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Posts posted by mumbojumbo

  1. Hunh? well, maybe not "good condo"...

    Condotel sells condos. Has a pool too (for the brave - kinda green last I looked a few years back)

    Centrally located too.

    All pools in Chiangrai have the pea green color if you look at them at the start of the rainy season. All the acid rain +. Last time looked at pool at Chiangra Condotel, it looked good. The management might be a problem. Phone lines and sat tv might also be a problem. They did do a paint job not to long ago, and that might be promising, since it was looking very bad before that. Mai lueuw :o

  2. Ghosts are for real. Look at Casper, he had a tv series for many years and even a blockbuster movie.

    Chang says the little misquitos have killed more than religion. How long have the little pest deaths been recorded?? I think religion. (If you don't believe in my god, then i will kill you attitude) Seeing a lot of it today, and for a long time. :o:D:D:D

  3. It will cost 5$ on the myanmar side. Not so long ago they stopped accepting baht as payment and instead immigration sold them at the thai side.

    Not true, in my experience

    The rules change everyday-mi leue :o

  4. Having a problem converting a good VHS tape to DVD. Finally found a person with a tape machine that is working and can read NTSC, but don't know if the shops have a video reader to intrepid. This classic movie is 15+ now and want to preserve. Any help appreciated.

  5. Mr Chang35baht hasn't had a Chang to his lips for many moons. I think he is a Leo man now. He discovered, like his avator shows, that this crap beer leads to massive hangover headaches the next morning. :D:D:o

  6. Hi

    I am coming to Thailand from Oz to do a 4 week TEFL course (I also am an experienced journalist with a university diploma) and I want to teach somewhere in the North. I like the sound of Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai particularly because I prefer quieter places. I was wondering if there is work there for an ESL teacher and if so how often do jobs come up? I would prefer part time work.

    Any advice/opinions would be appreciated.

    Plenty of schools here in Chiangrai to teach Engrit, but don't expect to make a fortune at it. Ave. wage 20k-30k bht. a mo.fulltime :o

  7. When the US requires a Notary, i don't think the Thai lawyers are acceptible for this. A couple of years ago this Conulate service was $55, heard they down to $30. Mie Lue. In the States you can get for free or 50 cents at the tops. Ya gotta bite the bullet here, unless it is for official gov. business, then it it is for free. Wow how they help us so muchly. :o

  8. If the members used the Report function more, it would be easier for the mods and admin to either guide the thread back on topic (preferred option) or warn/suspend the offending posters.

    Help us to help you guys make ThaiVisa a better place for everybody.


    Thanks Jai Dee, Didn't know about this function. :o

  9. I have noticed a lot of flamers not following the rules here lately. Aviador and 2jones.. in the last week. A couple of months ago we had this guy from Louisiana with 2 different names causing havoc on the board. We don't need these a-holes on this good forum. Mods, try to knock them out early, and hopefully they never return. :o

  10. Hard to get good food in Chiang Rai for diabetics. Somtimes big C have and somtime not.

    It was suggested to have more salads; I know this would be good for me but not being a rabbit I see that most people wash the salad gear from water out of the tap. This causes another problem for me.

    Therefor it is relief that I ate tonight at the Lebanese resturant in town. Very good tasting food and good choice also for vego's.

    Hope this helps somone in their quest to for variety of good food. :D

    Myself, and everyone i have talked to has the opposite opinion of this establishment. :o

  11. I know i took some items to a dry cleaner in the past, but cannot remember where. Any help will be appreciated muchly :o

    Coming from the Wiang Inn at the first set of traffic lights - take a left, 50 - 100 meters further on the left is a small dry cleaners shop. When I've used them they've done a good job at a reasonable price and they speak some english.

    :D Mymechew

    If i leave the Wiang Inn and go to first light North, take a left, I am in Aye's place. Must be South, on hospital road???

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