Actually it's already forming an alliance with Renault. And last year there were rumours that Honda is joining them. Same for Suzuki and Mazda. I really can't understand how they're going to survive in the global market...
Absolute scum. Money can't buy you any decent manners.
Btw, I've always thought the security has guns. One shot in the air probably let them scatter like headless chickens...
For god's sake, just abolish this outdated law once and for all. It is absolutely ridiculous. What country has similar laws? I don't know any, except that you need a work permit and for certain jobs a certificate or degree.
For the 100th time. You are charging 95% of all occasions at your home. And outside you can always find a charging spot if you're not living under a rock. You can even make reservations for some brands of charging stations.
The reason I'm asking if he's ever seen the traffic in Thailand. And secondly if he knows of the widespread nepotism in Thai society? Do you really think all the owners of businesses and shopping malls in Bangkok downtown would welcome a massive restriction of cars coming in ?
Here's my two cents. What I can see from the video below the news, the bus obviously veered into the hard shoulder and then the driver lost control. So it's missing attention from the driver for whatever reason: on the phone, micro sleep or talking with someone inside the bus