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Posts posted by mumbojumbo

  1. Other cults are just an excuse for drunken debauchery in the name of some mythical entity.

    Besides, everyone knows that the Aliens are not going to visit earth until we finally develop the warp engine (or an equivalent variation) !

    (oops, I've said too much already. Please look into this shiny light for a sec.......)

    Thanx, I needed that,


    Evidently you haven't been reading the news. Aliens were spotted in Mae Chan (north of Chiangrai) about a month ago. When approached they floated off and police were called. The men sweared that they were not on laew kaew. Is there a thai scientist that has developed the "warp machine" in Mae Chun?? I wonder. :D

  2. Take good care of your feet. And if you cut them, hydrogen peroxide the cut 3-4 times a day and plaster them (band-aid) them. Socks and tennis shoes if recovering, and avoid walking thru sewage water which is hard in the monsoon season.

    Do not carry large quantities of cash around-ATM when needed-covered in earlier.

    The Mosquitos/small gnats only bite me on the ankles. I hate the smell of deet, so i use tiger balm when i feel the first bite. They dont come anymore and i get high on the fumes.

    If you build a BG a house, only spend what you can afford to loose.

    And remember, the bigger you are, the more right of way you have. Pedestrians are on the bottom of this right. :o

  3. You read about this all the time. Why are these stupid frarang packing large quantities of cash around. Do they not know of the ATM system?? They all deserve to get ripped off. :o

  4. The CM people are happy with:

    Traffic approaching Bkk status.


    Construction torn city

    Night bazaar you have to walk sideways in

    Let them have it. By the way, many CM'rs have moved to CR to get away from this in the last couple years.

    All i want is a Mcdonalds.

    I think the new Tesco Lotus in Mai Sai is crap. :o

  5. TIT

    The Thai school system makes no sense at all. Why can't all the schools open and close on the same days? This would also help out the mini-bus drivers.

    I approached my childs admin office at the beginning of this years term and asked for a calender showing non school days. They thought i was cazy. No have. I did get out of them the stop/start dates for this Oct. to do some travel planning, but they were reluctant to give me that. Why is this such a secret. I know the red calender days are holidays, but sometimes there is a teacher's convention or something that i don't learn about till a day before :o

  6. It may be the Billion bar now, but 10+ years ago i am sure it was named the Binnion Bar-come on old timers help me out on this one. There was a heavily tattood chinaman that never wore a shirt. I think he also owned the Blue House Bar next door.

    Many people do not like the "odd couple" at the Cheers Bar, but they have to hold some kind of a longevity award. Name one other bar in Pats where two frarang from two dif countries partnered up and have lasted as long as them.

  7. Well Billion I don't know.  Thought as Fox knows everything I'm sure he can comment if his mange isn't playing up too much.

    Cheers I do know.  Its a no hostess basic open bar run by a Welshman called Colin and a very hairy American who'se name I don't know because he never speaks but spends 8+ hours a day playing Sim City or some other nonsense on his computer.

    The name of the shortime bar is "Binnion Bar" Cheers is owned by Colin(Australian) and Stan the hairy American.

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