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Posts posted by dirtycash

  1. there are very very few condo's for 1M in pattaya, so no one is going to tell you on here where it is, you will have to do the leg work, make sure the divorce is through before you buy.

    yes thats if and only if i buy one, if and only if i divorce then the papers will definately be in company name . as i said , if theres someone looking for a quick sale then its an option, if not then nothing lost .

  2. well what im thinking is.....i dont really care about buying a condo but if i can clinch a deal i will. if someone in patttaya has a condo up for 1.7 i will offer him 1m , up to him if he needs the rent because there are plenty out there who want to sell up at a loss. so as the same as any agent i will do the same , make an offer and if i get a deal then happy days , if i dont i dont ......

    easy come easy go. its business.

    • Like 1
  3. i just flew with emerites , i had 50 diazepam and co dydramol painkillers plus some sleeping pills. i would of been well <deleted> if they got me, i hadnt a clue about carrying tablets, they were in my hold luggage and i was in transit surely this cannot be right to arrest someone if they are in transit and not exiting the airport into uae .

  4. "If you say 15 + 75 that implies that is two applications, and two fee payments, which is not."

    I'll go with the OP on this one. Maybe a language factor?

    Perhaps. Here's what the OP wrote:

    they will give a 15 day extension and at the end of the 15 day evaluation period you can go back for another 75 day extension

    While in fact it is one only extension.

    When you go to immigration they will stamp your passport allowing you to stay for an additional 15 days, in other words extending your stay or an extension of stay. Then you must go to immigration a second time at which time they will stamp your passport allowing you to stay for an additional 75 days. again in other words extending your stay. So yes, for each 90 day period you must go 2 times, each time getting a stamp allowing you to stay for an extended period of time.

    well said , these guys are students so i take it they have matter between the ears right ? why didnt they just say this at the start of the topic. god give me strength coffee1.gif

  5. so there we go. down to 49 today , it was 52 when i posted this and i am just after lodging another 17000 gbp into bank. didnt have an option to keep british sterling on me whilst in pattaya so i had to bank it.

    ill learn one of these days.

    Why did you not just open a sterling account in a Thai bank ?

    Convert when your ready?

    thanks pheat but i had no clue if there was such a thing , im kicking myself now !! just heard on news that yingluck is to face criminal charges , does that mean more riots and unrest likely and if so what would happen to baht.

  6. DirtyCash,

    You need to understand a few things, and only you know the answers.

    What is, in your opinion, a "good return" percentage?

    What is your timeline to hit your goal?

    How much risk can you absorb to achieve those returns?

    Are you going to use the THB to invest, and then take those returns in the THB ... or is there currency conversion risk?

    It is absurd for people to lend investing advice to anyone, or for you to take it, if you do not understand your goals, risk profile and timeline.

    Since your name is "DirtyCash" ... it gives me a clue ... but would rather hear it from you.

    I have spent a hell of a long time managing money and investments, and until a client really understood what they really wanted and were willing to risk ... no investment advice could be given.

    As to the Gold Bugs giving you advice, please go to http://www.goldpricethai.com/charts.php?type=10-year and try and guess how many of them are "in the money."

    well , i am allways looking for some ways to invest in something , after reading about gold i dont think it would be a good decision as it seems too difficult to sell back , i could be wrong and certainly no expert , thai gold graph gives it an increase of way more than double in 10 years but it is falling again. i would just let it sit in thai bank whichever gives best return. i would be willing to throw 5m into something for 5 years but what ? can i ask you since you seem to know a bit about gold , my wife has around 30 baht in thai gold , necklaces and rings etc all of it bought over the last 8 years , i do not understand what in the world she will do with it all , i ask her and she says she keeps it for our daughter , fair enough but what will our daughter sell it for or to whom ?

  7. 7 rai of land. 383 talang wah in size. about 700 tree approx. trees are 6 years old and ready to cut for first time. located near trat. land is few metres from roadside. since i know nothing of rubber tree land etc could i employ local people to take care of this land and what would the cost be ?

    do the trees need any special requirements ? i am looking for a long term investment . the price for the land is 3.5 million baht is this asking too much ?

  8. I think you deserve it. Suggesting thai women are different suggests to me that you value them less. This is typical of a chauvinist who thinks "why is she behaving like so? Normal women behave differently". The fact that you went to pattaya straight after u left home is another indication of a man who thinks he's got the rights to root around whenever times are tough. Running away to candy land rather than manning up and staying nearby to work on it. Take a good look at yourself before trying to differentiate between nationalities and somehow satisfying yourself that perhaps it's a cultural thing and not your fault. I reckon you are the problem not her.

    Oh but it is a cultural thing !!! And who says i have to stay in my country if we break up ? You sir do not have a clue .

  9. Started to feel bad for this guy until the word PATTAyA popped up.......hahahahahaha.!

    Dont marry Pattaya anything esp. the girls.

    And for gods sake dont have kids. I do feel for her as she has a caring but foolish father.

    more pattaya bashers , tut tut. dont be such a pea brained little fool to think all farang go to pattaya to get laid with bar girls !! did you not even read my posts ? have a look again then reply in a sensible manner. i am familiar with pattaya and had friends here 2 weeks ago when i first came , now they are away back to work , im getting bored of pattaya now and will maybe move onto hau hin or udon thani . at first i needed to get away from my home country for a break i have worked damn hard all year offshore , earned some good money so im going to live my life for me for a few months , is that so wrong ? before i came here i asked my other 19 year old daughter if i was doing the right thing going away from my wife , she is a level headed uni student studying law and she advised me it was the best thing to do for us both . my 5 year old daughter will still be around in 2-3 months when i return home then ill pick up the pieces .

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