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Posts posted by mumbojumbo

  1. American Man dies inside his South Pattaya Hotel Room.


    Initial fears of murder were quickly discounted and Police theorize that the man collapsed and fell onto a sideboard which explains a small flesh wound to his chin. No further information was released by Police until results of a post mortem examination are forthcoming.

    -Pattaya City News

    Wednesday 30th November 2005

    Why have an autopsy, the police already figured it out? Everyone knows when you hit your chin, it will cause bleeding from all your orifices :o

  2. Why is everyone badmouthing Chinese products. I have many that are great. Granted the cheap chinese toys you buy im Mai Sai that only last a week at best, but tools,appliances, etc. are good.

    The Chinese will take over the world market on everything. They have there poop together, and will take over the world economy shortly, if not yet. I remember when "made in Japan" ment bad. Then they kicked ass in the motocycle, car, electronic, etc.

    China will deffinitely be the next super super power. :o

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