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Everything posted by Gecko123

  1. I was always taught that any time there is a situation where you might have to brake suddenly, you should shift your foot off the accelerator and move it over the brake pedal without actually depressing the brake pedal, in order to speed up reaction time. I have sometimes wondered if part of the reason why Thais never seem to do this (besides terrible defensive driving education) is because if you are wearing flip-flop sandals and move your foot sideways there's a risk that the sandal will drop away from the foot and get blocked by or caught under the brake pedal. Just wanted to take a moment to remind people that flipflops are a poor footwear choice for motoring. My sincere condolences to the husband and her family.
  2. Hiding the body on premises sounds like something someone would do if they lacked the means (conveyance, manpower, familiarity with the area) to hide the body more remotely, and believed they only needed enough time to get out of the area before the body was discovered. Neighbors reported decomposition odors. If the mother was responsible for the murder, surely she would have noticed the odors as well and taken steps to neutralize them or move the body off-premises. Improbable the mother did it because hiding the body on premises puts her under immediate suspicion just for being in close proximity to the crime scene. The mother would likely have psychological need to move the body in order to distance herself from the crime, not leave her son's body on premises waiting to be discovered.
  3. A few moments ago... (2:10 PM 6-18-22 Thai time) 19,446.09-1,458.33(-6.98%) As of 07:04AM UTC. Market open These whipsaw price movements really take my breath away.
  4. If suspect isn't being truthful, he doesn't seem to realize that the Thai police have a fairly sophisticated forensics capability. For example, if the scratches and blood allegedly seen on his body and clothes were related to the murder, that is going to quickly show up in the autopsy and crime scene forensic analysis. This would not be the first case of a foreign suspect thinking they can BS their way past the Thai police. His "explanation for everything" responses to a long series of suspicious "coincidences" and activities reminds me of the 2017 Nordahl Lelandais abduction and murder of 8 year old Maëlys de Araujo at a wedding reception in France. For months on end he claimed his innocence and had an uncanny ability to come up with explanations for every incriminating piece of evidence he was confronted with, only finally confessing after a tiny speck of her blood was discovered in the boot of his car.
  5. 1. I'm not sure if everyone is in agreement about at what juncture there is a duty to disclose, or if there is ever a duty to disclose. One night stand? After two weeks of dating? Before marrying? 2. My post clearly stated that I don't believe trans panic is a justification for homicide. 3. Deception about one's birth gender is not on par with marital infidelity, or say, misrepresenting your income or academic credentials because deceiving someone about your birth gender can traumatize one's sexual identity.
  6. If someone is transgender, is there ever any moral or ethical duty to disclose this to a sex partner? I'm not speculating on the motive for this killing, but doesn't a sex partner have a right to know? What if the guy is saying I want to get married and have a big family with you, and the transgender person is acting like that's totally doable, when she knows that's impossible. There's never any duty to disclose? If all's fair in love and war, then why not make trans panic a viable defense for homicide? I'm not saying trans panic is EVER justified, but deception does have consequences. Again, I'm speaking in general terms, and have no idea if this was the motive in this case.
  7. My advice is to check around with gardeners in your area about what grows well and what the best season for planting stuff is. Here in central Thailand, the only season I can plant green leafy vegetables (collard, mustard, bok choy) is the cool season. Basil (horapha/ meng rak (lemon basil) and bai grapao do best in cool/wet season, but can turn woody or bolt if temperatures get too high. I would say anywhere in Thailand, planting green leafy vegetables in the hot season is going to be tough, and you will almost certainly need to have a shade canopy or trellis. If I were down in PKK, high on my list of things to plant would be pineapple which I know grows well down there, and can't be grown up here. Green beans, fak tong (pumpkin) do well in wet season. Corn year round. PS. Caterpillars and aphids love green leafy vegetables, you really need to be vigilant. Here are a few links to threads I started which you might find useful.
  8. Without getting into the specifics as to who or why, I am curious how many members you 'ignore'? I am trying to get a handle on whether I am under- or over-utilizing this TVF feature? Assuming you have seen this topic (and don't have me on ignore ), I thank you in advance for your kind responses.
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