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Everything posted by charliebadenhop

  1. I had fairly complex shoulder surgery with him. All good, AND he is a very nice human being.
  2. My greatest apologies if this has been posted already, but I could not find it!! I have been on this forum for 7 or 8 years now and I have never talked about investing, and I do not claim to be an expert, but here is my experience- BUYING gold is only good if the price of gold goes up. Yes? In a down market you can only lose money in the short term by “buying” gold and having this gold in your possession . So to me, buying gold (as you folks have been talking about it) should not get past the stage of being a hobby. And indeed numerous people here might engage in buying gold as a kind of hobby. All well and good. Absolutely good! To get to where you can make a good return on your capital I would think one would need to trade through an online broker. You buy and sell gold without ever “owning” any gold and at times you might buy and sell in a half days time, and maybe buy short and then sell, all in a days time or a months time, with the important point being that you can buy “short” and therefore make some profit in a down market if you are clever enough. Yes? For me, my drug of choice has been forex trading, over the last few years, and by using the "candlestick reading” method my partner and I have done well for ourselves. As long as my partner and I both stay emotionally stable I don’t really see any downside from here on out because 1. We have already made enough money to cover any potential short term losses (which we WILL have from time to time), and 2. We are using a well thought out method which we have tweaked and this method is used by many, if not all, professional traders. Here is the deal…. We regularly “win” on 60% of our trades and lose on 40% of our trades, and these percentages hold up very well over the long run. (The minimum number of trades for these percentages to work out is 100) And the way we set things up, a “gain” makes us twice as much as a “loss”. So we make 10% of our overall capital invested for each win, and we lose 5% of our overall capital on each loss. Learning the candlestick reading method well enough to be successful takes a good deal of study and trial and error, and I have no problem saying that we were very definitely losers in our first two years, and we needed enough money, and eventually enough confidence, to ride out the storm, which we just barely did. But the last two years or so has been lovely clear sailing overall. Just saying….. All the best, to all of you here, Charlie
  3. From what I have read, seems like buying gold is a good way to either lose money, or make very little. You should never be selling gold because you need some cash. Never!
  4. My experience is that as of at least several years ago, pretty much every airline offers significant discounts for upgrades at their check-in counter. I know this because I fly with the benefits of an airline worker, and more than once I got booked into Business only to have the seat taken from me at the last moment, by someone who had upgraded at the counter. Sometimes the offers can be remarkably cheap.
  5. This is lovely- A complex solution to a problem which does not exist. I will be quoting you from here on out if you don't mind!
  6. Please be kind enough to help.
  7. So.... no answer to my question? What well thought out reason would someone have for bringing gold into Thailand? There has to be a number of better ways to "make money" if that is the thought.
  8. Bill97 I would still love to know why you are wanting to bring gold into Thailand....?? Please
  9. Still wondering.... Seems like bringing gold into Thailand is not a well thought out move.....
  10. Why in the world would someone want to bring gold into Thailand? Wondering...
  11. I want to transfer money to my Wise account, from my Thai bank account. Is there any way possible?
  12. Ahh, for making payments, yes. I thought transferring money to one's Wise account was being talked about.
  13. How to transfer money via a debit card using Wise?! Enquiring minds want to know! ????
  14. There are a LOT of great physical therapy videos on YouTube, and they are quite specific and easy enough to follow.
  15. Finding such a place is possible, but I doubt it will be easy... depends on how good of a "talker" you are. Try Agoda, Trip Advisor, and Airbnb. I can't make any suggestions because I don't know of any places quite that cheap. My suggestion is that you will likely want to stay at a place close to Jetyod Rd. unless you are wanting to be somewhere more tranquil.
  16. Well "yes" the private hospital sets the overall price, and in my case the fee for the doctor (everything was itemized) was rather hefty, so I would think his fee would be a good deal less when he works in a public hospital. My guy is maybe 50 years old, so he has been working like this for quite some time.
  17. Quote- The secret is to go to their clinic to get a good diagnosis and if you can't afford the private operation fee, go to the public hospital where he works. - Is this really possible? The dr. at his private office names a big price that you don't feel like you can afford, so you go to the public hospital where he works and get the job done for a lot less?!
  18. Please explain to me what is what- It seems to me that pretty much every doctor in Thailand spends a considerable amount of their work week working in a public hospital. Is this so, or not? I had shoulder surgery this year, done by a very highly regarded surgeon who works on pro athletes and people with "enough" money, and he works most of the time in a public hospital, and like most if not all doctors here, he also has a part-time private clinic. Please help me understand what goes on!
  19. 7 or 8 years ago The Brasserie was being run by an ex-girlfriend of Tuk. The woman was an accomplished vocalist.
  20. Thanks so much Mahseer! Any idea why Tuk was in bad shape? I am an "almost professional" harp player and I played with Tuk a couple of times in the Brasserie. He was very gracious, and gave me a lot of room to shape the music we were playing.... Also, I am now wondering what happened to his lady.... They were no longer together and she dot dengue and was in bad condition just after the Brasserie was ending.... She was/is a great vocalist. Any idea about her?
  21. Ahh, yes! Thanks. Is he playing in CM lately? If so, where?
  22. RIP to Boy! There was a famous, and fantastic Thai guitarist that was playing in CM fairly regularly and then he seemed to fall off the map a while ago. I believe he played with the Beatles a few times, a LONG time ago. I can't remember his name!! Can anyone help?
  23. There is a fantastic new massage shop opened on the 2nd. floor of the Condotel. B300 for one hour, B500 for two hours (which is my preference). The owner is one of the very best massage people in Thailand....
  24. If English can be used, I have been helping people for more than 40 years now.....
  25. How many days after your birthday is it ok to complete all of this and still have a valid license the whole waiting time?
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