which is written in Thailand's Curriculum from thje Ministry of Education 

  2. All my time here I have NEVER seen a Building nor a Planning Inspector ever inspect a building under construction, the builders start and finish then it is complete, any conversion will be the same , ignorance coupled with incompetence and guess what deaths, but who is to blame, the Builders, the planners or the building Inspectors or the little old lady across the street, a SCAPEGOAT will be found, but do not hold your breath that it will be a single Government agency just some hapless person. 

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  3. 5 hours ago, KhaoTan said:

    If IDC knows these gangsters are picking on certain citizens such as US citizens they need to at least hold them separately.  The guy who died in his arms after being denied water and bullied by the gangs was 41 years old.  Here is his obituary. RIP. Obituary of Rickey McDonald  He was a guy who was educated and was loved, have some respect. 

    You are assuming that the Officers know or for that matter even care, judging by rep[orts over the years a sp[ellin the IDC is not nice and possibly it is like that to deter others. However they owe a duty of care none the less. 

  4. P{art of the problem is the apathy of most Thai teachers, they do not understand or are too stupid to realise that Thai as a language is so hard to learn , teaching any subject in Thai almost requires Rote learning as there is no other way .First you hav to teach the teachers then the children but as others have said their xenophobia and lack of logical thinking the Thai Governments including this one throw away one of the biggest advantages they have a huge pool of Native English speakers who would like to help but are unable to do so because of archaic and restrictive laws, made in part due tpo pandering to Thai teachers who in the main are unable to teach outside the book provided . 


    They only have themselves to blame and until they stop pretending they have the answers and seek outside NES speakers to assist in each and every school then it will not get any better.  

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  5. All my time here, you see people with degrees in English but unable to maker understandable sentences. Just because they get a degree ,or even a mvocational certificate FDOES NNOT MEAN they can do the job or have any knowledge, with the exception of possible Doctors or Dentists the rest are walking around clueless and useless, which it appears also inclues the Government 

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  6. The problem here is the outdated premise that if you are over 65 you are too old to donate blood .

    I am O Neg a much sought after blood but shunned by the Red Cross because I am too old. My mother donated blood until she was in her early eighties a system that checked her before she gave and she was happy to do so, good for the donor and good for the Blood banks. Here they shun healthy Foreigners because we are too old . Which is a sad attitude and shows Thailand has not really advanced in health care at all especially in relation to Blood Banks .  

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