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Everything posted by Aforek

  1. Hello, I have a water rower, and I need to buy tablets for the water If you have a water rower, which one do you use ? I have read that pastels for swimming pools are dangerous for a rower, and some people recommand chlorine pastels what to choose ? thanks
  2. I did it already with bank, but what else ? ( I speak in Thailand )
  3. Thanks one more question . I just had my old passport transfered to my new ; for the next 90 days can I do them online or because it's the first time, I have to go myself to the immigration thanks
  4. Hello, now I do my 90 days online, no problem in case I can't do it for some reason, I want that somebody who is not at ease with a computer does it for me , visiting immigration : one question , please for the signature, il must be MY signature or the friend's signature ? thanks
  5. "France - who England meet in the quarter finals on Saturday (2am next Sunday Thai time) - showed they were far less of a real team." I have not seen England-Senegal , but I have seen France- Poland, and I don't agree when you say that France is not a real team If Mbappé scores goals , its because other players play with him, if he is on his own, he cant's score goals , Giroud, Grizmann, Rabiot, Dembelle are pretty good
  6. Question, please I am with TOT, upcountry, very satisfied When I have a speed test with TOT, I have ( just now ) 1050 mbps download and 248.80 upload and with Speetest Ookla, 812 mbps download and 238 download why such a difference ? TOT is lying to attract customers ? thanks
  7. " But then I don't like American football, too many stops and starts , throwing the ball forward ,and everyone is tackling each other without the ball, baseball = rounders basketball = netball , played mostly by girls where I come from regards worgeordie" Comparing two sports with oval ball, rugby is 1 million times more interesting and intense that American football
  8. Yes, for me it works perfect too , 5 times already notification in a few hours ( more or less 5 hours )
  9. End of November soon, I use Paypal just to pay goods on line, I have no money with them : I guess I am concerned, too Is it better to close my account and is there an alternative, just to buy things without giving my visa card number ? thanks
  10. " two meters long and weighed 60-80 kilos." I think it's too much for a 2 meters long, or it's heavier than I thought
  11. Sorry, I didn't know what is " world series ",: after reading, I know now that you speak of baseball I wait for the FIFA world cup in Qatar, and I call this sport " football "; why do you think Thai people are interested by baseball ? they are crazy of football ( what you call "soccer " )
  12. You who are native English speakers, do you think Thai doctors are easy to understand ? ; I live upcountry, not many doctors speak English and all the time they speak very fast, with their Thai accent, and I dare not to tell them I don't understand, so I nod all the time and I say " yes " ; but it doesn't come only from me, there are some Thai people that I understand well ( you understand that English is not my language , of course )
  13. Yes, as an European guy, I can't agree more : don't forget that your ancestors were immigrants, real inhabitants are Red skin, aborigens, Maoris ...
  14. ok, leave them, but where to go ? I don't have money with them, I just buy goods throw them, avoiding to give my Visa card number
  15. Hello, do you know a dentist in Bangkok ( good and not too expensive ) who can replace a denture ( down part is broken ) thank you
  16. I have a Nmax 155 for three years, very, very good and reliable two dealers in my region, I just had to change oil and tyres I bought tyres on Lazada, and a small bike shop change them ( 100 bahts each )
  17. Two years ago, having a treatment against high BP, a doctor stopped Atenolol for me, it seems bad with other medecines ( but I don't know if it's the same problem for you ), and Atenolol had bad effects on my kidneys , I am now on stage 3 ckd because of Atenolol
  18. Three years ago, I bought a motobike in Prachinburi ; did'nt know that I need a residence certificate ( just gave my tabian ban ), and I had the bike the same day, registed too, two weeks later, I received my new white plae In twelve years, nobody has asked me a certificate of residence, may be because I show my tabian ban every time
  19. Hello, my daughter in law has a babyboy ( about 1 year old ) and my in- laws would like that I teach him English - first, at what age to start , and is it not better to learn Thai first ( alphabet, I mean ) ? - second, English is not my language, I am not a teacher, what I can do is to teach him the alphabet and very basic vocabulary - is it legal, because of course I have no WP ( free, of course ) and which book do you recommand for the very first beginning ? and first, tell me if it's possible thank you
  20. Agree 100 % for the post above: we are foreigners, only foreigners : we can have our opinion, but don't show it outside, it must stay private; we don't have to interfere with thai politics
  21. Here is the list of the many ingredients inside: I see they don't speak of Tadalafil and Tonafil Maybe here they have an other name Grakcu Capsules | Asian Herbal Viagra | (thailandspaproducts.com)
  22. Right !read here Public Notification: Grakcu Capsule contains hidden drug ingredients | FDA "your blood pressure will be getting a triple whammy " what do you mean ( English is not my language ; too low pressure or too much ? )
  23. Thanks, I have read good thing about it did you buy it in a pharmacy ? Was it the same than this one ? เกร็ก คู แคปซูล เกรกคู ของแท้ 6 แคปซูล GRACKCU ไม่เขียนหน้ากล่อง ว่าข้างในคืออะไร | Lazada.co.th
  24. Hello, I have just heard of Grakcu, the "Thai herbal viagra " It's told to be "natural ", but in fact there are Tadalafil and Tonafil inside no prescription needed : is it really herbal tonic , and how to compare with Sidegra, Kamara etc ? Thanks Grakcu Capsules - Herbal Tonic – Grakcu Shop
  25. Body burnt 70/80 % , it's very much ; this very pretty girl will never be the same, and she will have to spend much time in hospital and surgery ???? avoid to go to Bangkok hospital, too much expensive
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