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Everything posted by Aforek

  1. Hello do you know the Thai law for the inheritance of property (money) located abroad? My will, which I had done by a French notary, follows European inheritance law which lets me choose which law to apply, but it is in the case of a death in Europe For a death in Thailand, does Thai law accept European a succession will, in which I request that French law be applied for assets located in France ? THANKS
  2. Hello, I started a compost, I followed videos and I think I'm doing the right thing :the compost itself in my opinion is good, all the waste is decomposed, it does not smell bad, humidity etc ok, but one thing surprises me; in the videos in Europe, lots of little animals that decompose, but for me, no animals: only bacterias, invisible moreover here the ground is very good, everything grows very well, but no earthworms; is this normal? I live in Prachinburi province Thank you for your opinions
  3. Thanks for your responses the new will has two witnesses with signatures and the amphoe gave a document to the beneficiary ( I have not seen it ) I will go to the amphoe to see if there is a revocation clause
  4. Hello I made a will in Thailand with a lawyer and I have made later an other with my amphoe ( better ) I want to revoke the first will : I sent an e-mail for this to the lawyer but he doesn't answer when searching in Google, I found this " Section 1695. Revocation by Intentional Destruction Where a will is embodied in one document only, the testator can revoke it wholly or partly by intentional destruction or cancellation. Where the will is embodied in several duplicates, such revocation shall not be complete unless it is effected in all the duplicates " To my knowledge, there is only one document ; what can I do ? destruction ? in my country, when there is two wills, the last one is the valid one thanks
  5. Ok, thanks a lot the first one is enough for me, I have seen a video on Youtube, it's what I need I"ll get it with Shopee
  6. Hello, as said in the title, I want to buy a vegetable shredder for use making a compost many in Lazada, which one do you recommand ? เครื่องย่อยพืช ราคาถูก ซื้อออนไลน์ที่ - มิ.ย. 2023 | Lazada.co.th Thanks
  7. SCB NET will be discontinued in July ( on computer ), but not SCB Easy app ( on mobile ) ; that's why I want to register with SCB Easy app it's what I understand
  8. Hello, I am a SCB custsomer , I have downloaded the SCB easy app, but I can't register when I say, "yes, I am an SCB customer ", a new window opens and there are two lines : one :" Please use mobile data for registration " , and " go to wifi settings " ( and then there is only the name of my connexion ) very different from what I have seen when registration works : is it because there is no NFC on my smartphone ( Asus Zone ) thanks
  9. yes, maybe its powdery mildew, and also maybe I water too much
  10. Hello, I bought a lemon tree three weeks ago, all ok, but new leaves are curled up with light white powder what happens ? Some research on the Internet didn't give any information thank you
  11. I have an Nmax 155 , covered by MSIG , broker " AA insurance Hua hin "
  12. For me, it's normal one of my friend told me " if it's not important for my every life, I am not interested " they know very little, but in their everylife, they are clever other way of thinking
  13. Hello, do you know if a Thai lawyer is competent to manage an inheritance of property located in Europe this is my case, I have money in Thailand and in my country thank you , and BTW can a lawyer in my country manage my money in my country for my Thai wife ( after my death ) ?
  14. Hello, do you know the brand " CANDY" for air contionner ( never heard of them before, but it's an Italien brand associtated with HAIER, name that I know ) I ask, because there is one at Lazada for 7999 bahts ( 9000 btu ( 5000 are enough for the room 27 m3 ) , inverter cheap, but how about the quality ? thanks
  15. Just now, the site for 90 days doesn't work did they changed the address ? I typed this one tm47.immigration.go.th thanks
  16. I have a will made by Isaan Lawyers , no Amphur letter : doest il work, too ? normally the lawyer does the job
  17. Hello, I have problems to register on Shopee: on my PC, when I want to write my address, there is a message concerning " space ", as if my address is too long, but it's a normal address in Thailand in my smartphone, same , problems of password, they ask me a password that I don't have so, you, how did you manage to registers ? thanks
  18. I gave this paper to the office in my ampoe , so do I need a new one from the bank ( I have no copy ) and send them by mail ? I did nothing online
  19. Hello, is it still possible to be refund from a fixed deposit ( I had 46000 bahts after three years of my 800000 baths deposit in a fixed account with SCB, the bank gave me 40000 bahts and the remaining 6000 bahts , I had to get them from the taxe office I did the process to have them and I received a letter from the tax office, in Thai, and they ask documents that I don't have (except the passport ), they seem to be for people who pay taxes in Thailand , which is not my case Three years ago, I just said that I don't work in Thailand and that I pay my taxes in my country What to do, send them copy of my passport and proof that I pay taxes in my country ? Thank you
  20. For your information, my first 90 days online with my new passport has been rejected, because the new number of passport is not automaticaly updated i received a message from I.O to go in person to see them ( did already today )
  21. After all, I just put Thai language in "settings , language ", I clicked on the mouse right button, I read the list in Thai , and now I know what I wanted to know, then comeback to my own language, took less than 5 minutes
  22. no, it's ok , thanks ????
  23. Hello, I need to know how are written in a computer thai language the words : "select" , " cut" ," paste"," suppress" , "rename " not the usual daylife vocabulary, but the words used on the computer ( in thai language, not phonetics ) if you have other useful words, thank you
  24. I found already, it means " continue " , it means that she accepts that we continue to communicate
  25. Hello I need your help : I told a woman that I missed to chat with her, and she answered something like " nam tau ( in French, it would be " nam to " ) ; I did'nt understand so she said again " nam tau " What does it mean, please ? Thanks
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