My advice is to check around with gardeners in your area about what grows well and what the best season for planting stuff is. Here in central Thailand, the only season I can plant green leafy vegetables (collard, mustard, bok choy) is the cool season. Basil (horapha/ meng rak (lemon basil) and bai grapao do best in cool/wet season, but can turn woody or bolt if temperatures get too high. I would say anywhere in Thailand, planting green leafy vegetables in the hot season is going to be tough, and you will almost certainly need to have a shade canopy or trellis. If I were down in PKK, high on my list of things to plant would be pineapple which I know grows well down there, and can't be grown up here. Green beans, fak tong (pumpkin) do well in wet season. Corn year round.
PS. Caterpillars and aphids love green leafy vegetables, you really need to be vigilant.
Here are a few links to threads I started which you might find useful.