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Harsh Jones

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Everything posted by Harsh Jones

  1. At 5-15 km/h, no counter steering or leaning is involved. You steer like you are driving a car. Or a lawn mower or anything. Whether he dies or spends 6 months and 80 grand at a hospital is besides the point. And opens a go fund me (like the last farang who couldn't steer through a curve) The main cause of the accident was not speed.
  2. The wobble is caused by fighting the lean by steering the wrong way They fenagle their way through most of the time. As they gain confidence they probably start taking the curves a bit faster and thats when it happens. That is why there's always accidents on longish rides too. Someone gains a bit of confidence putting their way around the city. And then they think they are finally skilled enough to ride from town A to town B. Through a bunch of speed curves.
  3. You have to understand the concept of counter steering at speeds in excess of 15-20 km/h. Especially on a bike like that. So yes. He could have probably died going40 or 50 km/h. The point is, the speed was not the primary cause.
  4. These accidents involving tourists almost always happen in curves. Why ? Because ppl don't actually know how to ride. They think they do but don't. They dont know how to counter steer. They literally steer the wrong way and the bike goes the opposite direction that they want to.
  5. It wasn't about the speed. Once again, another rider didnt know how to counter steer.
  6. I have always thought about that too. But how do we really know if it is any different for local SE Asian men? It has to be more favorable to them. But we don't know. Canada is insane indeed. I have pretty successful friends who are approaching 40 and still grinding it out in the dating scene
  7. I am not condoning what he did. But some women think cheating is just a laughing matter. Well guess what.. it isn't. Nor should it be. I know guys like this and they have explained to their women what would happen if they did stuff like this. Unfortunately I doubt they had this conversation. Maybe he thought it was self evident. And it probably was. She f'd around and found out.
  8. I don't believe that they do, no. The TCAS system does not function on the ground.
  9. Ok. Lets hear all the ridicule. And lets pretend that this doesn't happen a couple times a year somewhere in the world.
  10. He took the masculine route. Say what you want about him, he was no passive beta.
  11. All the experts will demand more and more legislation. We must have more legislation. Then nobody will ever fall sleep again
  12. There is probably some context missing to the story.
  13. It does kind of feel like there is something missing with the story. Maybe the guy was buying drugs or something
  14. More like a lazy shameless weirdo and ungracious guest that should be deported. My backpack days were from 2005 to 2013 and this was totally unheard of
  15. Same position as that farang sleaze bag a few months ago
  16. It looks like it is all up to the judge. This judge didn't seem to care at all and said even if he is put to death, it will be by injection. From Edmonton Journal: Dupre’s lawyers argued against extradition on the grounds he could be sentenced to death if convicted of Sandhu’s murder. But Kiss said judges in extradition hearings cannot concern themselves with the issue of potential punishment, saying extradition committal hearings are a “modest screening device.” “I note that if he is convicted, the only sentence is death by lethal injection,” Kiss said. “This is simply not a factor I’m permitted to consider at this stage of the extradition proceedings.”
  17. I sometimes assume that these are professional criminals that are supposed to know what they are doing. I thought maybe, just maybe these guys knew how to cover their tracks. But nope. This poor sod was arrested in Alberta and he's gonna throw away a big part of his life for it. For larping as a professional gangster
  18. Because you were probably in early on the ponzi. My wife knows a 70+ year old couple that own a 8 million dollar chicken farm. The wife still gets $2500 a month from the govt from her pension even though they make probably 5 or 600,000 a year and have no debt. But she got in early and all the new rules over the last 40 years are grandfathered for her.
  19. Ladies ? I guess what you dont know doesnt hurt you. Where is this ? there's not much bush near the pier
  20. He looks nothing like his former Tim sharky self. Probably on the roids
  21. It just shows that quarreling with strangers is best avoided. You never know who you are dealing with. A simple noise complaint in a hotel and it cost someone their life. It sounds like they ended up in a fight to the death. In August 2019, Bullman, then 53 years old, admitted to choking Bajaj with a restraint hold during a fight that started over Bullman making too much noise in his hotel room. However, he maintained that the killing was accidental.
  22. Umm it sounds like the Norway police are the ones letting him off.
  23. why is her face blurred out ? She looks decent. There is easier ways to make a quick buck if thats what she wants
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